
Thursday, December 10, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 09, 2015

1.​ Najib mendakwa bahawa sebabnya saya tidak sokongnya ialah kerana saya tidak dapat apa yang saya minta.

2. ​Bagi diri saya tidak ada apa pun yang saya minta. Tawaran Kerajaan untuk memberi percuma tanah di Putrajaya diwaktu saya letak jawatan, seperti kepada bekas Perdana Menteri yang lain, pun saya tolak. Saya minta untuk membeli tanah di Putrajaya dan saya bayar satu juta untuk sekeping. Duit ini dari tabung simpanan saya selama 29 tahun dalam Kerajaan. Tak hutang.

3. ​Hadiah yang diberi kepada saya semasa dalam Kerajaan saya pulangkan balik kepada Kerajaan. Semua boleh dilihat di Galeria Langkawi dan kediaman PM lama di Jalan Terengganu, off Jalan Damansara.

4. ​Yang saya minta dari Najib ialah untuk negara dan untuk rakyat. Semuanya ditolak tetapi dalam PRU13 saya masih sokong Najib. Walaupun saya menyatakan Najib harus berhenti jika pencapaiannya dalam PRU 13 lebih buruk dari Abdullah dalam PRU 12, setelah kemenangannya dalam PRU 13 lebih buruk dari Abdullah saya masih terus menyokongnya sebagai Perdana Menteri.

5. ​Hanya apabila rahsia hutang dan kerugian 1MDB terbongkar barulah saya tarik sokongan saya daripada Najib.

6. ​Kalau kerana jambatan tidak dibina, sudah lama saya berhenti dari menyokongnya. Kalau kerana landasan berkembar elektrik tidak dibina dari Johor Bahru ke Padang Besar, sudah lama saya hentikan sokongan saya kepada Najib. Bukan kerana tidak layan permintaan saya untuk negara pun yang saya tarik sokongan saya dari Najib.

7. ​Najib biasa datang jumpa saya untuk bertanya apa yang saya hendak. Saya fikir ia ikhlas dan saya pun sebut beberapa projek pembangunan untuk negara. Kemudian saya sedar ia sedang mencuba sogok saya dengan cara ini supaya saya tidak bangkit soal 1MDB.

8. ​Tetapi kehilangan wang Kerajaan terlalu besar. Hanya kerana melayan saya tidak boleh dijadikan alasan bagi saya pejam mata berkenaan kehilangan duit Kerajaan berbillion-billion. Oleh itu saya teruskan juga membangkitkan soal 1MDB. Apatah lagi apabila 2.6 billion Ringgit tiba-tiba didapati ada dalam akaun persendirian Najib.

9. ​Tidak pernah dalam sejarah Malaysia merdeka, Perdana Menteri Malaysia memiliki sebegitu banyak duit. Untuk apa tujuan pun Perdana Menteri Malaysia tidak harus memiliki 2.6 billion Ringgit.

10. ​Yang jelas ialah tanpa duit yang begitu banyak, BN dan UMNO telah menang dengan berkali lebih baik dari Najib dalam PRU 13. Bukan wang yang boleh beri kemenangan. Khidmat pada rakyat dan keikhlasan niat yang memberi kemenangan bagi parti.

11. Kononnya duit ini diderma oleh penderma-penderma yang tidak suka dikenali. Mereka pula tidak sanggup memberi terus kepada UMNO tetapi sebagai “pemimpin” mereka sanggup beri hanya kepada Najib sebagai pemimpin untuk disimpan olehnya dalam akaun peribadi. Ini tidak masuk akal sama sekali melainkan ada niat untuk tidak menjelas dari mana duit itu datang, menyembunyi perbelanjaan.

12. ​Tuduhan dibuat bahawa Bank Negara tahu. Apa buktinya Bank Negara tahu. Kenapa laporan dari Bank Negara ditolak oleh AG. Apakah AG tidak percaya kepada Bank Negara sedangkan kita dikehendaki percaya Bank Negara berkenaan sesuatu yang hanya disebut oleh Najib, tidak oleh Bank Negara.

13. ​Adalah lebih meyakinkan jika laporan Bank Negara didedah daripada hanya Najib berkata Bank Negara tahu. Wang 50 million dan lebih yang dimasuk dalam mana-mana bank mesti mendapat kelulusan Bank Negara. Tunjuk sahaja bukti kelulusan Bank Negara berkenaan RM2.6 billion dan Najib akan dipercayai.

14. ​Percubaan memburukkan nama saya dengan berkata saya juga menyebabkan wang Kerajaan hilang kerana tindakan dan pelaburan yang merugikan. Najib sendiri mengaku bahawa dalam perniagaan adakala untung adakala rugi. Yang utama ialah segala yang dilakukan ditulis dalam akaun yang telus dan terbuka. Dan segala urusan dibuat oleh pengawai Kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab. Saya tidak terlibat dengan pengurusan terutama pengurusan modal wang. Tugas saya tamat dengan melulus pelaburan. Saya tidak menjadi pengurus atau penasihat eksekutif.

