
Thursday, June 4, 2009


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on June 3, 2009 1:30 PM

1. We don't hear much about Malaysia Incorporated nowadays. Maybe it is because people in the Government and private sector are doing things rather than talking. Maybe they are all still cooperating, the public and the private sectors, so as to grow this country.

2. But it would be good if the people are informed about the cooperation and collaboration.

3. I am not in the Government now but still people come to me to talk about their problems. I find that many of them have some very good ideas which would not harm the Government if it listens to briefings about them.

4. The Government of course would not be obliged to adopt these private sector ideas.

5. I was a great plagiarist when I was in the Government. Many of my ideas came from stealing other people's ideas. Fortunately no one has so far sued me. Of course many people, including civil servants like to say that everything done in this country is due to me. I don't always refute their statements and being human I like to bask in this undeserved glory.

6. A lot of people have voiced their unhappiness with the national education system. Some say there is too much stress on examinations, others say that getting 20As in examinations really does not mean anything. Others want to see history and other subjects be made compulsory. Others want to revert to the national language or mother tongue for teaching everything. Contrary views have been voiced on the teaching of mathematics and science etc etc.

7. Some who run private schools and universities have been extremely successful, despite charging fees, high fees sometimes. I am amazed at their dedication because the education industry will not make the educationists millionaires. But they seem to put their hearts and soul into their jobs.

8. Their teachers are also dedicated and many of their students have grown up, married and have children of their own. The ultimate endorsement of the private schools is when their former students send their children back to the school, to their alma mater so to speak.

9. I don't think the country will lose if we listen to their stories of success. There may be something to learn from them. We may be able to adopt some of their ways. We may even be able to detect the faults in our systems and make adjustments.

10. I hope that the Malaysia Inc. Concept can be revived, that is, if it is now dormant. It is a good concept. The private sector can learn a lot about the problems of governing and would be more tolerant. On the other hand the public sector can learn much about how the private sector functions, and their problems. The understanding engendered by the public/private sector cooperation cannot but benefit everyone and the country. Maybe something good will come of this.

11. I am not presuming to teach the Government. But so many of those who saw me believe I can be of help that I felt I need at least to indicate that they have problems and perhaps ideas which the Government might look at.