
Monday, February 12, 2018


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on February 09, 2018

1. Najib must know the whole country is against him. His chances of winning the 14th G.E. are almost nil.

2. He also knows the direct consequences for him if he loses. He would be charged in court and he may find himself in jail.

3. Knowing all these, he must make sure he would not lose. By hook and most certainly by crook he must win.

4. One of the things he is likely to do if he loses by a small margin is to declare a state of emergency and to suspend parliament. He would set up a Mageran type of Government and rule the country by decree.

5. To do this he will need the support of mainly the army chief and the police chief.

6. When Marcos was ruling the Philippines as a dictator, he had the support of army and police chiefs. But when he caused Aquino to be assassinated, the chiefs withdrew their support. With that the people took to the streets and demanded the removal of Marcos as President. The people power movement was successful because Marcos had lost the support of the chiefs.

7. In Malaysia currently the Inspector General of Police and Chief of the armed forces are supporters of the Prime Minister or at least are compliant to what he does. Even when he clearly breaks the law they appear not to be concerned.

8. Najib’s misrule is far more serious than Marcos. There is clear evidence that he has stolen Government money. In the eyes of the world his abuse of power is acknowledged. Najib’s Malaysia is described as a kleptocracy, not a democracy any more. The rule of law is blatantly ignored by Najib. Corruption by him is rampant.

9. The question is whether the support would continue if he seizes power following the election. At this moment the people believe the possibility is real, very real. Only an overwhelming victory of the opposition will prevent this.

10. If Najib wins the consequences would be terrible. This country will become bankrupt as total debt now is almost one trillion Ringgit. Najib has been selling chunks of Malaysia in order to pay debts. All the best land have been sold. There will come a time when he would not be able to raise money to pay debts. When that time comes, Malaysia would become a bankrupt country.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Selamat Menyambut Thaipusam 2018

As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 30, 2018

Kepada semua penganut agama Hindu…

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Ucapan Tun Mahathir Mohamad di Konvensyen Pakatan Harapan 2018
(07 Januari 2018)


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 24, 2018

1. Terkejut saya apabila diberitahu pemilihan dalam PRU 14 ini tidak lebih dari pemilihan antara Pepsi Cola dengan Coca Cola. Oleh itu apa perlunya kita mengundi.

2. Begitu rendahkah kebolehan kita berfikir dan membuat bandingan? Jika ditanya antara Proton dengan Rolls Royce, yang mana satu yang nak dipilih? Mana-mana sahajalah. Apa bezanya antara Proton dengan Rolls Royce. Kedua-duanya kereta bermotor, tak lebih dari itu.

3. Keputusan yang dibuat ialah untuk tidak membeli Proton atau Rolls Royce. Kereta bermotor boleh terlibat dengan kemalangan. Adalah lebih baik berjalan kaki.

4. Tetapi semasa melintas jalan sahabat ini tergilis dengan sebuah kereta – kereta Rolls Royce.

5. Dia tak tahu kerana dah maut. Sebenarnya Rolls Royce itu dipandu pencuri kereta itu.

6. Ini cerita dongeng. Tetapi cerita ini sama dengan membuat pilihan antara Pepsi Cola dengan Coca Cola.

7. Samada cerita ini dapat difahami atau tidak bergantung kepada kebolehan pembaca. Jika kebolehan rendah maka terjadilah tafsiran seperti yang dibuat terhadap soalan saya berkenaan daging babi.

8. Maju mundurnya sesuatu bangsa bergantung kepada daya fikir bangsa itu. Dalam Al Quran berkali-kali terdapat ayat yang menyentuh daya-fikir manusia. Setelah diperdengar wahyu dari Allah, ada yang masih tidak faham dan tidak percaya. Ayat menyoal, tidakkah kamu berfikir, mengguna akal fikiran.

9. Puak yang tidak dapat fikir ini dikenali sebagai puak jahiliah. Jika kita tergolong dalam puak ini, tak mungkin kita bezakan antara yang bertanding. Dan mustahil kita akan maju. Tak hairanlah jika kita tidak akan undi dalam pilihan raya 14. Jika memilih antara Pepsi dengan Coca pun kita tak dapat, apatah lagi antara BN dengan PH. Tentu terlalu berat bagi kita.

10. Oleh itu jangan pilih. Selamatlah kita.


Tepuk dada

Tanya selera.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 23, 2018

1. Saya dipesan, bahkan dilarang oleh kawan dan musuh supaya tidak berkata apa-apa berkenaan agama Islam, agama saya.

2. Mereka berkata bahawa saya tidak berpelajaran agama dan tidak faham bahasa Arab. Dan saya tidak ternampak sebagai seorang ulama iaitu saya tidak berserban dan berjubah dan tidak pula berkasut selipar.

3. Saya dinasihat supaya dengar sahajalah ajaran dan sharahan yang disampaikan oleh orang yang layak, iaitu orang agama yang terlatih dan berpelajaran agama walaupun setakat pondok di kampung.

4. Saya terima baik nasihat mereka. Saya tidak akan bercakap atau bersyarah.

5. Tetapi saya tidak dilarang bertanya jika ada perkara-perkara yang saya perlu penjelasan dari orang alim dalam agama Islam. Sesungguhnya banyaklah perkara yang mengelirukan saya berkenaan agama Islam.

6. Di antaranya ialah berkenaan haram halal. Saya sejak kecil lagi diberitahu bahawa daging babi haram dimakan oleh orang Islam.

7. Bolehkah saya tanya jika babi disembelih dengan menyebut nama Tuhan, haram lagikah daging babi itu?

8. Susulan dari itu ingin saya tanya lagi. Duit yang dicuri haram atau tidak? Jika haram bolehkah duit itu dihalalkan dengan menggunakannya untuk ibadah haji atau umrah.

9. Jika kita tidak tahu duit itu dicuri salahkah jika duit itu diguna untuk buat ibadat haji? Jika kita tahu bahawa duit itu dicuri, halalkah duit itu jika diguna untuk kerja haji.

10. Semasa saya masih budak-budak, ada fatwa bahawa mayat tidak boleh dimuat atas kereta bermotor. Di waktu jenazah Tunku Ibrahim, regent Kedah dibawa dari Anak Bukit ke Makam diRaja di Langgar, jenazah dimuat di atas sebuah kereta yang ditarik dengan dua tali oleh beberapa orang. Ini saya lihat dengan mata kepala saya sendiri. Saya diberitahu adalah haram memuat jenazah di atas kereta bermotor. Sebabnya ialah kerana motor adalah buatan orang kafir. Tetapi sekarang kereta jenazah semuanya bermotor. Apakah telah jadi kepada fatwa dahulu?

