
Wednesday, April 27, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 27, 2016

1. Akhirnya penipuan yang dilapor oleh media cetak dan elektronik di seluruh dunia diakui benar oleh Presiden dan Pengarah Eksekutif 1MDB, Arul Kanda Kandasamy.

2. Arul mengaku akan kegagalan 1MDB membayar US 1 billion (RM 3.9 billion) kepada IPIC (International Petroleum Investment Company – Abu Dhabi), syarikat yang menjamin hutang 1MDB.

3. Mengikut IPIC syarikat bernama Aabar PJS Ltd (British Virgin Islands) yang menerima bayaran dari 1MDB bukanlah miliknya walaupun IPIC mempunyai sebuah syarikat dengan nama yang hampir sama, iaitu Aabar PJS Ltd.

4. Jika 1MDB membayar USD 1 billion kepada syarikat palsu, ada kemungkinan syarikat berkenaan ditubuh dengan pengetahuan 1MDB sendiri dan duit itu akhirnya dimasuk dalam akaun persendirian. Sangkaan seperti ini memang dibuat oleh ramai orang, dan kenyataan Arul bahawa ada penipuan besar berlaku dalam 1MDB hanya mengesahkan sangkaan.

5. Arul akan cuba membetulkan yang salah tetapi benang basah sukar ditegak selepas pengakuan olehnya. Adalah lebih baik Arul cerita semua, berkenaan juruaudit dibuang, 1 billion US dilabur dalam JV 1MDB/Petro Saudi, tanpa kelulusan pengarahnya, tanpa pemeriksaan due diligence, dan kemudian dibubar tetapi modal tidak dikembali kepada 1MDB, sebaliknya diberi pinjam kepada Petro Saudi, duit yang pergi ke Cayman Islands yang tidak balik ke Malaysia tetapi ke Singapura yang menjelma jadi unit, yang dilihat oleh Arul tetapi tidak dilihat olehnya, peranan bank BIS dan lain-lain milik Jho Low perjalanan wang 1MDB ke Hong Kong, Switzerland, London, Amerika, British Virgin Islands, Seychelles, Abu Dhabi, penyalahgunaan duit KWAP, duit SRC mengalir ke dalam akaun Najib, konsesi minyak di Argentina dan Turkmenistan yang menjadi aset dan kemudian tidak menjadi aset dan beribu lagi cerita yang melibatkan wang 1MDB, dijelas, dinafi, diakui dan hilang tidak disebut lagi.

6. Sesungguhnya negara Malaysia tidak pernah melihat skandal yang sebegitu besar seperti skandal 1MDB. Rakyat yang sukar memahami berapa besarkah satu juta, sekarang mencuba menggambar banyak manakah satu billion, dan empat puluh dua billion. Bagaimanakah wang berbillion boleh kesana kesini sehingga akhirnya berada dalam akaun peribadi Najib. Rakyat menjadi bingung dengan cerita-cerita wang begitu banyak yang merata ke semua pelusuk dunia.

7. Dicerita pula pembiayaan pengeluaran filem lucah dengan ratusan juta Ringgit yang dibuat oleh anak tiri Najib, Waah! Banyaknya duit. Dari mana datangnya. Mudah. Duit Keluarga. Rupa-rupanya multi-milionaire Melayu sudah lama ada.

8. Dan banyak lagi pengakuan yang boleh dibuat oleh Arul, oleh pengerusi jawatankuasa penasihat, Peguam Negara dan Ketua Polis Negara dan jangan lupa Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi yang begitu berani bertindak sendiri meminjam dan melabur berbillion Ringgit dan USD bagi pihak 1MDB tanpa kebenaran, tanpa kelulusan badan pengarah dan orang atasan. Waah! Confident sungguh Shahrol. Apakah dianya juga yang terlibat dengan bayaran kepada Aabar PJS Ltd (Virgin Islands).

9. Satu filem drama boleh dibuat berkenaan 1MDB dan tokoh-tokoh serta lokasi diseluruh dunia yang terlibat. Red Granite boleh labur dan beberapa tokoh terkenal boleh jadi pelakon. Mungkin akan menang Oscar.

10. Demikianlah cerita 1MDB yang berjaya memperkenalkan Malaysia ke seluruh dunia. Akan lebih ramailah pelancong yang akan datang ke negara 1MDB.

11. Memang hebat Malaysia dizaman Najib!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 25, 2016

1. Saya adalah antara empat puluh lima orang yang terawal menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat mendesak supaya Dato Sri Najib diberhentikan dari menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

2. Saya menandatangani deklarasi ini kerana semua jalan yang sah untuk menamatkan jawatan Dato Sri Najib sudah ditutup rapat olehnya.

3. Yang pertama UMNO sudah tidak lagi diurus sebagai sebuah parti demokratik yang memberi hak kepada ahli dan pemimpin untuk memilih pemimpin. Dahulu Presiden parti boleh ditegur, dicabar dan ditandingi. Ahli bebas mengundi mana-mana calon yang mereka suka. Sekarang hak ini sudah ditamatkan oleh Najib. Sesiapa yang menegurnya dilucutkan jawatan dan ditamatkan keahlian. Dan bermacam tekanan lain dikenakan.

4. Yang jelas ialah tidak ada lagi harapan atau peluang bagi UMNO menukar pemimpin dan menamatkan salahlaku Najib.

5. Rakyat juga kehilangan hak melapor kepada polis berkenaan salahlaku Najib. Mereka akan disoal, ditangkap, dimasuk dalam tahanan dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah. Peguam mereka juga akan ditangkap.

6. Akhbar dan TV tidak boleh melaporkan berkenaan salahlaku Najib. Rakyat disogok dengan berita palsu menafikan semua dakwaan salahguna kuasa olehnya, berkenaan skandal 1MDB dan 2.6 billion Ringgit yang ada dalam akaun peribadinya, kehilangan berbillion Ringgit duit Kerajaan, kemerosotan kewangan Kerajaan sehingga tidak dapat membekal Kementerian-Kementerian dengan peruntukan mengikut bajet, pemberian wang kepada pemimpin tertentu semasa PRU 13, peranan Jho Low, syarikat dan banknya melesapkan berbillion Ringgit duit 1MDB, cara hidup mewah keluarga Najib yang tidak dapat dibiayai oleh seorang Perdana Menteri dan bermacam lagi.

7. Wakil Rakyat UMNO membisu dan meluluskan apa sahaja akta yang dikemukakan kepada mereka. Undi tidak percaya tidak boleh diadakan kerana wakil rakyat UMNO tidak berani dan tidak akan sokong, walaupun mereka ketahui skandal disekelilingnya.

8. Kemungkinan UMNO memperbaiki keadaan atau menyingkir Najib sudah tidak ada lagi. Ahli UMNO sendiri tidak langsung ternampak mengambil berat akan masalah negara. Kebencian mereka kepada tokoh tertentu mengatasi kesayangan dan kesetiaan mereka kepada negara.

