
Wednesday, June 15, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on June 14, 2016

1. Ada ahli UMNO yang tidak senang dan marah kerana saya berada di satu pentas dengan Kit Siang, musuh ketat UMNO

2. Saya tidak akan ada bersama Kit Siang jika UMNO masih UMNO yang ditubuh pada 1946.

3. Dimasa saya jadi Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri teguran dan cabaran terhadap saya tidak ditegah oleh saya. Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh dicalon untuk bertanding jawatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden. Ramai Menteri dalam Kabinet saya, seperti Rais Yatim, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Syed Hamid, Kadir Sheikh Fadzir berkempen menyokong Razaleigh dan Musa. Saya tidak halang mereka, tidak lucut keahlian mereka.

4. Keputusan undian memberi kemenangan kecil kepada saya dan Ghafar. UMNO diheret ke mahkamah dan hakim hukum UMNO haram.

5. Saya terpaksa hidupkan semula UMNO. Walaupun Tengku Razaleigh menubuh Semangat 46 tetapi majoriti ahli UMNO menyertai UMNO Baru. Turut menyertai ialah Abdullah Badawi, Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, Syed Hamid dan kemudian Rais Yatim. Mereka kembali menjadi Menteri. Tidak ada siapa yang dibuang dari UMNO melainkan mereka sendiri memilih untuk menyertai Semangat 46.

6. Apabila Semangat 46 dibubar, ahli mereka diterima balik ke dalam UMNO.

7. UMNO kembali kuat walaupun yang tidak sokong saya dimasa pertandingan berada dalam UMNO.

8. Inilah cara UMNO. Pemimpin dan ahli bebas menegur dan mencabar pemimpin. Saya diserang hebat oleh penyokong Anwar semasa dia menjadi Timbalan Presiden dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

9. Penyingkirannya dibuat oleh Majlis Tertinggi dengan dia diberi hak mempertahankan diri. Keputusan dibuat oleh Majlis Tertinggi.

10. Dalam kes Musa Hitam yang telah letak jawatan sebagai Timbalan Presiden dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Majlis Tertinggi membuat keputusan untuk menghantar rombongan dibawah Wan Mokhtar ke London untuk memujuk Musa menarik balik perletakan jawatan-jawatannya. Saya tidak larang.

11. Dia bersetuju kembali sebagai Timbalan Presiden dan tidak sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Saya terpaksa lantik Ghafar Baba sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri, sementara Musa terus jadi Timbalan Presiden.

12. Lepas itu Musa pujuk musuhnya, Tengku Razaleigh untuk bertanding sebagai Presiden melawan saya. Musa sendiri bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden dibawah calon Presiden Tengku Razaleigh musuhnya.

13. Walaupun Musa melakukan semua ini saya lantiknya sebagai Wakil Istimewa Malaysia ke Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu. Saya beri kepadanya taraf Menteri.

14. Semua yang saya lakukan diasaskan kepada demokrasi. Tetapi hari ini Najib sebagai Presiden bukan sahaja tidak boleh dicabar, tetapi tidak boleh ditegur pun. Kalau sesiapa menegur dianya dilucut keahlian dalam parti. Ini disusuli dengan larangan bertemu ahli dan pemimpin UMNO. Ada pula keputusan menggantung jawatan. Tidak ada peluang diberi untuk pertahan diri.

15. Perwakilan ke Mesyuarat Agong UMNO tidak lagi bebas bersuara. Mereka ditaklimatkan supaya tidak sentuh 1MDB dan 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaun peribadi Najib.

16. Dalam keadaan begini bolehkah ahli UMNO beri sokongan kepada saya secara terbuka dan ramai jika saya tegur Najib? Beranikah ahli UMNO secara terbuka tandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat untuk menjatuhkan Najib?

17. Beberapa Ketua Cawangan yang mengkritik Najib telah diberi amaran, diganggu perniagaan, ditarik balik biasiswa isteri dan bermacam lagi tekanan.