15. ​Sebaliknya Najib menubuh 1MDB yang dibiayai sebanyak 1 juta sahaja oleh Kerajaan. Najib juga menjadi Penasihat kepada 1MDB.

16. ​1MDB hutang RM42 billion Ringgit iaitu 42,000 kali ganda lebih besar dari modal. Wang ini dipinjam dengan faedah yang amat tinggi dan komisyen kepada Golden Sachs berjumlah 10%.

17. ​Wang ini diguna untuk beli stesen janakuasa yang usang dan hampir tamat lesen dengan harga lebih tinggi dari harga pasaran. Hutang sebanyak RM 8 billion diambil alih menjadi jumlah hutang RM50 billion.

18. ​Stesyen digabung menjadi Edra. Tetapi pulangan begitu rendah sehingga tidak dapat bayar faedah dan terpaksa dijual. Ia tidak boleh disenarai kerana akaunnya tidak dapat disah oleh juruaudit. Ia terpaksa dijual kepada syarikat negara Cina kerana TNB tidak dapat bayar harga yang boleh selesaikan hutang sebanyak RM 18 billion.

19. ​Baki hutang diguna untuk beli tanah Kerajaan dengan harga yang amat murah iaitu RM 60 skp sedangkan tanah berdekatan dijual dengan harga RM7000 skp. Harga belian tanah lapangan terbang tidak disebut.

20. ​Tanah yang diduduki oleh setinggan di Pulau Pinang dibeli dengan harga yang amat tinggi. Sukar untuk dibangun.

21. ​Percubaan dibuat untuk jual tanah Jalan Tun Razak yang dibeli dengan harga RM60 skp dari Kerajaan, kepada Tabung Haji dengan harga RM3000 skp (50 kali ganda harga beli). Wajarkah Kerajaan rugi sebanyak RM2940 skp. Inikah perniagaan stategik 1MDB?

22. ​Apakah saya pernah buat perkara-perkara seperti ini? Buktikan. Jangan tuduh melulu.

23. ​Kononnya ekonomi negara tidak teruk.

24. ​Hakikatnya nilai Ringgit dan harga saham jatuh dengan teruk. Kos sara hidup meningkat dengan GST, subsidi minyak diturunkan, tol dan tambang dinaikkan dll.

25.​ Pendapatan dinaikkan tetapi daya beli turun kerana nilai Ringgit jatuh. Pengangguran bertambah, termasuk dikalangan lulusan universiti. Perniagaan dan industry menghadapi masalah yang tidak dapat diatasi.

26. ​Apakah saya yang merosakkan imej negara?

27. ​Akhbar dunia telah melaporkan berkenaan Jho Low dan persahabatannya dengan Najib, cara hidupnya dan pembelian rumah mewah, pembiayaan filem Wolf of Wall Street bersama anak tiri Najib jauh lebih awal dari sebutan 1MDB oleh saya. Semua ini yang memburukkan imej negara. Ia menjadi lebih buruk kerana laporan tentang pelaburan 1MDB, dan kemudian wang yang terdapat dalam akaun peribadi Najib sebanyak RM 2.6 billion.

28. ​Jika ada sesiapa yang merosakkan imej Negara, ia adalah Dato Sri Najib sendiri. Sebelum ini imej Negara amat baik.

29. ​Jika apa yang dituduh Najib lakukan fitnah, Najib harus membuktikan semuanya tidak benar. Bahkan Najib perlu saman malu akhbar-akhbar yang melapor. Walaupun kononnya tindakan akan diambil, tetapi tidak ada apa-apa tindakan selain dari menakutkan sesiapa yang membuat teguran atau melapor kepada polis dengan disoal siasat oleh polis, dimasuk dalam tahanan dan dihadapkan kepada mahkamah. Tidak pernah terjadi dimana-mana bahawa orang yang melapor jenayah kepada polis dituduh mensabotaj demokrasi atau menguling Kerajaan. Juga peguam pihak yang mengadu disoal oleh polis dan dimasuk dalam tahanan.

30. ​Orang kampung mungkin tidak kisah. Sebabnya mungkin kerana akhbar tidak dibenar melapor. Tetapi hanya kerana orang kampung tidak ambil kisah, maka perbuatannya curang dan jenayah masih tidak boleh dihalalkan.

English Version

1. Najib claimed that the reason I do not support him is because I do not get what I asked for.

2. For my own self there is nothing that I asked for. I also refused Government’s offer of free land in Putrajaya at the time I resigned, just as offered to other former Prime Ministers. I offered to buy the land in Putrajaya and I paid a million for a piece. This money is from my savings fund after 29 years in government. No loan.

3. Gifts given to me while in Government I returned to the Government. All these can be seen at Galeria Langkawi and the old Prime Minister’s residence in Jalan Terengganu, off Jalan Damansara.

4. All that I ask from Najib is for the nation and for the people. All were rejected but in the GE13 I still supported Najib. Although I said Najib must resign if his achievement in the 13th General Election is worse that Abdullah in the 12th General Election, and indeed he fared worse than Abdullah despite victory in the 13th General Election, I still supported him as prime minister.