9. Oleh itu hanya rakyat yang cinta dan sayang negara sahaja yang boleh bertindak. Memang tidak ada peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan bagi rakyat bertindak. Tetapi dari sejarah perjuangan melawan Malayan Union, tuntutan rakyat supaya Raja-Raja Melayu menolak Malayan Union berjaya. Kita boleh percaya kali ini juga tuntutan rakyat akan mendapat layanan yang sama.

10. Oleh itu saya rayu kepada rakyat tanpa mengira kaum atau parti supaya menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat untuk menyelamatkan negara kita Malaysia. Lebih ramai sokongan kepada Deklarasi Rakyat lebih besarlah kemungkinan matlamat menamatkan kedudukan Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri dicapai.

English Version

1. I was among the earliest forty five people who signed the Declaration of the People urging Dato’ Seri Najib be dismissed from being the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

2. I signed this Declaration as all legitimate means to end his post has been tightly closed by Dato’ Seri Najib.

3. First and foremost, Umno is no longer managed as a democratic party which gives rights to its members and leaders to choose their leaders. Formerly, the president can be criticized, challenged and contested. Members are free to vote any candidate they like. Now these rights have been terminated by Najib. Anyone who criticizes him are stripped of his position and his membership terminated. And various other pressures are applied.

4. What is manifest is that there is no longer any hope or opportunities for UMNO to change its leaders and put an end to Najib’s misconduct.

5. People have also lose their right to report to the police on Najib’s wrongdoings. They will be questioned, arrested, kept in custody and brought to court. Their lawyers will also be arrested.

6. Press and TV cannot report Najib’s wrongdoings. People are fed with false news which deny all allegations on abuses of power by him, the 1MDB scandal and 2.6 billion ringgit in his personal account, the lost of billions of ringgit belonging to the Government, the deterioration of the Government’s financial standing and therefore its ability to provide ministries with their budgeted allocations, giving money to the particular leaders during the 13th general election, the role of Jho Low, his bank and company in dissipating billions of ringgit belonging to 1MDB, Najib’s family luxurious lifestyle that is not commensurate with a prime minister’s income, and many more.

7. UMNO’s Members of Parliament are silent and approve all Acts submitted to them. Vote of no confidence cannot be held because UMNO Members of Parliament dare not and will not support, although they know the scandals surrounding him.

8. The possibility of UMNO improving the situation or removing Najib is not there anymore. UMNO members themselves are not directly concerned with the problems facing the country. Their hatred towards certain personalities override their love and loyalty to the nation.

9. Therefore only people who have love and affection for the country that can act. Indeed, there is no provision in the Constitution for the people to act. But from the history of the struggle against the Malayan Union, the demands of the people to the Rulers to refuse the Malayan Union succeeded. We can believe this time again the demands of the people will be accorded the same treatment.

10. Therefore, I appeal to people regardless of race or party to sign the Declaration of the People to save our country Malaysia. The more the support for the Declaration, the greater the chances of achieving the objective of disposing Najib as Prime Minister.

Monday, April 18, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 18, 2016

1. What did the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel al-Jubeir actually say? The video recording of him answering the question posed by a Malaysian reporter is available to the whole world. Below is the transcription of the recording:

“Your Excellency” said the reporter, “are you aware of the background and details about the issue on the donation to the Prime Minister of Malaysia?”

2. In case Najib’s supporters failed to note, the question is whether Mr al-Jubeir is aware of the background and details about the donation. Accordingly the Saudi Foreign Minister replied, “We are aware of the donation and it is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return.”

3. And he “is aware that the Attorney General of Malaysia had thoroughly investigated the matter and found no wrongdoing (and in) so (as far as he is concerned) the matter is closed.”

4. Being aware of the statements of the A.G. does not mean he agreed with the statement.

5. In Malaysia and also in many countries of the world lots of people are aware of the A.G.’s statements. If you ask them if they are aware, they would say, yes they are aware. If they are asked whether they believe in the A.G.’s many statements, that the 2.6 billion Ringgit is a donation which the PM can do what he likes with it and Najib had done no wrong, their answer would be “No, they don’t believe.”

6. In the video, at no time did the Saudi F.M. retract his earlier statement or declare that the USD 681 million was a donation. Nor did he say he has now found new evidence that it was a donation. All he said was that he is aware when asked whether he was aware. He did not apologise or negate his previous statement made two months earlier to the New York Times. It is the Malaysian media which interpreted his awareness as a negation of his previous statement.

7. Being aware does not confirm anything. One example is the latest Singapore Straits Times report titled: “KL-Abu Dhabi stand-off may hit markets” in which one particular paragraph read: “IPIC said it was aware of media reports that 1MDB had sent money to a company called Aabar Investment PJS in the British Virgin Islands, but that the company was not in its corporate stable.”
In other words, IPIC being aware of media reports does not make Aabar Investment PJS BVI one of its company.

8. DPM Zahid told me to move on over the donation issue. I think Zahid needs to move on more than I do. But unfortunately he has nowhere to go. When his name was mistakenly mentioned as a possible successor to Najib, there was an uproar as the free citizens of Malaysia voiced their rejection.

Friday, April 15, 2016

MONEY TRAIL – The Route of “Cash the King”

As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 14, 2016

1. Money, large sums of money cannot be moved without leaving a trail.

2. And so it is with the RM 2.6 billion (or USD 681 million) which the Wall Street Journal reported was in Dato Seri Najib’s secret private personal account in Ambank.

3. The first reaction of Najib was to deny but later he admitted to having this money in his secret personal account. People suspect it was from 1MDB. That would be stealing. Najib needed to make some explanation. He claimed it was a gift. People simply laughed. Then it was a donation by some Arab who wanted him to win the 2013 Elections. The Arab it seems thought he was such a good Muslim leader that he must continue to be Malaysia’s PM.

4. To verify this the newly appointed DPM stated that he has seen the Arab.

5. But who is this Arab he saw? No name. Anonymous. USD$681 million cash is not something just anyone can have or people give away easily. The donor must be extremely rich. Rich people can be rich through inheritance or through business.

6. Where did he get so much money? Business?? Nothing is known about this very successful businessman, not even in the O&G world. Who is his banker? There must be a banker or banks. You cannot keep USD681 million under your pillow. In fact even banks do not have such big amounts of cash in their strong-rooms.

7. The money would be in the form of entries in the books of the banks. Paying out would be by cheques or electronic transfer. No one has been given sight of entries in bank book, nor any cheque stubs or cheques presented to the bank.

8. Did Ambank receive cash amounting to USD681 million or Ringgit 2.6 billion? Or is it a cheque or electronic transfer. Whatever, it must be entered in the books of the bank. The bank must submit this account for internal and external audit. As the sum is huge, a report needs to be made to the Central Bank for approval. This is to ensure the money is from legitimate source and is not being laundered.

9. Today we are worried about money-laundering. If you deposit or you take out any sum more than RM50,000 you must get the approval of Bank Negara. For RM2.6 billion deposited in a Malaysian bank lots of questions have to be asked by Bank Negara about the origin, ownership and transfer of money. Bank Negara subsequently lodged a report to the Attorney General. We don’t know the contents of the report. But the A.G. dismissed the report. Najib is not guilty of any wrong-doing said the A.G. Just A.G.’s words. No documentary proof. Malaysians just don’t believe the A.G. anymore.