11. Teringat saya kepada sebuah amanat yang mendakwa Kerajaan Malaysia kafir kerana ia mengamal sistem kafir. Sehingga sekarang pihak yang bertanggungjawab berkenaan agama Islam tidak menolak amanat ini. Benarkah Kerajaan Malaysia ini kafir dan perlu tentangan jihad, dan kematian semasa berjuang adalah syahid.

12. Ya banyak lagi dari ajaran Islam dan amalannya yang mengeliru saya. Saya akan tanya sedikit-sedikit.

13. Saya harap saya tidak dinasihat supaya jangan tanya. Saya dengar banyak tazkirah dan syarahan agama oleh “ulama”. Tetapi soal-soal yang saya keliru ini tidak pernah disentuh melainkan oleh orang tertentu yang mempunyai kepentingan lain dari agama Islam.

Monday, January 22, 2018


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 18, 2018

1. Pakatan Harapan belum didaftar. Gabungan empat buah parti sehaluan ini telah memohon kepada Pendaftar Pertubuhan untuk didaftar dan logo/simbolnya dilulus tetapi sehingga kini P.H. belum didaftar walaupun berkali-kali P.H. cuba mendapat keputusan Pendaftar.

2. Pendaftar tidak pun jawab surat kami bahkan tidak menyatakan surat permohonan dan surat pertanyaan kami diterima atau tidak. Perjumpaan dengan pendaftar dua kali tidak menghasilkan penjelasan rasmi. Kononnya ada masalah dengan DAP dan Parti Pribumi. Kenyataan juga dibuat oleh Pendaftar kepada orang ramai, tetapi tidak ada surat rasmi menjelaskan apa dianya masalah.

3. Jawapan tertulis tidak pernah diterima dari Pendaftar. Hakikatnya ialah hingga sekarang selepas 7 bulan permohonan dibuat Pakatan Harapan tidak tahu apa kedudukannya. Tanpa kelulusan secara rasmi gabungan kami dan logo/simbolnya, kami tidak dapat bertanding dalam PRU 14 sebagai sebuah gabungan dengan logo/simbol yang sama.

4. Jika kami tidak dapat kelulusan terutama bagi simbol kami, maka kami terpaksa guna simbol masing-masing. Ini akan mengelirukan pengundi.

5. Tidak menjawab tidak bermakna Pendaftar tidak lulus. Parti memerlu masa yang panjang untuk memperkenal simbol dan gabungan kami kepada orang ramai. Jika kelulusan diberi setelah Parlimen dibubar, tidak ada masa bagi kami membuat persiapan.

6. Tidak melulus atau kelulusan lewat yang melemah kami akan menguntungkan BN dan UMNO. Ada unsur mala fide, niat tidak baik dalam tindakan Pendaftar tidak jawab permohonan kami.

7. Sesungguhnyalah sudah tidak ada pentadbiran mengikut undang-undang (the Rule of Law) di Malaysia yang dikuasai oleh Najib.

8. Rakyat perlu ambil perhatian terhadap tindakan Najib untuk menafikan hak rakyat memilih Kerajaan dalam pilihanraya mengikut Perlembagaan Negara.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 17, 2018

1. People and the media never fail to point out that I was a dictator. I presided over an authoritarian Government of Malaysia for 22 years. Any mention of my name must be preceded or followed with the qualification “dictator”.

2. Looking back now, I realise why, as Prime Minister of Malaysia I was described as a dictator. There were many things I did which were typically dictatorial.

3. Actually I showed this tendency very early. Upon being appointed as Minister of Education, the first command I made was for the “Menteri” plate above the number plate of my official car to be ripped off. Maybe I feared assassination. I don’t know. But, unlike other democratic ministers I did not have the “Menteri” plate on my car.

4. I also demanded for a six men police escort. But they told me that a minister gets only one plain-clothed policeman. I warned them to wait until I became Prime Minister.

5. When I became Prime Minister I demanded for UTK (Special Forces) plainclothes escorts as well as ten outriders. They gave me only four. It was really not enough. I felt very unsafe. I had to look right and left and also behind to identify assailants early. Now that I am not the Prime Minister, you will not see my numerous bodyguards. This is because they are invisible.

6. In America I was surrounded by six burly secret service men. If anyone shot at me they would take the bullet. President Kennedy was almost saved by them. President Reagan was more lucky. I wanted the same body-guards at home. But there were no six-footers in Malaysia to absorb the bullets. I have to make-do with smallish Malay policeman.

7. Now I dare not get into a crowd. I don’t shake hands and selfies are not allowed. My invisible bodyguards check all cameras and hand phones of those who get within 10 feet from me.

8. As Education Minister I demanded that schools must not be named after me. All my democratic predecessors had schools named after them. One even had a school named after his wife.

9. I did not want schools to be named after me because dictators normally do not like personality cults. So when I became Prime Minister I did not allow my name to be attached to any building, road or public toilets. Now the Najib Government is doing me a favour. Reference to me in text books have been erased. Thank you Najib for being such a democrat.

10. To continue the narration about my dictatorship, upon being appointed Prime Minister I ordered the release of 21 political detainees, detained under ISA by my predecessors. This release was of course the tradition with dictators. Previous democratic PMs did not release any detainees. They in fact added more because that was the democratic thing to do.

11. But what about Ops Lalang. Well, Tun Hanif is on video to say that it was his decision. He was my security adviser and he said I could not countermand him. He says that as my security adviser, he decides.

12. It is not true of course. I went over his head and ordered as many people as possible to be detained and tortured. If he denies it must be because of bran. Still he does not seem to like bran.

13. Then there is Tan Sri Abu Talib, the AG in my time. He recently declared that I was not responsible for Tun Salleh Abas’ dismissal. This just cannot be true. Everyone saw how I caught hold of Salleh Abas by the scruff of his neck and threw him out of his court. I don’t know why Abu Talib should deny popular belief. Maybe I gave him bran. I don’t remember.

14. As wife of Prime Minister, Hasmah was also known as FLOMH (First Lady of my house). She was fond of pink diamonds and Hermes handbags.

15. She bought many of them in the flea markets in London and Hong Kong. She wore them around her neck, arms and fingers every day. There are lots of pictures of her, loaded with expensive jewels. No one can fail to notice that she was the wife of a dictator. She also has a food taster.

16. My children held high posts in the Government and UMNO. They naturally got Government contracts which they sold at good prices. That is why they are among the super rich. Unknown to anyone, Mukhriz has been appointed PH’s Deputy Prime Minister in waiting.

17. I set up five heavy industries and pocketed a good percentage of the capital. The money is kept in secret accounts in numerous banks. The accounts are so secret that I myself don’t know which bank. Not to worry. The police will find out. Another RCI can be set up.

18. Tun Abdullah and Tun-to-be Najib conducted a search for the money I had stolen. So far they have not been able to trace any. But not to be disappointed, Najib discovered that 30 billion Ringgit was lost by Bank Negara 30 years ago. Since I was the Prime Minister at that time, it must have been me who had stolen the money. So he set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry and sure enough I was found guilty.

