
Friday, May 13, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on May 13, 2016

1. Sesungguhnya apa yang sedang berlaku di negara bertuah ini tidak pernah diduga, dimimpi atau diramal oleh sesiapa, samada rakyat negara ini atau orang asing.

2. Semasa kita berjuang untuk kemerdekaan semua pemimpin dan rakyat percaya bahawa pemimpin yang dipilih oleh mereka tetap akan bersikap dan bertindak sebagai nasionalis yang berkhidmat, bahkan berkorban untuk negara, untuk rakyat dan kesejahteraan mereka. Inilah sebabnya yang mereka terima tanpa soal sistem demokrasi, sistem yang memberi hak kepada rakyat untuk memilih Kerajaan mereka.

3. Dan seperti yang mereka jangka, pemimpin demi pemimpin pilihan mereka tidak mengecewakan mereka. Negara dibangun dengan baiknya dan rakyat menikmati kehidupan yang lebih baik dan lebih makmur dari dahulu.

4. Perdana Menteri-Perdana Menteri tidak menimbul banyak masalah. Apabila masa datang untuk mereka undur mereka pun pergi. Rusuhan untuk menjatuhkan Perdana Menteri tidak pernah berlaku.

5. Tun Abdullah juga berundur apabila prestasinya dalam PRU 12 tidak begitu baik. Dia undur kerana sudah jelas rakyat tidak lagi sokongnya. Najib juga mendesak supaya dia undur dan Najib menggantinya.

6. Rakyat lega. Inilah Malaysia. Peralihan kuasa diperingkat tertinggi berlaku dengan licin dan tertib. Rakyat menunggu akan nikmat yang mereka akan dapat daripada pemimpin baru. Mereka percaya yang baru tetap lebih baik dari yang lama. Jika tidak lebih baik pun tentu sekurang-kurangnya sama dengan ayahnya, Tun Razak.

7. Tetapi impian rakyat tidak menjadi kenyataan. Awal-awal lagi diperhatikan cara hidup yang luar biasa mewahnya berbanding dengan PM yang terdahulu. Ini dilihat terutamanya semasa perkahwinan anaknya. Tumpuan tidak diberi kepada pembangunan negara, kepada pengwujudan peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan. Sebaliknya dicipta BRIM, pemberian RM 500/- kepada rakyat yang dikatakan miskin.

8. Rakyat kecewa. Jauh dari menyokong. Prestasi Najib dalam PRU 13 menurun berbanding dengan PM yang dia ganti. Namun pemimpin diperingkat bahagian dan wakil rakyat UMNO khususnya ternampak tidak faham tentang kekurangan sokongan rakyat kepada Najib.

9. Kemudian datang 1MDB. Dengan modal satu million Ringgit, syarikat yang ditubuh dan dipimpin oleh Najib meminjam empat-puluh-dua ribu kali ganda lebih daripada modal. Maka bermulalah cerita-cerita tentang berbagai-bagai salah laku oleh 1MDB ini. Berbillion Ringgit dilabur tanpa kajiselidik yang mendalam, dipindah kesana kesini, meresap dan hilang. Soalan tidak dijawab. Faedah hutang tidak dibayar. Auditor di buang, diganti dan dibuang lagi.

10. Terdengar cerita Jho Low yang tidak memegang apa-apa jawatan tetapi berkuasa. Jika Ahli Lembaga Pengarah menyoal, Jho Low menalipon Dato Sri Najib dan menyuruh Pengarah bertanya sendiri. Pengarah tidak bertanya. Terima sahaja arahan Jho Low. Yang tak senang hati menarik diri dari Lembaga.

11. Cerita berkenaan Rosmah juga menimbulkan kemarahan Rakyat. Tersebarnya cerita berkenaan pembelian beg tangan sahaja menelan berjuta Ringgit dan juga kononnya banyak perniagaan memberi saham percuma kepada Rosmah melalui proksi beliau.

12. Segala urusan 1MDB tertutup, tidak dilapor oleh akhbar kerana tidak dibenar, atau takut atau diberi amaran. Mesyuarat Agung UMNO tidak dibenar bercakap berkenaan 1MDB.

13. Kemudian di dalam akhbar luar negera, Wall Street Journal, terdapat laporan bahawa akaun persendirian Dato Sri Najib memiliki Dolar Amerika sebanyak 681 juta, bersamaan 2.6 billion Ringgit Malaysia. Seluruh rakyat terkejut. Mereka bertanya apakah benar PM Malaysia memiliki wang sebanyak itu. Ini tidak mungkin. Ini akhbar asing yang suka memburukkan Malaysia.