10. Then there is the income tax to be paid by the owner of the money. If no tax has to be paid, the Board of Inland Revenue must give a statement that the money was not taxable. No confirmation from LHDN.

11. In the meantime the donor has increased from one Arab to two. Then it is said to be from a Saudi prince. And finally it is claimed that the late Saudi King donated the money.

12. Now a Saudi Minister denies there is any record that the 681 million USD was a gift. He claims that it was an investment. He did not think the sum was so big.

13. The A.G. then claims that 620 million USD was returned to the Saudis in 2013. Exactly when? What proof. Previously the money was said to have been moved from Ambank to Singapore banks and the Singapore Government had frozen it. So how did Najib return the money if it is frozen. What banks were involved? What is the proof that the money was frozen? How much?

14. How long can a Government freeze an account? The freezing is to enable the Monetary Authority of Singapore to investigate the possibility of the money being laundered. We heard nothing from Singapore.

15. So where is this money now? Is it in Singapore banks, frozen stiff? Or is it with the Saudis? Is it the Saudi Government’s or Saudi prince’s or individuals? Was it returned to the donor? What proof. Is it in the reports by Bank Negara or MACC? No proof. Just A.G.’s words. Sorry I do not believe the A.G.

16. Now the Swiss A.G. claims that it is not Ringgit 2.6 billion but Ringgit 4 billion was in Najib’s account. The Swiss A.G. seeks cooperation of the Malaysian A.G. Immediately the Malaysian A.G. claims that it is not about the 681 million US dollars in Najib’s private accounts. There is nothing wrong there.

17. But he himself said that he dismissed the MACC report because the evidence was not sufficient. If it is not sufficient shouldn’t further investigation be carried out until it is sufficient.

18. But Apandi exceeded his authority and ordered MACC to stop investigating the 2.6 billion (681 million USD) in Najib’s private personal account at Ambank. The MACC is an independent institution. Even the PM cannot stop its investigation. But clearly Apandi is scared that more evidence would be found.

19. And now he wants to strengthen the OSA so he can jail leakers for life. Why? Could it be that he is hiding evidence. What does the law say about people who hide evidence about crimes?

20. Laws are not made to hide crimes. Laws are made to prevent crimes and punish criminals. Could it be that his attempt to keep the reports out of reach of the Swiss A.G. stems from his desire to hide evidence? That could be a criminal act.

21. Najib is strongly supported by UMNO division heads, UMNO members of Parliament and his Cabinet Ministers. They are prepared to accept the billions he has in his private accounts as normal.

22. When he tried to explain to the UMNO Supreme Council where he got so much money and why he did not tell UMNO, one council member said there was no need for him to explain. Just give RM5 million to him for the next election and he would win. Whether the money was stolen or not is not important to Supreme Council members. They seem to be prepared to accept stolen money. Can we trust such people to govern Malaysia?

23. Money cannot be hidden. A few thousand Ringgit as cash can be hidden but not billions of Ringgit. If you keep such huge sums of money in the bank, a lot of people who have to handle it and the accounts will know. But banking secrecy means that they will not tell what they know.

24. The MACC would be toothless and useless if they cannot get information because of banking secrecy. I don’t think they are subject to banking secrecy act. If they are, let’s forget about fighting corruption. We should legitimise corruption instead.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 12, 2016

1. Banyak soalan telah dijawab oleh 1MDB. Tetapi tidak ada satu pun yang boleh dipercayai.

2. Hari ini 1MDB menjawab kenyataan akhbar yang dibuat oleh International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) bahawa IPIC dan anak syarikatnya Aabar Investment PJS (Aabar) yang didaftar dibawah undang-undang Abu Dhabi dan UAE, bahawa Aabar BVI (British Virgin Islands) bukanlah dari kumpulan mereka. Juga IPIC dan Aabar mengesahkan bahawa mereka tidak pernah terima bayaran dari Aabar BVI, dan mereka juga membuat pengakuan terhadap sebarang tanggungan (liabilities) bagi pihak Aabar BVI (seperti yang dinyatakan oleh 1MDB).

3. 1MDB menjawab bahawa dalam kenyataan terbuka yang diaudit pada 31.03.2014 menunjuk rekodnya telah dibayar kepada Aabar BVI.

4. Segala kenyataan oleh 1MDB tidak pernah disokong oleh dokumen apa-apa. Ini termasuk pemulangan wang dari Kepulauan Caymans yang kononnya di simpan di BSI Singapura. Kemudian BSI berkata tidak ada wang berkenaan yang disimpan oleh 1MDB dengannya. Lantas 1MDB menjawab simpanan itu bukan berbentuk wang tetapi berbentuk “unit”. Tidak ada penjelasan atau dokumen nilai sesuatu unit dan jumlah unit. Jelas bahawa dakwaan ini adalah satu pembohongan.

5. Kononnya dari RM2.6 bilion RM2.3 bilion sudah pulangkan kepada “penderma”. Tetapi wang (atau unit) ini telah dibekukan. Kalau dah beku, bagaimana dan bila wang ini dicairkan dan dipulangkan kepada “penderma” yang tidak boleh dikenalpasti. Hakikatnya semua kenyataan 1MDB dan A.G. juga tidak boleh dipercayai.

6. Aabar BVI didapati bukanlah Aabar anak syarikat IPIC. 1MDB kerap mengguna nama syarikat lain supaya dipercayai orang. Demikian apabila terdapat sebuah syarikat Amerika yang bernama Blackstone Group, maka sebuah syarikat di Hong Kong pun diberi nama “Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners” supaya difikir syarikat ini ada kaitan dengan syarikat Blackstone Group di Amerika. Blackstone Group dilapor menafikan bahawa “Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners” mempunyai kaitan dengannya.

7. Laporan dalam buku-buku 1MDB tidak boleh dipercayai sama sekali. Jika laporan media asing adalah fitnah dan tidak berasas, tuduhan saman malu boleh dibuat terhadap media berkenaan di negara mereka. Tetapi walaupun media asing ini membuat bermacam tuduhan terhadap Najib, seperti melapor Najib rasuah, Menteri Kewangan yang terburuk didunia, memiliki RM 2.6 bilion dalam akaun peribadi yang datangnya dari 1MDB, Najib tidak pernah bertindak saman malu terhadap WSJ atau Sarawak Report atau Washington Post dan lain-lain. Jika dakwaan mereka tidak berasas kebenaran saman malu oleh Najib bukan sahaja akan menghasil ganti rugi berjuta dollar tetapi dakwaan buruk terhadapnya akan berhenti. Tidak adanya saman malu oleh Najib mengesahkan tuduhan mereka adalah benar.

8. Kerana semua dakwaan pihak asing tidak menarik tindakan undang-undang maka penafian 1MDB yang dipimpin oleh Najib tidak dapat diterima sama sekali.