19. I inherited from Tun Hussein a Boeing 737 business jet. It was big and expensive. So I decided to sell it and buy a smaller aircraft. I believe the savings went into my secret account. I don’t know where. There should be a police investigation.

20. As a dictator I made sure the Prime Minister’s residence in Putrajaya had a tunnel connecting it to KLIA. If anything happened I could escape through this tunnel to a waiting plane. Until now the tunnel cannot be found.

21. With the money I had stolen, I built two private palaces in Country Heights and the Mines. They are surrounded by high walls and guarded 24 hours a day by security forces. I also have fierce dogs. Anyone visiting me is frisked for weapons.

22. When I was about to retire, some people suggested that they build a memorial library for me. All American Presidents have memorial libraries.

23. I commanded as a true dictator that the memorial be dedicated to previous Prime Ministers also. I instructed that it be called the Perdana Leadership Foundation. The great achievements of all previous Prime Ministers must be kept there. Of course my record as a dictator is preserved for eternity there. All the valuable gifts given to me as PM, including 26 cars, are kept in the Galleria in Langkawi. Unfortunately the Government refuse to return them to me.

24. There are many other authoritarian acts perpetrated by me. But, to cut a long story short, as a true dictator I decided to resign. All dictators do this. Hitler and Mussolini unfortunately died before they could resign. Franco of Spain and Salazar of Portugal were about to resign when they died.

25. But I was lucky. I was able to resign before I die. This confirms that I was a true dictator. I ordered some ministers to rush up to me and cry when I made the announcement.

26. No one should know about all my authoritarian acts. It is sufficient just to state that I was a dictator. If asked why you say I was a dictator, just say everyone said so before. Therefore it must be true.

27. So carry on calling me an authoritarian dictator, a Mahazalim and Mahafiraun, who was undemocratic, and has become super rich through corruption. It is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 11, 2018

1. Saya tidak dapat menziarahi Dato’ Sri Anwar di Hospital Cheras. Saya diberitahu Menteri Dalam Negeri telah mengarah pejabat penjara supaya tidak membenar saya ziarah Dato’ Sri Anwar.

2. Saya kecewa dan sedih. Apakah yang sudah jadi pada negara kita ini. Tidak pernah mana-mana Perdana Menteri Malaysia sebelum ini melarang sebarang lawatan untuk berjumpa pesakit atau banduan, samada ia ahli politik atau orang biasa. Saya, semasa menjadi Perdana Menteri, tidak pernah menghalang mana-mana banduan, termasuk Dato’ Sri Anwar, diziarahi oleh sesiapa.

3. Tetapi sekarang sudah ada arahan ini khusus bagi saya.

4. Tujuan saya menziarah hanya untuk ucap terima kasih kerana Anwar telah bersetuju dengan cadangan Pakatan Harapan untuk saya dinamakan calon Perdana Menteri jika kami menang.

5. Dalam gabungan empat buah parti ini, kita bersetuju semua keputusan dibuat secara konsensus iaitu dengan dipersetujui oleh semua empat parti. Jika ada mana-mana satu parti tidak bersetuju, keputusan tidak akan diterima sebagai keputusan Pakatan Harapan.

6. Apabila saya dicalon sebagai bakal Perdana Menteri untuk Pakatan Harapan, tiga buah parti bersetuju, tetapi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tidak membuat keputusan.

7. Namun pada saat terakhir PKR bersetuju. Saya percaya masa yang panjang yang diambil oleh PKR ialah kerana tidak senang dengan saya, yang menjadi PM diwaktu Anwar dipenjara.

8. Memendek cerita akhirnya PKR bersetuju. Saya percaya persetujuan ini adalah oleh kerana pengasas PKR, Dato’ Sri Anwar dapat mengatasi perasaannya dan mengutamakan kepentingan negara lebih dari perasaan diri sendiri. Jelas Anwar, seperti semua kami dalam PH mengutamakan penyingkiran Najib lebih mustahak dari permusuhan antara kami dahulu.

9. Bukan mudah bagi Anwar terutamanya. Tetapi jelas Anwar utamakan negara lebih dari dirinya.

10. Parti-parti lawan tidak pernah mengalahkan gabungan 13 buah parti dalam BN. Sebabnya ialah kerana parti lawan tidak dapat betul-betul bekerjasama antara mereka.

11. Hanya jika ada pakatan yang kuat hasil keikhlasan dalam bekerjasama antara parti lawan, barulah mereka berkemungkinan kalahkan BN.

12. Dengan Keadilan memenuhi syarat konsensus empat buah parti lawan, kemenangan PH menjadi lebih cerah.

13. Sebab itulah saya ingin ucap terima kasih sendiri kepada Anwar. Saya perlu hanya satu minit sahaja untuk berjumpa, tidak lebih. Tidak ada niat bercakap berkenaan politik.

14. Lagipun semua orang tahu perlantikan saya akan menentukan kekalahan Pakatan Harapan. Bukankah Institute of Strategic and International Studies Senior Fellow Sholto Byrnes telah berkata pencalonan saya bermakna Pakatan telah ambil satu langkah kebelakang. Apalah nak takut sangat perjumpaan saya dengan Anwar. Tentulah ia akan jadi satu lagi langkah kebelakang oleh Pakatan Harapan.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 08, 2018

1. It is reported that Bank Negara has bought from the Government of Malaysia 22.58 hectares of land for the relocation of the Global Islamic Finance University and the International Research Academy for Islamic Finance. (read here)

2. Months were taken to negotiate these transactions. Bank Negara will pay the Government of Malaysia RM2 billion for this land.

3. When I was in office Bank Negara expanded physically several times. But no one heard about the price paid for the land. Maybe the public as stakeholders, would like to know how much Bank Negara paid for the land on which the present magnificent bank buildings stand.

4. Selling assets is one way for the Government to make money. We sold land in Penang and Port Klang recently and made enough money to pay the second instalment of the debt owed to IPIC. (read here)

5. We still have more land. If we sell a few states we can be really rich. That is one way to achieve Vision 2020. More land can be sold and a little of the proceeds distributed as BR1M to achieve a high income nation. We would then become a developed nation. No need to wait until 2050.

6. Look at Singapore. It is tiny compared to Malaysia. But it has a much higher income per capita than Malaysia. Singapore was a part of Malaysia before. It was sold to the British. It is now an independent country.

7. We don’t need a big land area. If we sell all our excess land we can see them becoming well developed. We can be very proud of their development.

8. Najib is doing a great job. If we give him more time we will see him selling more land, which would get very well developed.

Monday, January 8, 2018


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 04, 2018


Utusan Malaysia

Utusan Malaysia tahu saya tidak kata mufti kafir. Tetapi sebagai media milik parti Kerajaan, Utusan perlu salah tafsir untuk selamatkan diri.