14. Najib nafi. Katanya tak akan dia begitu bodoh memasuk wang sebanyak itu dalam akaun peribadinya. Katanya cerita ini tidak berasas. Dia tidak memiliki wang sebegitu banyak.

15. Tetapi akhirnya Dato Sri Najib mengaku wang sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit itu ada dalam akaun peribadinya. Kononnya derma dari Putera Arab Saudi. Kemudian didakwa dari Raja Arab Saudi yang sudah mangkat.

16. Tetapi pengesahan dengan dokumen yang boleh dipercayai tidak ada. Hanya pengakuan Najib. Pegram Negara disingkir dan yang baru dilantik yang mendakwa Najib tidak menyalahguna wang dalam akaunnya. Kononnya wang ini telah diberi balik kepada penderma. Sekali lagi tidak ada dokumen yang mengesah kenyataan ini. Hanya pengakuan ole Peguam Negara.

17. Kalau tidak bersalah kenapa tidak dibuat saman malu terhadap Wall Street Journal dan Sarawak Report yang membuat laporan berkenaan 2.6 billion Ringgit yang berada dalam akaun Najib. Saman malu boleh dibuat di Britain atau Amerika jika yang didakwa enggan dibicara di Malaysia. Tetapi Najib tidak membuat saman malu, selain daripada bertanya kenapa laporan itu dibuat. Ini bermakna laporan Wall Street Journal dan Sarawak Report adalah benar dan berasas.

18. Sekarang dunia tahu dan percaya Najib sudah selewengkan banyak daripada modal 1MDB. Dan dunia ketawa sinis terhadap Malaysia yang sudah jadi negara rasuah yang terbesar di dunia. Dan Najib didakwa adalah Menteri Kewangan yang terburuk di Asia.

19. Ketua-Ketua Bahagian UMNO dan Ahli Dewan Rakyat UMNO takkanlah pekak dan buta sehingga tidak sedar berkenaan salahlaku Najib. Tetapi mereka terus sokong Najib dan mempertahankannya. Tidak berasa malukah mereka mengetahui PM mereka sebegini buruk, dihina secara terbuka oleh dunia tanpa disangkal oleh Najib.

20. Tetapi nampaknya mereka tidak tahu malu dan lebih utamakan kepentingan diri daripada kepentingan dan maruah negara.

21. Rata-rata rakyat berhimpun dan mendesak untuk Najib disingkir daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri. Ahli-ahli dan pemimpin UMNO tahu parti mereka akan kalah jika Najib terus memimpin BN dan UMNO dalam PRU 14. Hanya yang bisu dan pekak sahaja yang tidak ambil kesah akan kehancuran UMNO yang tetap berlaku.

22. UMNO adalah parti yang mengalahkan Malayan Union dan memerdekakan negara. UMNO juga berjaya membangunkan negara.

23. UMNO juga yang memberi kepada negara Perdana Menteri, Perdana Menteri yang memajukan negara sehingga ketahap yang tinggi.

24. Tetapi hari ini kerana UMNO mempertahankan Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri walaupun jelas dia terlibat dengan skandal yang amat buruk, dan menjadikan UMNO parti yang terburuk di Malaysia, pemimpin-pemimpin bahagian dan Ahli Dewan Rakyat UMNO masih bersekongkol dengan Najib untuk musnahkan UMNO. Anak cucu mereka akan kutuk mereka kerana ini.

25. Wahai pemimpin UMNO, ingatlah akan masa depan kamu. Pengkhianatan kamu akan dibalas dengan cara yang setimpal di dunia dan di akhirat.

English Version

1. Indeed, what is happening to this blessed country has never been anticipated, dreamed or predicted by anyone, whether its citizen or foreigners.

2. When we fought for independence all leaders and people believed that leaders chosen by them will behave and act as nationalists who served, even sacrificed for the sake of country, for the people and for their prosperity. This is why they accepted without question the democratic system, a system that gives citizens the right to choose their government.

3. And as they anticipated, their choice of leaders after leaders did not disappoint them. The nation was properly developed and people enjoy a better life and are more prosperous than before.

4. Prime Ministers did not posed any problems. When the time came for them back down, off they go. Civil unrest to topple the Prime Minister has never happened.

5. Tun Abdullah also stepped down when his performance in the 12th General Election was not so good. He withdrew when it was clear that he no longer had people’s support. Najib also urged him to step down, and Najib replaced him.