9. Demikian juga bahagian-bahagian dalam laporan PAC yang berasas kepada kenyataan 1MDB bahawa Najib tidak terlibat dengan segala salahlaku, tidak boleh diterima. Lagipun sebagai PM dan Menteri Kewangan serta Penasihat kepada 1MDB, membiar pegawai dibawahnya membuat berbagai keputusan berkenaan berbilion dilabur, dipindah, diberi pinjam, dihilangkan menunjuk sikap tidak mengambil berat terhadap wang Kerajaan yang begitu banyak. Najib tidak menjalankan tanggungan fiduciary dengan bertanggungjawab. Ini adalah satu kesalahan besar walaupun laporan PAC menuding jari ke arah Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Hilmi sepenuhnya. Sementara tindakan terhadap Shahrol perlu diambil, tindakan terhadap penasihat 1MDB yang mewakili Kerajaan tidak boleh diketepikan.

English Version

1. Many questions have been answered by 1MDB. But there is not one that can be believed.

2. Today, 1MDB answered a press release issued by the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) that IPIC and its subsidiary Aabar Investment PJS (Aabar) registered under the laws of Abu Dhabi and the UAE, that Aabar BVI (British Virgin Islands) is not part of their group. IPIC and Aabar also confirmed that they had never received any payment from Aabar BVI, and that they had pledged recognition of any liabilities on behalf of Aabar BVI (as stated by 1MDB).

3. 1MDB answered that, in an open statement that was audited on 31.03.2014, its record showed that payment had been made to Aabar BVI.

4. All statements by 1MDB has never been supported by any document. This includes a refund of money from Caymans Islands supposedly deposited in BSI Singapore. Then, BSI said there was no such money deposited by 1MDB with them. Subsequently 1MDB said the deposit is not in the form of cash but in the form of “unit”. There are no explanation or documents as to the value of a “unit” and of the number of “units”. It is obvious that these claims are lies.

5. Supposedly, from the RM2.6 billion a sum of RM2.3 had already been returned to the “donor”. But this money (or units) had been frozen. If it had been frozen, how and when was this money withdrawn and returned to the “donor” who could not be identified. In fact all statements 1MDB and Attorney General cannot be believed

6. It has been established that Aabar BVI is not the Aabar that is a subsidiary of IPIC. 1MDB often use the names of other companies so that they can be trusted by people. Thus, when there is an American company named Blackstone Group, a company in Hong Kong was named “Asia Blackstone Real Estate Partners” to give the impression that this company is related to the Blackstone Group in the United States. Blackstone Group reportedly denied that “Asia Blackstone Real Estate Partners” has anything to do with it.

7. Reports in the books of 1MDB cannot be trusted at all. If foreign media reports are merely lies and baseless accusations, the media can be sued for defamation in their own countries. But even though foreign media have made various allegations against Najib, such as accusing Najib of corruption, describing him as the worst Minister of Finance in the world, possessing in his personal account a sum of RM2.6 billion supposedly coming from 1MDB, Najib never acted to file defamation suits against WSJ or Sarawak Report or the Washington Post and others. If their allegations are baseless, successful defamation suits by Najib will not only yield millions of dollars in damages, but all wild accusations against him will stop. The absence of any defamation suits by Najib will only confirm the truthfulness of the allegations.

8. As all allegations by foreign parties do not attract legal action, mere denials by 1MDB led by Najib are not acceptable at all.

9. Similarly, the parts in the PAC report, which was based on statements by 1MDB that Najib is not involved in any misconduct, is unacceptable. Furthermore, as the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister as well as Advisor to 1MDB, by allowing an officer under him to make decisions involving billions to be invested, to be transferred, to grant as loans, and to squander, shows a could’nt care less attitude towards such a huge some of government money. Najib did not carry out his fiduciary obligations responsibly. This is a big offence even though the PAC report pointed its finger at Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Hilmi completely. While action against Shahrol should be taken action, action against 1MDB advisor, representing the Government, cannot be ignored.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 09, 2016

1. I feel grateful to the PM for the many pearls of wisdom he showers on the people.

2. Yes, we should all avoid rallies and signature campaigns.

3. So what do we do? We should report to the police of course.

4. Then the police will call you (and your lawyer) for questioning, detain both of you and charge you under SOSMA (Security Offences Special Measures Act) for terrorism.

5. As for the police report that you make, the AG will dismiss it as he appears to be not just prosecutor but judge as well. He can charge you under the Official Secrets Act for leaking. You will then be found guilty and if he has his way sentenced to life imprisonment.

6. The Official Secrets Act I believe is to punish those who leak Government administrative documents on policies, cabinet papers and taxation.

7. They are for preventing the information from being made used of by individuals, companies or foreign Governments to their advantage.

8. They are not meant for keeping secret the crimes committed by officers, employees or individuals. Such crimes must be reported or exposed by whoever comes across them. Criminal proceedings should follow.

9. But the AG seems to think that crimes committed by Government personnel are Government secrets to be hidden from public eye. Anyone reporting on the crimes would be charged for breaching the OSA.

10. I would like to hear the AG state categorically that crime such as embezzling Government funds are Government secrets which must be protected under the OSA. Clarification on this subject is important because the AG is tasked with sending cases to the court for judgement. The public will then understand why he dismissed reports by Bank Negara and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and why he cannot allow the contents of the reports to be seen by anyone. Also the writers of the reports apparently are not allowed to talk about the reports.

Versi BM

Perhimpuan jalanan bukan caranya. Jangan mengambil jalan keluar dengan mengadakan demonstrasi dan kempen tandatangan, gesa PM.

1. Saya berasa terima kasih kepada PM atas banyak kata-kata mutiara yang beliau curahkan kepada rakyat.

2. Ya, kita semua harus mengelak perhimpunan jalanan dan kempen tandatangan.

3. Jadi, apa yang patut kita lakukan? Kita sepatutnya melaporkan kepada pihak polis.

4. Kemudian polis akan memanggil anda (dan peguam anda) untuk disoal siasat, menahan kedua-dua anda dan mendakwa anda di bawah SOSMA (Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan Langkah-Langkah Khas) kerana keganasan.

5. Bagi laporan polis yang anda dibuat, Peguam Negara akan menolaknya oleh sebab beliau kelihatan bukan sahaja seperti seorang pendakwa raya tetapi beliau juga seorang hakim. Dia boleh mendakwa anda di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi kerana membocor rahsia. Kemudian anda akan didapati bersalah dan jika beliau ada jalannya, anda boleh dijatuhkan hukuman penjara seumur hidup.

6. Akta Rahsia Rasmi, saya percaya, ianya adalah untuk menghukum sesiapa yang membocor dokumen-dokumen pentadbiran Kerajaan mengenai dasar-dasar, kertas-kertas Kabinet dan cukai.

7. Akta tersebut adalah untuk menghalang maklumat daripada dipergunakan oleh individu-individu, syarikat-syarikat atau Kerajaan-Kerajaan asing bagi kelebihan mereka.

8. Ianya bukanlah bertujuan untuk menyimpan rahsia jenayah-jenayah yang dilakukan oleh pegawai-pegawai, pekerja-pekerja atau individu-individu. Jenayah-jenayah sebegini haruslah dilaporkan atau didedahkan oleh sesiapa sahaja yang mengetahuinya. Perbicaraan-perbicaraan jenayah harus menyusuli.