Apa yang saya kata ialah jika mufti tidak menolak dakwaan PAS dan amanat Haji Hadi bahawa orang Islam yang bekerjasama dengan orang kafir menjadi kafir, maka mufti juga akan jadi kafir kerana mereka tidak menyatakan penolakan mereka.

Mufti bukan sebarang orang. Mufti bertanggungjawab menasihat raja dan rakyat berkenaan agama Islam. Menjadi tanggungjawab mufti memberi pendapat samada dakwaan PAS dan Haji Hadi benar atau tidak. Amanat Haji Hadi dibuat kerana politik tetapi amanatnya memesongkan agama orang Islam.

Oleh kerana mufti tidak memberi pendapat tentang pengkafiran ini, walaupun sanggup menafikan ajaran sesat Arqam Ashaari, Ayah Pin dan beberapa tokoh lain, maka ramailah orang Islam percaya dan taksub dengan dakwaan Haji Hadi dan PAS sehingga ada yang mendakwa ibu bapa mereka kafir, ada yang berkahwin sekali lagi, yang tolak makan sembelihan orang UMNO sebagai haram, sembahyang berasingan imam, mendiri masjid sendiri dan bermacam lagi kerana kononnya Kerajaan Malaysia kafir dan orang yang tidak menyertai PAS kafir. Semua ini dilaporkan oleh Utusan dahulu.

Sehingga ke hari ini mufti tidak menolak dakwaan PAS dan Haji Hadi. Di Terengganu masih ada orang Islam yang percaya bahawa orang UMNO dan orang lain yang tidak menyertai PAS adalah kafir.

Mufti tidak harus terlibat dengan politik. Tetapi apabila agama diperalatkan untuk politik dengan mengelirukan orang Islam, amatlah penting dan menjadi tanggungjawab mufti memberi penjelasan samada pendapat orang politik itu benar-benar berasas kepada Islam. Sehingga sekarang belum ada pendapat atau penjelasan yang dibuat oleh mufti.

Hakikatnya ialah jika orang bukan PAS termasuk saya dianggap kafir, maka mufti juga boleh dikatakan kafir kerana tidak menyertai PAS. Jika amanat Haji Hadi diterima mufti bekerja dan menjadi pegawai dalam Kerajaan Kafir. Benarkah?

Saudara Pengarang,

Saya harap saudara akan masuk surat ini dalam akhbar saudara seperti saudara masuk laporan-laporan berkaitan isu ini sejak 30 Disember 2017.

Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 02, 2018

1. It is obvious that Johari Ghani, the Second Minister of Finance wants desperately to stop the debate on the huge loss suffered by the Malaysian financial reserve.

2. I too would like to close the debate, but I cannot allow Johari Ghani’s failure to explain the losses suffered by Bank Negara of 39.6 billion USD between 2013 and 2015 to remain a mystery.

3. The large loss may be due to normal management. But big sums must have been involved for the total to be so big. It cannot be just because Bank Negara followed the trend in the out flow of funds from Malaysia.

4. Actually Bank Negara’s duty is to halt the out flow, not to enhance the out flow.

5. The only reason for Bank Negara to liquidate its holding of foreign currency in its reserves is to support the Ringgits’ value by buying it.

6. It must have failed repeatedly despite depleting much of the reserves. Even today the Ringgit is lower than the fixed rate of 3.80 to 1USD, and more if compared to the strengthened Ringgit at 3.00 to 1 USD when it was floated.

7. During the currency crisis we stopped buying Ringgit because it did not work. We stopped when it was reported we lost 11 billion Ringgit but between 2013 and 2015 you did not stop until the loss amounted to 39.6 billion USD equal to 160 billion Ringgit.

8. Call it by any name, the fact remains that the management of our reserves lost more than 7 times the amount we lost 30 years ago. And the loss was due to trading USD for Ringgit. If it is not due to trading, then what caused the reserves to lose? This YB Johari Ghani has not answered.

9. While the losses 30 years ago have been recovered, the 160 billion loss between 2013-2015 have not been fully recovered.

10. Yet the Government seems quite happy to brush aside the loss of 160 billion Ringgit, but finds it necessary to set up enquiries on the alleged loss of 30 billion Ringgit 30 years ago. If as Prime Minister then, I was culpable, then Najib as Prime Minister during 2013-2015 is equally culpable.

11. But of course in the Malaysia of today there is no equality before the law. Indeed a Minister like YB Mr Johari Ghani can lie as sycophants in the Government are above the law.

12. That is what kleptocracy is about.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 27, 2017

Kata Annuar Musa – UMNO Lillahi ta’ala atau UMNO “kerana Allah”

Saya nak tanya apakah UMNO mencuri kerana Allah, UMNO menipu kerana Allah, UMNO makan suap dan UMNO sogok duit kerana Allah.

Apakah UMNO pindah pengundi, tukar tempat mengundi, tukar sempadan untuk mencuri pengundi Melayu, UMNO seleweng undi pos kerana Allah.

Annuar sepatutnya junjung Quran dan lafaz bahawa semua yang dunia tahu dilakukan oleh UMNO adalah kerana Allah.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 24, 2017

Dear Mr Johari,

1. Do not try to confuse the public by saying that it is just a normal outflow of foreign funds from Malaysia.

2. Yes, foreign investors do liquidate their holdings in Malaysia to take out their money when the Ringgit depreciate or from fear of shares collapsing.

3. Bank Negara as managers of our foreign currency reserves is already holding the foreign currencies (US bonds).

4. Its duty is to sustain the value of the Malaysian Ringgit should the market lose confidence in the Government’s management of its finances among other things.

5. To sustain the value of the Ringgit, Bank Negara must buy the Ringgit i.e. show there is a demand for the Ringgit.

6. But with what can Bank Negara buy the Ringgit. The obvious source is the foreign currency reserves it is holding. Effectively Bank Negara id trading USD from the national reserves for devalued Ringgits.

7. The Ringgit value may be sustained. But continued lack of confidence in the market may force further devaluation of the Ringgit.

8. And Bank Negara would have to use more USD from the reserves to support the Ringgit. As we all know the Ringgit did not recover during those years.

9. The outflow of USD39.6 billion can only be caused by Bank Negara selling US dollars from the national reserves, causing the reserve to lose money during the period between 2013 to 2015. This is admitted by Bank Negara itself. This is what happens when the Ringgit is allowed to float.

10. Can Mr. Johari explain how else the reserve can shrink? Can he explain why Bank Negara has to follow the trend and join in the outflow of the USD? When the private sector was selling the depreciating Ringgit for USD, why is Bank Negara selling the USD for devalued Ringgit.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 22, 2017

1. Opposition parties can only demonstrate. But Governments can act meaningfully.

2. Umno’s demo together with Pas can only be meaningful if it results in the BN Government acting against Donald Trump and the United States.