5. Only when the secret debts and losses of 1MDB were uncovered that I pulled back my support for Najib.

6. If it is just because the bridge was not built, I would have long ceased to support him. If it is just because the electrified double track from Johor Bahru to Padang Besar was not built, I would have long ceased my support to Najib. It is not merely because he did not entertain requests for the nation that I withdrew my support for Najib.

7. Najib used to come to see me to ask me what I wanted. I thought he was sincere, and I mentioned several development projects for the nation. Then I realized he was trying to bribe me this way so that I do not bring up the question of 1MDB.

8. But the loss of Government fund is too big. By just being entertained is no excuse for me to close my eyes on the loss of billions of Government money. So I kept on raising the question of 1MDB. What more, when 2.6 billion Ringgit suddenly appeared in the personal account of Najib.

9. Never in the history of independent Malaysia, has the Prime Minister of Malaysia so much money. For whatever purpose the Prime Minister should not have 2.6 billion Ringgit.

10. What is clear is that even without so much money, BN and UMNO has won so many times better than Najib in 13th General Election. It is not money that brought victory. It is service to the people and sincerity of intentions that gave victory to the party.

11. Apparently the money was donated by donors who do not like to be identified. They were not prepared to give direct to UMNO but as a “leader” they are prepared to pay just to Najib as a leader for him to keep in a personal account. This makes no sense at all unless there is an intention to not explain where the money came from, to conceal expenses.

12. An allegation was made that the Bank knew. If Bank Negara knew what is the evidence. Why was the report of Bank Negara rejected by AG. Was it because AG did not believe Bank Negara whereas we are required to believe Bank Negara in respect of something mentioned only by Najib, but not by Bank Negara.

13. It will more convincing if the report of the National Bank be exposed rather than only Najib saying Bank Negara knew. Any money of 50 million and more deposited into any bank must obtain the approval of Bank Negara. Just show documentary evidence of the approval by Bank Negara of the RM2.6 billion and Najib will be believed.

14. Attempts were made to discredit me by saying I also lost Government money because of actions and money losing investments. Najib himself admitted that in business sometimes there are profits and sometimes losses. The key is everything must be accounted for in a transparent and in an open manner. And all transactions are done by responsible Government officers. I was not involved in management particularly management of capital funds. My job ends with approval of the investment. I am not a manager or executive advisor.

15. On the other hand Najib established 1MDB financed only 1 million by the Government. He also became adviser to 1MDB.

16. 1MDB borrowed RM42 billion which is 42,000 times larger than the capital. Money was borrowed at very high interest and commission to Golden Sachs stood at 10%.

17. This money was used to buy power stations which were obsolete and with almost expired license at a price higher than the market price. Debts of RM 8 billion were assumed and total debts now stood at RM50 billion.

18. The stations were merged into Edra. But the returns are so low that it cannot pay interest and had to be sold. It could not be listed because its accounts cannot be verified by the auditors. It had to be sold to a company from China as TNB could not pay a price that can resolve the debt of RM18 billion.

19. The balance of the borrowings were used to buy government land at a greatly reduced price of RM60 psf, while adjacent lands sold for RM7,000 psf. The purchase price of the airport land is not mentioned.

20. The land occupied by squatters was bought in Penang at a very high price. Difficult to develop.

21. An attempt was made to sell the land at Jalan Tun Razak purchased at the price of RM60 psf from the Government to Tabung Haji at RM3,000 psf (50 times the purchase price). Should the Government lose RM2,940 psf. Is this 1MDB strategic business?

22. Did I do things like this? Prove. Not just wild accusations.

23. It seemed that the economy is not in a bad state.

24. The fact is, the value of the Ringgit and share prices has fallen drastically. The cost of living rose with GST, fuel subsidies reduced, tolls and fares increased, etc.

25. Income increased but purchasing power decreased because the value of Ringgit fell. Unemployment is increasing, including among university graduates. Business and industry face insurmountable problems.

26. Am I damaging the country’s image?

27. The world press have reported much earlier about Jho Low and his friendship with Najib, his way of life and luxury house purchases, his financing of the film “Wolf of Wall Street” with Najib’s stepson, than the mention of 1MDB by me. All these are demonizing the country. It is made worse by reports of 1MDB investments, and then the RM2.6 billion money in Najib’s personal account.

28. If there is anyone who is damaging the image of the nation, it must be Dato Sri Najib himself. Before this the image of the country has been good.

29. If what Najib have been accused of is just slander, Najib must prove they are not true. Najib should even sue the newspapers that reported. Although it seems action will be taken there has been none, other than frightening those who make complaints or report to the police with threats of being interrogated by the police, put into custody and brought before the court. It has never happened anywhere where people reporting crimes to the police are being accused of sabotaging democracy or attempting to overthrow the Government. Also lawyers of complainants are questioned by police and taken into custody.

30. The ordinary people may not be bothered. The reason may be because the press are not allowed to report. But just because ordinary people do not care, cheating and criminal actions still should not be legitimized.