9. Tetapi Peguam Negara seolah-olah berfikir bahawa jenayah-jenayah yang dilakukan oleh kakitangan kerajaan adalah rahsia Kerajaan yang sepatutnya disembunyikan dari mata awam. Sesiapa yang melaporkan jenayah-jenayah ini akan didakwa kerana melanggar Akta Rahsia Rasmi.

10. Saya ingin mendengar Peguam Negara menyatakan dengan mutlak bahawa jenayah seperti menyalahgunakan dana-dana Kerajaan adalah rahsia Kerajaan yang perlu dilindungi di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi. Penjelasan untuk perkara ini adalah penting kerana Peguam Negara ditugaskan untuk menghantar kes-kes ke mahkamah untuk pengadilan. Dengan itu orang awam akan faham mengapa beliau menolak laporan oleh Bank Negara dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia dan mengapa beliau tidak membenarkan kandungan laporan-laporan tersebut dilihat oleh sesiapa pun. Dan juga penulis-penulis laporan nampaknya tidak dibenarkan untuk bercakap mengenai laporan-laporan tersebut.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 06, 2016

1. Dalam negara demokratik memang cara yang terbaik untuk menukar Kerajaan atau Perdana Menteri ialah dengan undi tidak percaya dalam dewan.

2. Di Malaysia perlembagaan memperuntukkan penyingkiran PM boleh dibuat jika ada bukti ia tidak mendapat sokongan dari majoriti ahli Dewan Rakyat dengan apa-apa cara yang jelas walaupun tidak ada usul dalam Dewan. Ini bermakna jika majoriti ahli Dewan (Kerajaan dan Pembangkang) mengemuka pengakuan secara tertulis, ditandatangani dan bersaksi, bahawa mereka tidak lagi percaya kepada Najib, maka Yang diPertuan Agong boleh bertindak menyingkir Najib. Ianya sama seperti yang Najib lakukan di Perak pada 2009 dan di Kedah baru-baru ini.

3. Tetapi, seperti kita semua maklum wakil rakyat BN yang menjadi majoriti dalam dewan sudah mengikat diri dengan Najib untuk tidak menandatangani sebarang deklarasi yang tidak menyokong Najib. Pengakuan oleh Shahrir Samad dan Ahmad Maslan serta kenyataan oleh Dato Nazir, adik Najib, bahawa dia telah diberi wang sebanyak US$ 7 juta untuk diagih kepada pemimpin BN, mengesahkan penerimaan sogokan oleh Najib.

4. Oleh itu untuk menjayakan usul tidak percaya kepada Najib tidak mungkin dilakukan. Percubaan telah dibuat untuk mengenalpasti 24 wakil rakyat BN yang tidak utamakan diri sendiri, yang berasa bertanggungjawab, yang prihatin terhadap negara yang sanggup menyokong undi tidak percaya kepada Najib walaupun bersama ahli-ahli dewan dari pembangkang. Percubaan ini gagal kerana walaupun mereka sedar akan kesalahan Najib, tetapi kerana kepentingan diri, kerana takut tindakan seperti yang dilakukan kepada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, takut juga kepada lain-lain tindakan oleh Najib, tidak ada yang sanggup menandatangani pengakuan menyingkir Najib. Oleh itu undi tidak percaya tidak boleh dibuat.

5. Membuat deklarasi mendesak Najib disingkir tidak ada dalam perlembagaan dan mungkin tidak berkesan. Najib tidak akan undur. Tetapi Raja-Raja Melayu akan termaklum berkenaan rintihan rakyat.

6. Semasa melawan Malayan Union, setelah Raja-Raja dipaksa oleh British menandatangani perjanjian menyerah negeri-negeri Melayu kepada mereka, rakyat bangun dan mendesak Raja-Raja supaya tidak menghadiri dan mengiktiraf pelantikan Gabenor bagi Malayan Union. Raja-Raja pun tidak hadir. British terpaksa batal rancangan Malayan Union mereka dan menubuh Federation of Malaya pada 1948.

7. Dari peristiwa ini kita boleh buat kesimpulan bahawa suara rakyat ada hikmat-nya.

8. Itulah sebab deklarasi rakyat penting.

Eng Version

1. In a democratic country, the best way to change the government or the Prime Minister is no doubt a vote of no confidence in Parliament.

2. In Malaysia, the constitution provides for the removal of PM if there is clear evidence to show that he does not have the support of a majority of Members of Parliament even though there is no motion passed. This means that if a majority of the Members of Parliament (government and opposition) present in writing, signed and witnessed, that they no longer believe in Najib, then the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act to dismiss Najib. It is the same as what Najib did in Perak in 2009 and in Kedah recently.

3. But, as we all know, BN elected representatives who make up the majority in Parliament had already tied themselves up with Najib not to sign any declaration that does not support Najib. Confessions by Shahrir Samad and Ahmad Maslan and the statement by Dato’ Nazir, Najib’s brother, that he had been given money to the tune of US$7.0 million to be distributed to the BN leaders, confirmed their acceptance of bribes given by Najib.

4. As a result, passing a motion of no confidence on Najib may not happened. Attempts had been made to identify 24 BN elected representatives who have no self interests, who feel responsible, sensitive towards the nation, and willing to support the vote of no confidence against Najib, even though working with Members of Parliament from the Opposition. These attempts failed because although they are aware of the wrong doings of Najib, but because of self-interest, fear of actions taken against them similar to actions taken against Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, fear of other actions by Najib, no one is willing to sign a declaration to oust Najib. Therefore a no-confidence vote cannot be made.

5. Making a declaration urging Najib to quit does not exist in the Constitution and may not be effective. Najib will not back down. But the Rulers will be made aware of the plights of the people..

6. During the fight against the Malayan Union, after the Rulers were forced by the British signed a treaty giving up the Malay states to them, the people rose and urged the Rulers not to attend and recognize the appointment of the Governor for the Malayan Union. Rulers were not present. The British had to cancel their Malayan Union plan and establish the Federation of Malaya in 1948.

7. From this event we can deduce that the voice of the people has its wisdom.

8. That is why the People’s Declaration is important.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 05, 2016

To: Proton car owners and buyers

I feel I owe you all an explanation as to why I resigned as Chairman of Proton.

I was not expelled by Proton management or owners. I decided on my own, for the sake of Proton I should leave. I therefore have no grudge against Proton nor do I want it to fail after I left.

This is because Proton seems to be having difficulties with the Government and for some unknown reason sales of Proton cars have plummeted.

I know I am persona non grata with the Government. I do not want to be the cause of Proton’s inability to recover because of my presence.

I would in fact like to see Proton recover and do well.

So, please, Proton owners and buyers, don’t take it out on Proton because I am no longer the Chairman. Please continue to support Proton.

Proton has great ideas about introducing new models which are of good quality. This month they will launch the new Perdana. Later in the year they will launch the new Persona and Saga.

Proton cannot expect any help from the Government.

Only Proton owners and fans can help Proton. So please help Proton, your national car maker.

1. I am no longer the Chairman of Proton. However I feel a need to merely state the facts.

2. Firstly Proton is now privately owned after it was bought at RM5.50 per share (originally priced RM2.95 but bidding pushed the price up) largely from Khazanah and a few other share holders. Khazanah was supposed to hold shares for Bumiputras but is now representing the Government. Proton is not a GLC (Government Linked Company).