3. We call upon the Umno-led Government to follow Turkey in setting up a Malaysian consulate accredited to the Government of Palestine in Jerusalem, its capital.

4. We call upon the Malaysian Government to vote in favour of a draft resolution condemning the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

5. We, the Opposition call upon Najib to rescind his words to Donald Trump during his visit to see the President of the U.S. that “the enemies of the United States are also the enemies of Malaysia”.

6. The U.S. regards Palestine as an enemy of the United States. Malaysia must assure the world that Palestine is not our enemy, that we are in favour of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 20, 2017

1. Seperti yang dijangka penubuhan RCI bertujuan mencari alasan untuk mengaitkan dan menyalahkan kepimpinan parti lawan dengan dakwaan bahawa pegawai-pegawai Bank Negara menipu jumlah kehilangan duit bank semasa mengurus dagangan mata wang 30 tahun dahulu.

2. Kononnya Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada masa itu tahu dan sedar berkenaan dengan penipuan ini tetapi mereka tidak mendedahkan perbuatan ini, bermakna mereka bersubahat.

3. Apakah bukti mereka tahu dan bersubahat tidak dijelaskan. Yang tentu tahu dan bersubahat menyembunyi jumlah kehilangan sebenar ialah orang yang, selepas 30 tahun, membuat dakwaan bahawa jumlah kehilangan sebenar bukan 11 billion Ringgit tetapi 30 billion.

4. Sudah tentu Abdul Murad sebagai pegawai bank negara benar-benar sudah lama tahu dan sedar akan jumlah kehilangan dan penipuan yang dibuat. Sudah tentu ia boleh dedah awal-awal lagi penyelewengan ini dan pegawai- pegawai dan auditor yang terlibat. Tetapi ia tidak dedah.

5. Jika Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri dikatakan bersama menyembunyi angka 30 billion, Abdul Murad lebih terlibat dengan menyembunyi kebenaran. Tetapi Abdul Murad tidak dianggap bersalah kerana menyembunyi penipuan itu begitu lama.

6. Abdul Murad pilih untuk mendedah “breach of faith” ini apabila jelas pendedahan olehnya akan memberi Perdana Menteri Najib peluang bertindak terhadap musuh politiknya walaupun perkara ini tidak lagi disoal bertahun-tahun, walaupun oleh parti-parti pembangkang.

7. Dengan tidak menghormati maksud undang-undang, Najib dengan kuasanya merebut peluang memulakan proses supaya akhirnya Perdana Menteri masa itu dan Timbalannya dapat disalahkan.

8. RCI ini memakan masa yang panjang. Ramailah saksi dipanggil dan kenyataan-kenyataan panjang mereka diperdengarkan. Selain dari saksi disoal dan menjawab, memorandum yang panjang dengan butir-butir terperinci oleh saksi diserah kepada RCI. Peguam-peguam saksi turut hadir sepanjang RCI bersidang. Mereka juga turut memberi penjelasan dan membuat soalan.

9. Memanglah RCI berhak membuat laporan tersendiri. Tetapi laporan yang diserah kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong, walaupun tebal tetapi jelas menunjuk bahawa butir-butir yang ditulis oleh RCI hampir tidak mengandungi fakta-fakta yang relevan yang diperdengarkan oleh saksi atau memorandum mereka. Walaupun penjelasan oleh saksi dicatit verbatim atau terperinci, tetapi RCI tidak sedikit pun menghirau penjelasan oleh saksi.

10. Yang jelas ialah seluruh laporan RCI menumpu kepada penentuan penglibatan Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan dan Ketua pasukan bahagian dagangan wang Bank Negara.

11. Semuanya berasas kepada sangkaan. Sangkaan ini dianggap sebagai fakta benar untuk polis bertindak.

12. RCI bukanlah badan kehakiman. Tetapi laporannya lebih merupakan hukuman terhadap pihak yang dibicara.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 19, 2017

1. Malaysia today is experiencing the destruction of democracy, the system it chose for the governance of the country at independence.

2. It is now described as a kleptocracy, a country ruled by thieves and robbers. But more than that it is a country where there is no rule of law, where the rulers do anything they please.

3. We had chosen democracy because we believed that the people will rule the country. It would not be direct rule of course. It would be through elected representatives.

4. We believed that if the chosen rulers fail the people, they would be rejected and a new set of rulers elected to take their place.

5. But unfortunately, the system is open to abuse. The process of electing can be manipulated. There are many ways of doing. We are experiencing them today.

6. In the first place, the Election Commission which should be independent, is totally under Government control.

7. It begins with the delineation of the constituencies. The borders can be shifted, polling station changed, and voter names can disappear and reappear somewhere else.

8. Bribery of the voters is open. Reports to the authorities result in no action. Besides money, kitchen appliances and other goodies are openly distributed.

9. The opposition parties are harassed, faults found and registration delayed or denied.

10. All sources of funds for the opposition are blocked, with potential donors being threatened, forced to pay extra taxes and accused of money laundering. Their money in the banks are frozen so that they cannot do business. Certainly not finance the opposition.

11. Government meeting halls are closed to the opposition parties. Hotels may not let their halls be used by the opposition. Local authorities do not permit usage of open spaces for meetings of the opposition. In several cases erection of tents for public gatherings were not allowed.

12. Although the vote is secret. Government spread rumours that it knows who the voters are voting for. There is an implied threat that those voting for the opposition would be punished.

13. Government employees are engaged to man the polling stations and many are instructed to favour Government party candidates in one way or another.

14. Officers in Government agencies and companies are told that they and their staff must ensure everyone supports the Government party. They are threatened with dismissal if they fail to do so.

15. Clearly the election will not be fair. But there are other things that the Government is openly doing to paralyse the opposition. Leaders of the opposition parties are being accused of all kinds of crimes. An incident which happened 30+ years ago is resurrected and a Royal Commission of Inquiry set up which, as expected, finds the opposition leaders had committed breaches and must be investigated by the police.

16. Yet when there is clear evidence that the Prime Minister had misappropriated billions of Ringgit of Government money, the reports on this is placed under the Official Secrets Act and no action taken by the police to investigate.

17. Losing 30 billion Ringgit is serious. But now, NOW, the BNM has reported a loss USD 39.6 billion (Ringgit 162.36 billion at current rate) between 2013-2015. How this huge loss was incurred is not explained. But the fact is that it is an enormous loss. It is four times the loss 30 years ago. Who made this decision which resulted in this huge loss. Who authorised the action which resulted in this loss.

18. Then there is the loss of wealth because of devaluation of the Ringgit. When it was pegged at 3.80 to 1USD, much money was saved. Unwisely it was floated resulting at first in its strengthening to RM3.00 to 1USD.