6. People felt relieved. This is Malaysia. The transition of leadership at the highest level of power occurred smoothly and orderly. People waited for favours that they will get from the new leadership. They believed that the new is better than the old. If not better then certainly at least equal to his father, Tun Razak.

7. But people aspirations did not come true. Very early it can be observed his remarkable life of luxury compared to the previous Prime Ministers. This is seen especially during the wedding of his child. The focus is not given to the country’s development, to the creation of jobs and business opportunities. On the other hand BRIM was created, giving RM500 to people who are said to be poor.

8. People are disappointed. Far from supporting. Najib’s performance in the 13th General Election declined compared to the Prime Minister that he replaced. But the leaders at the divisional level and especially UMNO’s elected representatives did not seem to understand the lack of public support for Najib.

9. Then came 1MDB. With a capital of one million ringgit the company, founded and headed by Najib, borrowed forty-two thousand times more than capital. Thus started the stories about misconduct by 1MDB. Billions of ringgit were invested without in-depth studies, transferred here and there, disappeared and lost. Questions remained unanswered. Interests obligations are not met. Auditors are dismissed, replaced and dismissed again.

10. Then there is the story of Jho Low who does not hold any position but was full of authority.. If Members of the Board question, Jho Low would telephone Dato Sri Najib and tell the director asked Najib himself. Directors do not ask. Just follow instructions from Jho Low. Those who are not happy withdrew from the Board.

11. Stories about Rosmah also angered the people. Stories spread regarding the purchase of handbags alone costing millions of Ringgit, and also supposedly of many businesses giving free shares to Rosmah through her proxy.

12. All matters regarding 1MDB are sealed, not reported by the press because they are not allowed to, or out of fear or were warned. 1MDB matters were also not allowed to be brought up during UMNO General Meeting.

13. Later in the foreign press, Wall Street Journal, there were reports that Dato Sri Najib has in his personal bank account USD681, equivalent to RM2.6 billion. Everyone was surprised. They asked whether it was true that the Prime Minister of Malaysia have that much money. This is not possible. This is just news from the foreign press who like to criticize Malaysia.

14. Najib denied. He said he would never be so stupid as to deposit that amount of money into his personal account. He said the story is unfounded. He did not have so much money.

15. But in the end Dato Sri Najib admitted that there is a sum of RM2.6 billion in his personal account. Supposedly, a donation from a Prince of Saudi Arabia. Then changed, that it was from the King of Saudi Arabia who had died.

16. But its confirmation by means of a reliable document does not exist. Just a declaration by Najib. The Attorney General was dismissed and the new one appointed claimed that Najib had not misused funds in his account. Apparently this money has been given back to the donor. Once again there are no documents to support this contention. Only a statement by the Attorney General

17. If not guilty, why not file a defamation suit against the Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report that made the reports on the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s account. The suits can be filed in Britain or the United States if the accused refuses to be tried in Malaysia. But Najib did not file the suit, other than just asking why the reports were made. This means that reports by the Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report are true and with basis.

18. Now the world knows and believe that Najib has misappropriated a lot of 1MDB’s capital. And the world laughs sarcastically at Malaysia which have become the most corrupt country in the world. And Najib is allegedly the worst Finance Minister in Asia.

19. Heads of UMNO’s divisions and UMNO Members of the House of Representatives could not be so deaf and blind as to not know about Najib’s misconduct. But they continue to support Najib and defend him. Do not they feel any shame knowing their Prime Minister is this rotten, openly humiliated by the world without being rebutted by Najib.

20. But it seems they do not feel ashamed and are more concerned with self-interest rather than the interests and dignity of the country.

21. Everywhere people gather and demanded that Najib be removed from the post of Prime Minister. Members and UMNO leaders do not know that their party will lose if Najib continues to lead the BN and Umno in the 14th General Election. Only the dumb and deaf will not be bothered with the demise of Umno which will surely happened.

22. Umno is a party that defeated the Malayan Union and liberate the country. UMNO also succeeded in developing the country.

23. UMNO also gave to the country Prime Ministers, Prime Ministers that developed the country to a high level.

24. But today because UMNO defends Najib as Prime Minister although it is clear he was involved in a deplorable scandal, and makes UMNO the worst party in Malaysia, still division leaders and UMNO Members of Parliament conspire with Najib to destroy UMNO. Their children and grandchildren will curse them for this.

25. O UMNO leaders, please remember the future. Your betrayal will be justly commensurated in the world and in the hereafter.