3. Government policy previously was to encourage local contents. All cars manufactured or assembled in Malaysia are entitled to rebates on excess duty based on the percentage of local contents used. Most foreign cars assembled in Malaysia has 30 – 40% local contents. Proton has almost 90% local content. Therefore the rebate for Proton is higher. It is not a privilege for Proton alone. All foreign and local cars enjoy this privilege. Local contents increase the cost of producing the car. This is because the deletion allowance by the foreign company is invariably lower than the cost of the local component.

4. The Government claims to have provided grants, various forms of assistance as well as tax foregone to the take of about RM 13.9 billion in total.

5. Most of this is made up of taxes foregone. Proton records show the following:
(1) RM1,320 million as tax incentives to Proton also eligible to non-national cars
(2) RM773.8 million in R&D Grant, Special grant, Stimulus package, eligible to all automotive manufacturers.
(3) RM12,532.6 million in customized incentives also eligible to all automotive players.

Total Government contribution from 1985 – to date amounts to RM 14,631.4 million.
Details of (1), (2) and (3) are appended.

Total contribution by Proton to Government since 1985 totals RM 24,905 million.
These are made up of the following:
(i) Excise duty from 1985 onwards RM 11,785 million
(ii) Sales tax from 1985 onwards RM 9,470 million
(iii) Corporate tax from 1985 onwards RM 1,410 million
(iv) Import duty from 1985 to 2008 RM 1,403 million
(v) GST from 1/4/2015 RM 28 million

Total RM 24,905 million

Clearly Proton has paid more to the Government than Government to Proton.

Capital injection by Government in 2 seed funds total RM 400 million. These have been fully paid up. On top of this, Proton had fully funded the 1.8 billion Ringgit Tanjung Malim Plant from its internal coffers which at that point had a staggering total of 4 billion Ringgit.

6. In addition Proton provides jobs for about 12,000 workers at any one time directly, and more than 250,000 souls indirectly. Proton reduced the outflow of funds probably amounting to more than 100 billion Ringgit.

7. Vendors also create jobs and reduce outflow of funds.

8. We can forget the development of engineering capability as our policy now is to encourage imports.

9. Incidentally all the countries exporting cars to Malaysia implement tariff and non-tariff barriers resulting in excluding Proton importation into their countries. This contrasts with our policy of allowing foreign cars to enter Malaysia with minimal or no restrictions.

10. It should be noted that Proton has to compete in its own domestic market against the likes of Toyota (10 million cars p.a.), South Korean car makers (5 million cars p.a.), German car makers (6 million cars p.a.) and others.

11. These companies can afford to lose on their cars in Malaysia and recoup in other markets. Apart from economy of scale, Proton cannot access foreign markets except those of poor countries with low Total Industry Volume.

12. Today the Government has no pride in national products. Imports are cheap and there are more consumers than producers. In democracy numbers count. So pleasing the more numerous is more important than national capacity of develop.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 04, 2016

1.​ Saya berada di Arab Saudi minggu lepas. Ramai sungguh orang Islam membuat umrah. Keadaan sama seperti membuat ibadah Haji. Berduyun-duyun mereka datang. Diantara mereka terdapat ramai orang Melayu Malaysia.

2. ​Umrah adalah satu dari ibadah yang sunat bagi orang Islam. Saya faham yang sunat, jika dilakukan memberi pahala kepada diri pengamal. Jika tidak melakukan, kita tidak berdosa.

3. ​Saya tertanya-tanya jika wang yang dibelanja untuk melakukan ibadah umrah datang dari punca yang haram, umpamanya jika wang itu dicuri, apakah ibadah itu menjadi sah dan memberi pahala?

4. ​Saya hanya bertanya. Sebabnya kerana saya lihat beratus yang dapat buat umrah yang dibiayai oleh orang tertentu yang punca kewangannya masih menjadi persoalan.

Eng Version

1. I was in Saudi Arabia last week. There were really many Muslims performing the Umrah. The situation is the same as during the Hajj period. They come flocking. Among them were many Malaysian Malays.

2. Umrah is a voluntary act of worship (sunat) for Muslims. I understand that being “sunat”, if performed it earns a reward (pahala) to the practitioner. There is no sin (dosa) if not performed.

3. I wonder what if the money spent in performing the umrah comes from illegal sources, for instance if the money was stolen, whether it would be a legitimate worship and earns reward?

4. I am just asking. The reason is because I see hundreds of people who are able to perform the Umrah financed by certain people with still questionable sources of finance.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 04, 2016

1.​ Najib mendakwa bahawa semua tuduhan terhadapnya adalah tidak benar. Dan konco-konconya pun dilapor dalam akhbar arus perdana bahawa tuduhan yang dibuat oleh media asing seperti Wall Street Journal, ABC TV Australia, Financial Times, dll akhbar-akhbar terkemuka di Amerika (Sila lihat senarai media, akhbar dan TV yang dilampirkan, 53 kesemuanya, serta senarai negara dan agensi penyiasatan mereka) semuanya berhasrat memburuk imej Najib. Mereka ini seolah-olah tidak ada kerja lain selain dari memburukkan Najib dengan laporan dan rencana TV yang panjang lebar disertai gambar dan dokumen. Segala bukti yang ditunjuk oleh mereka semuanya tidak boleh diterima kata konco-konconya. Yang boleh diterima dan dipercayai hanyalah penafian oleh Najib. Penafian Najib tidak pernah disertai dengan bukti-bukti yang jelas. Ini tak mengapa. Penafian olehnya sudah cukup untuk AG mendawa tidak ada kes untuk Najib didakwa di mahkamah.

2. ​Kerana penafian Najib, Ketua-Ketua Bahagian dan Ahli Dewan Rakyat UMNO semuanya membisu atau cuba mempertahankan Najib.

3. ​Pendirian mereka luar biasa. Ia seolah-olah menerima apabila sesuatu jenayah berlaku dan orang yang melakukanya dikenalpasti tetapi hanya kerana ia menafi, maka ini bermakna ia tidak salah. Jika penafian sahaja diterima sebagai asas kepada pendakwaan, maka tidak akan ada sesiapa pun yang akan didakwa di negara ini.

4. ​Ketua Bahagian UMNO dan Wakil Rakyat UMNO mempunyai pendirian seperti ini. Kerana Najib menafi semua tuduhan terhadapnya, maka Ketua Bahagian dan Wakil Rakyat UMNO tetap percaya yang Najib tidak bersalah.

5. ​Negara-negara Islam, setakat yang diketahui tidak pernah menunjuk penghargaan tinggi mereka terhadap sumbangan Najib kepada Islam. Setakat yang kita tahu hanya “HRH Prince Saudi Abdulaziz Al-Saud” yang begitu menghargai jasa Najib kepada Islam sehingga sanggup derma US 375 juta Dolar kepada Najib untuk disimpan dalam akaun peribadinya, dirahsiakan dan diguna mengikut kehendaknya.