19. But bad management of the economy and the huge debts taken by the Government caused a loss of confidence in the country. And the Ringgit depreciated to almost RM4.50 to 1USD. Now it has strengthened to 4.1 to 1USD.

20. In the process the people and the nation lost huge sums of money because of the decision to unpeg.

21. But no investigations have been carried out. And no explanation is given to the suffering public. Certainly no Royal Commission of Inquiry has been set up.

22. It would seem that the ruling party in a democracy can abuse and manipulate the powers of the Government as it pleases.

23. Clearly all these can happen in a democracy. In a number of other democratic nations, irresponsible extremists and apparently deranged people can be elected. The result is bad Government and bad governance.

24. Still democracy is the best system of Government ever invented by Man. If democracy does not deliver, it is not because of the concept of Government of the people, by the People and for the People. It is because of the abuses of the system.

25. Democracy is a great system for the governance of a country. It is however not perfect. It is open to abuse. As we can see today democracy can easily be transformed into a kleptocracy, a Government of thieves, by thieves and for thieves.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 14, 2017

1. Najib fears financial support for the opposition. To stop this Najib resorts to threats and harassments against potential donors to the opposition.

2. This takes the form of squeezing individuals and companies for extra income and corporate taxes. The Income Tax people visit the potential donors and demand to be paid more taxes.

3. The records show that these people have paid all their taxes. But Income Tax people would reclassify allowances and make them taxable. Tax would be demanded on these newly taxable items and back dated by 10 or 20 years. Suddenly the tax payers find that they have to pay millions in back taxes.

4. They may protest and refuse to pay. The tax people will blacklist them and seize company books and other records. With this business had to stop. The losses would be huge.

5. Court procedures can take years. The losses would mount. Sometimes passports would be confiscated, again obstructing business.

6. Desperate, the tax-payers would bargain with the tax-collector. He would agree to pay a lesser amount and plead for payment in instalments. Sometimes the tax department would agree. But the tax payers are warned not to donate to opposition parties; not even being seen near them.

7. With that not only will the opposition be deprived of funds but the Government would collect more taxes. At a time when businesses are not doing well, the Government records more taxes being collected.

8. Another form of harassment is to accuse the businessmen of money laundering. No evidence need to be shown that this crime has been committed. The accusation alone is enough for the Government to freeze the accounts of the individual or company in the banks. With the funds frozen, business cannot be done. And of course no donation to the opposition can be made.

9. The victim would appeal. He would agree to a fine of a good portion of his money. But he must agree not to donate to the opposition parties, not even to continue friendship with certain individuals.

10. This type of tax-collecting is unprecedented. But the staff are said to be willing to do illegal things because they may receive a bonus for increasing tax collection.

11. All the signs show that the Government is short of funds. Ministries have been told to cut down on the budget allocated to them.

12. The huge loans taken by 1MDB and by the Government itself need to be serviced and paid. By the end of July, IPIC was paid USD 600 million. There are USD 600 million more to be paid by December 17.

13. The Government had hoped to borrow 55 billion for the East Coast Rail Link from China. There is no way the ECRL can earn enough money to repay this huge loan.

14. All the signs show the Government will not be able to meet even its normal obligations in terms of operation and development.

15. But the Government is spending more money to counter voter sentiment against Najib and his Government. Najib believes if the amount given is big enough, the voters would vote for him.

16. Currently Felda settlers are up in arms over the debts they had to take to purchase FGV shares and for replanting. Basically Najib promised to wipe out these debts with Government money.

17. His latest decision is as follows:

a) For 94,956 Felda settlers he will give RM 5000/- each (total RM 474,780,000).

b) Those who lost money because of the fall in the price of FGV share they had bought would get a gift of RM1800/- each.

c) Settlers who had left the Felda scheme will get all these incentives if they choose to rejoin Felda within 6 months.

d) For armed force Veterans a new pension scheme will be given to those veterans who were not eligible for pensions.

e) For the chairman and secretary of the Village Development Committee (JKKK) monthly pay of RM900 and RM300 will be paid as meeting allowances. There are 33, 000 Chairman and Secretaries. (cost RM350 million per annum).

f) Fisherman will be paid RM300 pm (Cost RM54.4 million)

g) Lots more money including BRIM would be given to all categories of people, increasing as elections approaches. Basically these are bribes, blatant bribes which are against the law.

18. Where will the billions given out come from. Government has a limited amount of money. Government may borrow but repayment cost money. Failure to repay may result in the country being declared bankrupt. Truly Najib is dragging the country to bankruptcy.

19. But now comes the ultimate blow. Prevent the opposition from offering an alternative to BN in the coming election. To do this all the Government has to do is to refuse or delay the registration of the Pakatan Harapan Coalition and to deregister Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, the party of choice of UMNO dissidents and UMNO supporters among the voters.

20. But Najib will still lose. The opposition can fall back on Plan B and Plan C.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 07, 2017

1. Ramai kita telah dengar berkenaan Amanat Hadi. Tetapi ramai yang tidak baca, lebih-lebih lagi menganalisa dan memahami isi kandungan amanat ini.

2. Saya telah siar amanat ini dalam blog saya. Tetapi ada baiknya saya perturunkan amanat ini sekali lagi:

Amanat Haji Hadi

“Saudara-saudara sekalian, percayalah. Kita menentang UMNO, bukan kerana nama dia UMNO. Kita menentang BN bukan kerana nama BN. Kita menentang dia kerana dia mengekalkan perlembagaan penjajah, mengekalkan peraturan kafir, mengekalkan peraturan jahiliyah. Oleh kerana itulah kita menentang mereka, oleh kerana itulah kita berjuang melawan mereka. Percayalah saudara-saudara, perjuangan kita adalah jihad, ucapan kita adalah jihad, derma kita adalah jihad dan kerana kita berjuang dengan puak-puak ini, kalau kita mati kerana berlawan ini mati kita adalah mati syahid, mati kita adalah mati Islam. Kita tidak payah masuk Yahudi, kita tidak payah masuk Kristian, kita tidak payah masuk Hindu, kita tidak payah masuk Budha, tetapi kita menjadi kafir dengan mengatakan politik suku agama suku”.

3. Perkataan-perkataan Hadi dalam amanatnya jelas merupakan hasutan terhadap pengikut-pengikutnya supaya sanggup mati dalam perjuangan menentang pemerintahan UMNO, BN yang didakwa “kafir”.

4. Kerajaan berhak menangkap dan memasukkan dalam tahanan Hadi kerana unsur hasutan dalam amanatnya. Tetapi Hadi mempunyai ramai pengikut yang fanatik yang boleh cetuskan huru-hara dan rusuhan diseluruh negara.