18. Yang jelas ialah semua Menteri-Menteri, Ketua Bahagian UMNO, wakil-wakil rakyat UMNO membisu dalam merestui segala salah laku Najib. Biarlah hilang berbillion Ringgit, negara dikenali di dunia sebagai antara sepuluh negara yang tertinggi rasuahnya, rakyat Malaysia apabila berada di luar negara dimalukan dan dihina dan Najib sendiri takut bertemu dengan pemberita asing, namun ahli UMNO akan sokong Najib.

19. Akhbar dunia melapor secara terperinci dan terbuka berkenaan bagaimana Najib menyalahguna kuasa, memasukkan dalam tahanan pemimpin UMNO yang membuat laporan polis, mendakwanya di bawah undang-undang pengganas, menangkap peguamnya, tetapi pemimpin dan ahli UMNO tidak berasa malu dan terus sokong Najib.

20. Dan sekarang undang-undang dikuatkuasakan yang memberi kuasa kepada Najib membelakangkan Yang diPertuan Agong, Kabinet, Dewan Rakyat, Dewan Negara untuk mengisytiharkan kawasan darurat dalam mana Najib sebagai Pengerusi National Security Council (Majlis Keselamatan Negara), boleh masukkan dalam tahanan siapa sahaja tanpa dibicara di mahkamah.

21. Semua pihak dalam dan luar negara mengecam undang-undang ini. Yang diPertuan Agong dan Raja-Raja tidak menandatangani undang-undang ini. Baginda dan Duli-Duli Raja-Raja mengarahkan supaya dikaji dan dihalusi peruntukan dalam undang-undang ini.

22. Najib tidak endah semua bantahan dan nasihat Raja-Raja. Dia kuatkuasakan sahaja undang-undang ini.

23. Yang boleh meminda atau menolak undang-undang ini ialah Dewan Rakyat. Ahli Dewan Rakyat dari UMNO dan BN tidak mungkin menolak rebutan kuasa oleh Najib.

24. Apakah mungkin teguran saya disokong oleh ahli UMNO secara meluas? Tentu tidak. Saya tidak sertai mana-mana parti sekarang. Saya bebas untuk berserta dengan apa sahaja gerakan. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia saya sertai gerakan rakyat untuk menumpaskan Najib. Jika terdapat dalam gerakan ini Lim Kit Siang, dia juga rakyat. Hanya dalam usaha dan niat untuk singkirkan Najib sahaja kita bersetuju.

25. Oleh kerana pimpinan UMNO sekarang tidak faham bahasa saya, saya jelaskan sekali lagi bahawa saya bertindak sebagai rakyat Malaysia untuk menyedarkan Najib bahawa rakyat tidak terimanya lagi.

26. Jika ada Kit Siang atau sesiapa bersama saya, itu adalah kerana mereka seperti saya juga rakyat Malaysia yang hendak menyatakan kepada Najib melalui PRK ini bahawa rakyat sudah tidak lagi dapat menerima Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri. Hanya secara kebetulan sahaja mereka menjadi ahli parti-parti politik atau NGO.

27. Tetapi yang tidak mahu faham tentu tidak akan faham juga.

English Version

1. There are UMNO members who are unhappy and angry that I shared the same stage with Kit Siang, UMNO’s bitter rival.

2. I will not be with Kit Siang if UMNO is still the UMNO that was founded in 1946.

3. When I became the President of UMNO and the Prime Minister criticism and challenges towards me was not prohibited by me. Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh were nominated to contest for posts of President and Vice President. Many ministers in my cabinet, like Rais Yatim, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Syed Hamid, Kadir Sheikh Fadzir campaigned support for Razaleigh and Musa. I did not prohibit them, nor did I terminate their membership.

4. The result of the poll gave a small victory to me and Ghafar. UMNO was taken to court and the judge declared UMNO illegal.

5. I had to reconvene UMNO. Although Tengku Razaleigh formed Semangat 46, the majority of UMNO members joined the new Umno, UMNO Baru. Joining UMNO Baru were Abdullah Badawi, Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, Syed Hamid and then Rais Yatim. They returned to be Ministers. Nobody was sacked from Umno but they are those who themselves chose to participate in Semangat 46.

