
Thursday, April 7, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 06, 2016

1. Dalam negara demokratik memang cara yang terbaik untuk menukar Kerajaan atau Perdana Menteri ialah dengan undi tidak percaya dalam dewan.

2. Di Malaysia perlembagaan memperuntukkan penyingkiran PM boleh dibuat jika ada bukti ia tidak mendapat sokongan dari majoriti ahli Dewan Rakyat dengan apa-apa cara yang jelas walaupun tidak ada usul dalam Dewan. Ini bermakna jika majoriti ahli Dewan (Kerajaan dan Pembangkang) mengemuka pengakuan secara tertulis, ditandatangani dan bersaksi, bahawa mereka tidak lagi percaya kepada Najib, maka Yang diPertuan Agong boleh bertindak menyingkir Najib. Ianya sama seperti yang Najib lakukan di Perak pada 2009 dan di Kedah baru-baru ini.

3. Tetapi, seperti kita semua maklum wakil rakyat BN yang menjadi majoriti dalam dewan sudah mengikat diri dengan Najib untuk tidak menandatangani sebarang deklarasi yang tidak menyokong Najib. Pengakuan oleh Shahrir Samad dan Ahmad Maslan serta kenyataan oleh Dato Nazir, adik Najib, bahawa dia telah diberi wang sebanyak US$ 7 juta untuk diagih kepada pemimpin BN, mengesahkan penerimaan sogokan oleh Najib.

4. Oleh itu untuk menjayakan usul tidak percaya kepada Najib tidak mungkin dilakukan. Percubaan telah dibuat untuk mengenalpasti 24 wakil rakyat BN yang tidak utamakan diri sendiri, yang berasa bertanggungjawab, yang prihatin terhadap negara yang sanggup menyokong undi tidak percaya kepada Najib walaupun bersama ahli-ahli dewan dari pembangkang. Percubaan ini gagal kerana walaupun mereka sedar akan kesalahan Najib, tetapi kerana kepentingan diri, kerana takut tindakan seperti yang dilakukan kepada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, takut juga kepada lain-lain tindakan oleh Najib, tidak ada yang sanggup menandatangani pengakuan menyingkir Najib. Oleh itu undi tidak percaya tidak boleh dibuat.

5. Membuat deklarasi mendesak Najib disingkir tidak ada dalam perlembagaan dan mungkin tidak berkesan. Najib tidak akan undur. Tetapi Raja-Raja Melayu akan termaklum berkenaan rintihan rakyat.

6. Semasa melawan Malayan Union, setelah Raja-Raja dipaksa oleh British menandatangani perjanjian menyerah negeri-negeri Melayu kepada mereka, rakyat bangun dan mendesak Raja-Raja supaya tidak menghadiri dan mengiktiraf pelantikan Gabenor bagi Malayan Union. Raja-Raja pun tidak hadir. British terpaksa batal rancangan Malayan Union mereka dan menubuh Federation of Malaya pada 1948.

7. Dari peristiwa ini kita boleh buat kesimpulan bahawa suara rakyat ada hikmat-nya.

8. Itulah sebab deklarasi rakyat penting.

Eng Version

1. In a democratic country, the best way to change the government or the Prime Minister is no doubt a vote of no confidence in Parliament.

2. In Malaysia, the constitution provides for the removal of PM if there is clear evidence to show that he does not have the support of a majority of Members of Parliament even though there is no motion passed. This means that if a majority of the Members of Parliament (government and opposition) present in writing, signed and witnessed, that they no longer believe in Najib, then the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act to dismiss Najib. It is the same as what Najib did in Perak in 2009 and in Kedah recently.

3. But, as we all know, BN elected representatives who make up the majority in Parliament had already tied themselves up with Najib not to sign any declaration that does not support Najib. Confessions by Shahrir Samad and Ahmad Maslan and the statement by Dato’ Nazir, Najib’s brother, that he had been given money to the tune of US$7.0 million to be distributed to the BN leaders, confirmed their acceptance of bribes given by Najib.

4. As a result, passing a motion of no confidence on Najib may not happened. Attempts had been made to identify 24 BN elected representatives who have no self interests, who feel responsible, sensitive towards the nation, and willing to support the vote of no confidence against Najib, even though working with Members of Parliament from the Opposition. These attempts failed because although they are aware of the wrong doings of Najib, but because of self-interest, fear of actions taken against them similar to actions taken against Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, fear of other actions by Najib, no one is willing to sign a declaration to oust Najib. Therefore a no-confidence vote cannot be made.

5. Making a declaration urging Najib to quit does not exist in the Constitution and may not be effective. Najib will not back down. But the Rulers will be made aware of the plights of the people..

6. During the fight against the Malayan Union, after the Rulers were forced by the British signed a treaty giving up the Malay states to them, the people rose and urged the Rulers not to attend and recognize the appointment of the Governor for the Malayan Union. Rulers were not present. The British had to cancel their Malayan Union plan and establish the Federation of Malaya in 1948.

7. From this event we can deduce that the voice of the people has its wisdom.

8. That is why the People’s Declaration is important.