5. Sebab itu Hadi tidak dimasuk ke dalam tahanan.

6. Tetapi antara pengikut fanatik Hadi ialah Ibrahim Mahmud (Ibrahim Libya). Terpengaruh dengan ajaran dan amanat Hadi, Ibrahim merancang untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan dengan pemberontakan bersenjata. Ia bercadang mengadakan pasukan-pasukan bersenjata ini ditiap-tiap negeri di Malaysia. Bahawa rancangan ini tidak mungkin berjaya tidak dipedulikan.

7. Kerajaan sanggup bertindak terhadap Ibrahim kerana tindakan terhadapnya dipercayai tidak akan mengundang reaksi sebesar tindakan terhadap Hadi. Lagipun jika dibiar, gerakan Ibrahim mungkin menjadi besar dan sukar ditangani oleh pihak berkuasa.

8. Tetapi jangkaan Kerajaan meleset. Persiapan Ibrahim untuk melawan polis sudah sampai ke tahap penggunaan senjata, seperti parang, buluh tajam dan senapang patah.

9. Apabila polis bergerak ke arah rumah Ibrahim, mereka diserang hendap dan empat anggota polis dibunuh dan seorang lagi cedera. Akhirnya polis menyerang balas dan 13 pengikut Ibrahim dan Ibrahim terbunuh.

10. Rusuhan bersenjata oleh Ibrahim dan pengikutnya sehingga sanggup mati ini dipengaruhi oleh hasutan Hadi dan amanatnya. Perkara seperti ini tidak pernah dilakukan oleh orang Melayu selepas merdeka. Ini bukan cara orang-orang Melayu. Kita boleh faham dan terima tindakan seperti ini di zaman British. Di zaman merdeka polis dapat bendung kegunaan senjata dengan rundingan dan pujukan. Ini telah dilakukan beberapa kali dengan jayanya. Tetapi di Memali amat jelas sikap yang ditunjuk oleh Ibrahim dan pengikutnya dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan mereka berjihad mengikut ajaran dan amanat Hadi. Mereka percaya kematian mereka adalah syahid.

11. Dengan itu PAS telah menanam yang mati tanpa dimandi dan dikapan.

12. Sesungguhnya amanat Hadi dan ajarannya adalah punca tragedi Memali. Hadi patut kesal kerana dialah yang menyebabkan rusuhan dan kematian polis dan orang awam di Memali.
13. Walaupun PAS telah kafirkan musuh politik mereka lebih awal lagi tetapi tidak ada desakan dan hasutan supaya mereka mengganas dan membunuh dalam usaha mereka untuk kemenangan politik. Hanya Hadi sahaja yang membawa fahaman bahawa pembunuhan musuh politik oleh pengikutnya adalah disuruh oleh agama Islam dan kematian pembunuh adalah syahid.

14. Suruhanjaya Diraja perlu ditubuh. Hadi perlu dihadapkan ke suruhanjaya untuk disoal akan peranannya dan peranan amanatnya. Jika ada orang yang perlu disiasat berkenaan dengan Memali, orangnya ialah Abdul Hadi Awang, pemimpin parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS).

15. Sekarang Hadi sanggup bekerjasama dengan UMNO dan Kerajaan pimpinan UMNO yang dahulu dikatakan kafir kerana mengekalkan perlembagaan penjajah, mengekalkan peraturan kafir, mengekalkan peraturan jahiliah.

16. Di satu masa Hadi mendakwa UMNO kafir. Bekerjasama orang kafir menjadikan UMNO kafir.

17. Sekarang, sebelum menolak Amanatnya bahawa UMNO kafir, Hadi menjadi penyokong kuat UMNO, kerana tindakan PAS bertanding dalam PRU 14 akan mengurangkan undi bagi Pakatan Harapan dan memberi kemenangan kepada Najib. PAS sendiri akan kalah.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on December 06, 2017

SEORANG peguam kanan Mahkamah Agung Amerika Syarikat dilapor Utusan Malaysia berkata meskipun Jabatan Keadilan (DoJ) Amerika Syarikat (AS) telah memfailkan pelucut hak sivil ke atas aset yang didakwa mempunyai kaitan dengan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), tetapi tidak ada tindakan mahkamah diambil ke atas 1MDB di AS.

Juga dilapor yang terdapat sedikit sahaja aktiviti berkaitan dengan kes itu dan tiada siapa yang dinamakan sebagai sasaran jenayah. 

Laporan penuh boleh dibaca di sini.

Peguam Negara Amerika Syarikat Jefferson Sessions pula dalam ucapannya di Global Forum on Asset Recovery di Washington DC, menyifatkan siasatan ke atas 1MDB segabai siasatan ke atas kes “kleptokrasi paling teruk”.

Katanya hampir separuh daripada kutipan hasil rasuah bernilai AS$ 3.5 bilion yang telah dirampas oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat datang dari saman sivil berkaitan 1MDB.

“Pegawai yang didakwa rasuah dan sekutu mereka dilaporkan menggunakan dana 1MDB untuk “perbelanjaan mewah” seperti AS$ 200 juta untuk hartanah di California Selatan dan New York, AS $ 130 juta dalam karya seni, AS$ 100 juta untuk muzik dan kapal layar AS$ 265 juta”.

“Secara keseluruhan, pegawai-pegawa 1MDB didakwa melakukan pengubahan wang haram lebih daripada AS $ 4.5 bilion menerusi urus niaga yang kabur dan kompleks dan syarikat cengkerang dengan akaun bank di pelbagai negara seperti Switzerland, Singapura, Luxembourg dan Amerika Syarikat,” katanya.

“Ini kleptokrasi paling teruk.”

“Hari ini, Jabatan Keadilan AS (DOJ) sedang berusaha untuk memberi keadilan kepada mangsa-mangsa skim yang dikatakan ini,” katanya.

“Itulah sebabnya kita semua mesti berbuat lebih banyak untuk mempercepat permintaan Bantuan Perundangan Bersama (MLA).

“Permintaan ini memastikan bahawa pendakwa mempunyai bukti bahawa mereka perlu membawa penjenayah ke muka pengadilan,”

Laporan penuh kenyataan tersebut boleh dibaca di sini, dan laporan berita lanjut di sini dan di sini.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 26, 2017

1. The International War Tribunal in the Hague, Holland, has found Ratko Mladic, the butcher of Srebrenica, guilty of genocide. He is sentenced to life imprisonment.

2. Many may not have heard of the massacre of eight thousand Bosnian Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica, Bosnia Herzegovina. These people were forced to dig their own graves before being shot or bludgeoned to death and thrown into the graves.

3. Ratko Mladic as commander of the Serb army ordered the killing and oversaw the horrible massacre. His intention was to wipe out the Muslims of Europe so that Europe would truly become Christendom. It was genocide that he intended to achieve.

4. There had been massacres in Europe in the past. But after the Second World War ended with victory of the Western democratic powers, there were no more pogroms against the Jews.

5. But the Serbs still harbour the idea that Europe is exclusively for Christians. It is not a place for Muslims. And so the genocidal massacre in Srebrenica.