6. When Semangat 46 was dissolved, their members were received back into UMNO.

7. UMNO returned to be strong although those who that did not support me during the party election remained in UMNO.

8. This was how UMNO was. Leaders and members were free to criticize and challenge the leaders. I was severely attacked by supporters of Anwar when he was Deputy President and Deputy Prime Minister.

9. His removal was made by the Supreme Council and he was given the right to defend himself. The decision was made by the Supreme Council.

10. In the case of Musa Hitam who had resigned as Deputy President and Deputy Prime Minister, the Supreme Council made the decision to send a delegation under Wan Mokhtar to London to persuade him to withdraw his resignation. I did not forbid.

11. He agreed to return as Deputy President but not as Deputy Prime Minister. I was forced to appoint Ghafar Baba as the Deputy Prime Minister, while he continued to be the Vice President.

12. Then Musa persuaded his adversary, Tengku Razaleigh, to run for post of President against me. Musa himself contested the Deputy President’s post under the Presidential candidacy of Tengku Razaleigh, his enemy.

13. Even though Musa did all these I appointed him as Special Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations. I gave him the status of Minister.

14. Everything I did was based on democracy. But today Najib as president not only cannot be challenged, but also cannot even be criticized. If anyone reprimands he is deprived of membership in the party. This is followed by a ban in meeting UMNO members and leaders. There is also the decision to suspend him from the post. There is no opportunity given to defend himself.

15. UMNO delegates to the General Meeting are no longer given the liberty of free speech. They were briefed not to touch on the question of 1MDB and the 2.6 billion ringgit in Najib’s personal account.

16. Under these circumstances can Umno members give their support to me openly and publicly if I chided Najib? Are UMNO members daring enough to openly sign the Declaration of the People to topple Najib?

17. Some branch leaders who criticized Najib had been warned, their businesses interrupted, wives’ scholarships withdrawn and many other pressures.

18. What is clear is that all Ministers, Heads of Umno, Umno elected representatives, remained silent and endorsed all the wrongdoings of Najib. Let billions of ringgit be lost, let the country be known worldwide as one of the ten top most corrupted countries, let Malaysians when abroad be humiliated and insulted and Najib himself be afraid of meeting foreign reporters, but UMNO members will continue to support Najib.

19. World press report in detail and openly about how Najib abused power, put under detention UMNO leader who lodged police reports, prosecute him under the law of terrorism, detain his lawyer, but the leaders and members of UMNO do not feel ashamed and continue to support Najib.

20. And now there is a law in force which empowers Najib, sidestepping the King, the Cabinet, the Parliament, the Senate, to declare a state of emergency in any area where Najib as Chairman of the National Security Council can enter and put anyone under detention without trial in court.

21. All parties in and outside the country are denouncing this law. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Rulers did not sign this law. His Majesty and The Rulers ordered the provisions in this law to be reviewed and refined.

22. Najib ignored all the objections and advice of the Rulers. He will only enforce this law.

23. Parliament can amend or reject this legislation. It is highly unlikely Members of Parliament from UMNO and BN will frustrate seizure of power by Najib.

24. Is it possible that my criticism be widely supported by members of UMNO? Of course not. I am not involved in any party now. I am free to participate in whatever movement. As a Malaysian I joined the people’s movement to topple Najib. If there is in this movement Lim Kit Siang, bear in mind he is also a citizen. It is only in this effort and intention to get rid of Najib that we agree.

25. If UMNO leaders still do not understand my language, let me explain once again that I act as a citizen of Malaysia to make Najib realize that the people do not accept him anymore.

26. If there is Kit Siang or anybody else with me, this is because they too are, like me, Malaysians who want to express to Najib through this election that people are no longer able to accept Najib as Prime Minister. Only by coincidence alone that they are members of political parties or NGOs.

27. But certainly those who do not want to understand will not understand as well.