6. ​Sekarang ini pula AG Apandi mengatakan RM 2.03 billion dari RM 2.6 billion yang dilapor berada dalam akaun peribadi Najib sudah dipulang balik pada penderma. Benarkah? Apa bukti ia dipulang kepada HRH atau Arab lain? Tak mungkinkah wang ini masih ada disini untuk disuap kepada pemimpin UMNO. Shahrir mungkin menerima RM 1 juta dan Ahmad Maslan RM 2 juta. Tak mungkin mereka sahaja yang mendapat sumbangan wang dari Najib. Berapa juta ringgitkah yang diterima oleh Ketua Bahagian dan Wakil Rakyat yang lain.

7. ​Nampaknya kita sedang melihat pertandingan antara CASH (wang tunai) dengan semangat kebangsaan Melayu. Ramai ahli dan Ketua Cawangan UMNO memberi kemenangan kepada semangat kebangsaan, kepada bangsa, agama dan tanahair. Tetapi bagi Ketua Bahagian dan Wakil Rakyat UMNO dedak mendapat kemenangan besar sehingga tertutup mulut, telinga dan mata. Mereka rela menggadai bangsa dan negara untuk CASH atau dedak. Tak usahlah menafi. Bukan sahaja rakyat Malaysia yang tahu, tetapi dunia juga sudah tahu. Nazir Razak sendiri mengaku ia diberi US 7 juta oleh Najib untuk diagih kepada ketua-ketua parti sebelum PRU 13. Amatlah memalukan kerana terdapat orang Melayu yang tidak malu; yang sanggup menerima pemimpin yang dihinakan oleh dunia.


1. South China Morning Post
2. The Australian
3. Australia Broadcasting Corporation
4. Sydney Morning Herald
5. Herald Tribune
6. Herald Tribune Latin America
7. International Business Times
8. International Business Times Singapore Edition
9. Wall Street Journal
10. International New York Times
11. TIME Magazine
12. The Guardian
13. The Daily Mail
14. Sun Daily (UK)
15. Euronews
16. Deutsche Welle
17. Singapore Straits Times
19. Today Online
20. India Today
21. ​Business Standard (India)
22. India Times
23. Fortune
24. EJ Insight (Hong Kong)
25. Anadolu (Turkey)
26. Bangkok Post
27. ​Chiang Rai Times
28. BBC
29. New Zealand Herald
30. Reuters
31. ​Bloomberg
32. Channel News Asia
33. Al-Jazeera
35. Swissinfo.ch
36. MWC News
37. ​East Asia Forum
38. Radio New Zealand
39. CNBC
40. The Independent
41. ​NewsX (Pakistan)
42. StateoftheStateKS (USA)
43. Asian Correspondent
44. Times of London
45. Financial Times
46. Asia Sentinel
47. Courier Mail
48. Jawa Post
49. Tempo
50. Waspada
51. The Telegraph
52. The Diplomat
53. Myanmar Times


LUXEMBOURG: Public Prosecutor’s Office, Luxembourg

SWITZERLAND​: Swiss Attorney General’s Office

SINGAPORE: Singapore Police Commercial Affairs Department

Monetary Authority of Singapore

USA: U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

HONG KONG: Hong Kong Police

UNITED KINGDOM: Serious Fraud Office

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: The UAE authorities have issued travel bans and frozen the assets of Khadeem Al Qubaisi dan Mohammed Badawy Al Husseiny two top executives of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund closely linked to the 1MDB.

FRANCE​: French national prosecutor’s office (in relation to the purchase of two submarines)

Eng Version

1. NAJIB claimed that all the accusations against him are not true. And his hench-men were reported in the mainstream press as saying that the accusations made by foreign media such as the Wall Street Journal, ABC TV Australia, the Financial Times, and all leading newspapers in the United States (please see list of media, newspapers and televisions attached, 53 in all, as well as the list of countries and their investigating agencies) all only have the intention of tarnishing the image of Najib. They seemed to have no other better things to do other than tarnishing Najib’s image with comprehensive reports and television documentaries complete with pictures and documents. All evidence shown by them are unacceptable, says his henchmen. What can only be accepted and believed are denials by Najib. Denials by Najib had never been accompanied by clear evidence. It is okay. Denials by him are enough for the Attorney General to rule that there is no case for Najib to answer.

2. Because of the denials by Najib, Heads of Division and Members of Parliament from UMNO are all silent or tried to defend Najib.

3. Their stand is extraordinary. They seems to accept that a crime has occurred and the person who committed them is identified, but only because he denied it, then this means he is not guilty. If denial alone be accepted as the basis for prosecution, then there will not be anyone who would be prosecuted in this country.

4. Divisional Heads of UMNO and UMNO Members of Parliament have this sort of stand. Because Najib denied all allegations against him, Divisional Chiefs and Umno elected representatives continue to believe that Najib is not guilty.

5. Islamic nations, as far as we know, never showed their great appreciation to Najib for his contribution to Islam. As far as we know, only “HRH Prince Abdulaziz Al-Saud Arabia” greatly appreciated Najib’s contribution to Islam so much so that he is willing to donate USD375 millions to Najib to be kept in his personal account, to be kept confidential and to be used according to his whims and fancies.

6. Now Apandi, the Attorney General, said RM 2.03 billion from the RM 2.6 billion reported to be in the personal account of Najib had already been returned to the donor. Really? What evidence is there to show that it has been returned to HRH or other Arabs? Is it not possible that the money is still here to be fed to other UMNO leaders?Shahrir may have received RM1.0 million and Ahmad Maslan RM2.0 million. It is not possible that they were the only ones who received donations from Najib. How many million Ringgits have been received by Divisional Heads and other Members of Parliament.

7. It seems we are seeing a competition between CASH and Malay nationalism. Many members and Umno branch chiefs give victory to the national spirit, to race, religion and nation. But for the Divisional Heads of UMNO and Members of Parliament, bran (dedak) gets the big victory so much so their mouth, ears and eyes are closed. They are willing to mortgage the nation for CASH or bran. There is no need to deny. Not only Malaysians know, but the world already knows. Nazir Razak himself admitted he was given USD7 million by Najib to be distributed to the heads of the party before GE 13. It is a shame because there are Malays who are not shy; who are willing to accept a leader humiliated by the world.


1. South China Morning Post
2. The Australian
3. Australian Broadcasting Corporation
4. Sydney Morning Herald
5. Herald Tribune
6. Herald Tribune Latin America
7. International Business Times
8. International Business Times Singapore Edition
9. Wall Street Journal
10. International New York Times
11. TIME Magazine
12. The Guardian
13. The Daily Mail
14. Sun Daily (UK)
15. Euronews
16. Deutsche Welle
17. Singapore Straits Times
19. Today Online
20. India Today
21. Business Standard (India)
22. India Times
23. Fortune
24. EJ Insight (Hong Kong)
25. Anadolu (Turkey)
26. Bangkok Post
27. Chiang Rai Times
28. BBC
29. New Zealand Herald
30. Reuters
31. Bloomberg
32. Channel News Asia
33. Al-Jazeera
35. Swissinfo.ch
36. MWC News
37. East Asia Forum
38. Radio New Zealand
39. CNBC
40. The Independent
41. NewsX (Pakistan)
42. StateoftheStateKS (USA)
43. Asian Correspondent
44. Times of London
45. Financial Times
46. ​​Asia Sentinel
47. Courier Mail
48. Jawa Post
49. Tempo
50. Waspada
51. The Telegraph
52. The Diplomat
53. Myanmar Times


LUXEMBOURG: Public Prosecutor’s Office, Luxembourg

SWITZERLAND: Swiss Attorney General’s Office

SINGAPORE: Singapore Police Commercial Affairs Department

Monetary Authority of Singapore

USA: U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

HONG KONG: Hong Kong Police

UNITED KINGDOM: Serious Fraud Office

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: The UAE authorities have issued travel bans and frozen the assets of Khadeem Al Qubaisi and Mohammed Badawy Al-Hussein, two top executives of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund closely linked to the 1MDB.

FRANCE: French national prosecutor’s office (in relation to the purchase of two submarines)


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on April 02, 2016

1. According to newspaper reports the ABC broadcast confirms funds a gift to be used as the PM sees fit.

2. This is good news indeed. Now the Government TV must broadcast the ABC news so that all the people will know how right Najib is.

3. But don’t just broadcast only a part out of context. Show the whole ABC broadcast to prove Najib’s innocence. Only then will the people be reassured. Be truthful and establish that Najib only speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

4. To show that he is innocent, since the task force of four has been emasculated, set-up a proper neutral commission to investigate the donation from where the previous task force was stopped from finishing their work.

5. Mere statements from the Government, in particular by the discredited politicians, are not convincing as far as the public is concerned.

6. We need to have the letter-writer who claimed he donated the money to answer questions regarding his source of wealth, his bank, the manner of his transfer of huge sums to Najib’s private account. There is also a discrepancy between the date on his letter and the time when the public found and questioned the money in the private account of Najib in 2014.

7. This letter of 1st Nov 2011 answers all the questions which were asked only in 2014 after the Wall Street Journal exposed about the USD 681 million in Najib’s personal account. If the letter is to be believed transfers of money including the stated USD 375,000,000 were made in different sums repeatedly through a company bank called Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners Ltd which is a British Virgin Islands company which the US Blackstone Group denies any knowledge of.

8. This letter which is supposed to prove that the money is a gift, is full of inconsistencies with regard to dates, amounts of money and frequency of disbursement.

9. It is as if the writer, purported to be “HRH Prince Saudi Abdulaziz Al-Saud” knew in 2011 that in 2014 the existences of the “gifts” would be discovered, exposed and explanations would be required. It is an amazing case of prescience.

10. But the broadcasting of the whole 1 hour episode by ABC will clear everything.

Versi BM

1. Menurut laporan akhbar, siaran ABC mengesahkan dana itu adalah hadiah yang boleh digunakan oleh PM sesuka hati.

2. Ini adalah berita yang sesungguh baik. Kini TV Kerajaan perlu menyiarkan berita ABC ini supaya semua rakyat akan mengetahui bagaimana betulnya Najib.

3. Tetapi jangan menyiarkan hanya sebahagian sahaja dan di luar konteks. Tunjuklah keseluruhan siaran ABC itu untuk membuktikan Najib tidak bersalah. Hanya selepas itu akan rakyat dapat diyakinkan. Bersikap jujurlah dan buktikan bahawa Najib bercakap benar, hanya yang benar, dan tidak lain daripada yang benar.

4. Untuk menunjuk bahawa beliau tidak bersalah, memandangkan “Pasukan Petugas Empat” dahulu telah dikebiri, dirikanlah sebuah Suruhanjaya yang terkecuali untuk menyiasat derma, mulai dari masa tugas pasukan petugas sebelum ini telah dihentikan sebelum dapat menyelesaikan tugas mereka.

5. Hanya kenyataan daripada Kerajaan sahaja, khususnya oleh ahli-ahli politik yang disangsikan, tidak meyakinkan orang ramai.

6. Kita perlu penulis surat, yang mendakwa beliau telah menderma wang, untuk menampil dan menjawab soalan-soalan mengenai sumber kekayaan beliau, bank beliau, cara beliau memindah jumlah wang yang besar ke akaun peribadi Najib. Terdapat juga percanggahan antara tarikh suratnya itu dengan masa orang ramai menemui dan mempersoalkan wang dalam akaun peribadi Najib pada 2014.

7. Surat yang bertarikh 1 haribulan November 2011 ini menjawab semua soalan-soalan yang hanya ditanya pada tahun 2014, selepas Wall Street Journal mendedah tentang USD 681,000,000 dalam akaun peribadi Najib. Jika sekiranya surat ini boleh dipercayai, ini bermakna pemindahan wang, termasuk USD 375,000,000 yang dinyatakan, telah dilakukan dalam jumlah yang berbeza berulang kali melalui bank syarikat yang dikenali sebagai Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners Ltd yang merupakan syarikat Kepulauan British Virgin yang Blackstone Group AS sendiri menafikan sebarang pengetahuan mengenainya.

8. Surat ini, yang sepatutnya membuktikan bahawa wang itu adalah hadiah, mengandungi banyak percanggahan mengenai tarikh, jumlah wang dan kekerapan pembayaran.

9. Ianya seolah-olah penulis, yang kononnya ialah “Putera Arab Abdulaziz Al-Saud” pada tahun 2011 tahu bahawa pada tahun 2014 kewujudan “hadiah” akan ditemui, didedah dan penjelasan diperlukan. Ia adalah satu kes yang amat menakjubkan.

10. Tetapi penyiaran keseluruhan 1 jam episod oleh ABC akan menjelaskan segala-galanya.

Salinan Surat Saudi

Friday, April 1, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on March 31, 2016


Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad has resigned as Chairman of Proton Holdings, effective March 30, 2016.

A letter of resignation has been sent to Group Managing Director of DRB-HICOM Berhad, Dato Seri Syed Faisal Albar yesterday.

Dr Mahathir has also relinquished his post as the Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi Petronas, also effective Mar 30, 2016. His decision has been communicated to UTP Rector Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim.

Apart from that, Dr Mahathir has also resigned as the advisors to the Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) and the Tioman Island Development Authority (TIDA). The Chief Secretary to the Government has been informed of these resignations.

Office of Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad
31st March 2016

Versi BM

Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad telah meletak jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Proton Holdings, berkuat kuasa 30hb. Mac 2016.

Surat peletakan jawatan telah dihantar kepada Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan DRB-HICOM Berhad, Dato Seri Syed Faisal Albar semalam.

Dr Mahathir juga telah melepaskan jawatannya sebagai Canselor Universiti Teknologi Petronas, juga berkuat kuasa 30hb. Mac 2016. Keputusannya telah disampaikan kepada Rektor UTP, Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim.

Selain itu, Dr Mahathir juga telah meletakkan jawatan sebagai penasihat kepada Lembaga Pembangunan Langkawi (LADA) dan Lembaga Pembangunan Pulau Tioman (TIDA). Ketua Setiausaha Negara telah dimaklumkan mengenai peletakan jawatan-jawatan ini.

Pejabat Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad
31 Mac 2016