6. The surviving relatives of the victim can only partially rejoice that justice has finally been done. But a life sentence cannot compensate for the fears and sufferings of the Bosnians as they were led to the killing field to be murdered in cold blood.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 24, 2017

1. Kit Siang and I had a most interesting session with about 200 young Malaysians who wanted to hear answers to their questions. We on the other hand, wanted to know what is bugging them.

2. They asked very intelligent questions but were a little disappointing because they were mainly about past alleged misdeeds of the BN Governments. There was hardly any reference to the present and the future. The main focus was on Ops Lalang.

3. On corruption the assumption seems to be that any new Government would do all the things that Najib has done and is doing as long as the systems remain the same. There seems to be a belief that if the system is right then everything will be fine.

4. Merely changing the Government would not result in the Prime Minister lose his great power and his corruption.

5. The implication seems to be that voting in the election would not resolve the problems facing the country. This being so voting would be an exercise in futility.

6. In other words let the present Government continue, let Najib be the Prime Minister. It reflects the aphorism “better the devil you know than the angel you don’t ”.

7. Against this the opposition coalition’s efforts will come to naught especially with many young Malaysians. The coalition is prejudged as guilty before the fact.

8. It may seem strange that young Malaysians see no difference between the past and the present. But then our perception of things is based on what we see around us in our lifetime and not before we are born.

9. The old were born when Malaysia was a European colony or in the early years of independence. The young see Malaysia not only quite long after independence, but after the country has already developed much. The perceptions of the old and young are therefore different.

10. The perception of young Malaysians is that corruption in the Malaysian Independent Governments of the past is no different from the corruption of Najib’s Government of today. Change that brings back the Government of the past therefore represent no change at all.

11. The old on the other hand see the difference between the old and the new. They see that in the past no one categorised Malaysia as among the ten most corrupt countries in the world as it is now. No one called Malaysia a kleptocracy. No one was worried about national debt reaching one trillion Ringgit. No one talked of the abuses of power and the stealing of billions of Ringgit by the Prime Minister of the country. There was no 1MDB scandal and no 2.6 billion Ringgit in the PM’s account.

12. Instead they saw Malaysia was among the tigers of Asia, the best developed of the developing countries emerging after freedom from colonial rule, the model for the developing world and many other accolades.

13. The old see these; see the differences between then and now. The old yearn for what by comparison were the good years of the past.

14. For the young the years of the past were nothing to be proud about. Of course the country must develop. Of course life would be good. These were normal. Every country must be so.

15. But there was corruption. There was the ISA. There were detentions without trial. There were censorship and restrictions on press freedom.

16. All these would remain even if a new Government is in place. Even if promises are made that these will be amended or abolished, what guarantee is there that these will be done. The systems would still be there. And there is no guarantee a new Prime Minister with a new Government will not steal money, corrupt the people and abuse his power.

17. This difference in the perceptions of old and young need to be recognised and appreciated if the aspiring challengers against Najib wish to mobilise youths to help in the attempt to overthrow Najib and his kleptocratic Government.

18. The future belongs to these young Malaysians. Their refusal to help change the Government will be very detrimental to them.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 23, 2017

1. Pakatan Harapan (PH) tahu awal-awal lagi jika permintaan dibuat untuk berjumpa dengan Menteri Dalam Negeri, maka permintaan itu tidak akan dijawab, sama seperti surat dari PH untuk mengetahui apa sudah jadi kepada permohonan kelulusan bagi perlembagaan PH dan logo/simbolnya.

2. Ini adalah strategi Kerajaan Najib apabila berhadapan dengan tuntutan hak parti lawan yang ditakuti olehnya, jangan tolak dan jangan lulus. Diam sahaja.

3. Tidak menjawab boleh ditafsir dengan bermacam tafsiran yang tidak mendedahkan Najib kepada dakwaan menyalahguna kuasa dengan tidak melulus.

4. Tidak menjawab mungkin disebabkan tidak menerima, atau terima tetapi tidak menolak, atau tidak dapat memutus untuk menolak atau melulus kerana sebab-sebab tertentu, atau sedang dipertimbang.

5. Jika PH seperti biasa menghantar surat bertanya tentang kedudukan permohonan, sekali lagi jangan jawab.

6. Dengan cara ini berbulan-bulan berlalu tanpa PH mengetahui lulus atau tidak perlembagaannya dan simbol. Persiapan untuk PRU tidak boleh dibuat oleh PH. Persiapan mengambil masa yang panjang, sekurang-kurangnya tiga bulan. Selain dari membuat sepanduk dan bendera dengan logo/simbol yang diluluskan, penentuan kerusi dan calon juga mengambil masa. Simbol yang diguna di kertas undi amat penting. Pengundi perlu kenal simbol ini semasa mengundi. Jika tidak dikenali sekian lama sukar bagi pengundi mengundi PH. Mungkin simbol lain yang akan dipangkah.

7. Oleh itu melambatkan kelulusan perlembagaan PH dan simbolnya adalah cara menyalahguna kuasa Kerajaan untuk BN memenangi Pilihan Raya.

8. Selepas lima bulan berlalu tanpa jawapan dari Kerajaan, PH membuat keputusan untuk jumpa Menteri Dalam Negeri. Jika permohonan dibuat untuk maksud ini sudah tentu jawapan tidak akan diberi. Berbulan lagi akan berlalu dan semakin dekatlah Pilihan Raya, semakin pendeklah masa untuk PH membuat persiapan.

9. Oleh itu PH memutus untuk tidak meminta atau memberitahu tarikh rombongan PH akan berjumpa Menteri. Kesempatan untuk Menteri menghilang diri tidak dapat dilakukan.

10. Tetapi Kementerian dapat maklumat tentang perancangan PH. Maka hilanglah Menteri.

11. Inilah yang berlaku pada Isnin, 20 November.

12. Sekarang diketahui bahawa ada masalah dengan DAP dan PPBM. Tetapi maklumat diberi secara lisan. Tidak ada surat rasmi. Tanpa jawapan rasmi pembetulan tidak dapat dibuat. Maka terpaksa tunggu lagi.

13. Masa berlalu. Pilihan raya semakin dekat. Tanpa kelulusan rasmi persiapan tidak dapat dibuat. Tunggulah. Kerajaan tidak tolak. Tidak bermakna Kerajaan tidak lulus. Hanya tidak jawab.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 21, 2017

1. Najib takut kalah.

2. Untuk elak dari kalah Najib sanggup buat apa saja. Bahawa perbuatannya boleh ditakrif sebagai penipuan, haram, bertentangan dengan undang-undang, tidak bermoral, memalukan, melawan arus dan adat tidak mengapa. Jika dianya dipandang hina, pedulikan. Rasuah, sogokan dilakukan secara terbuka tanpa segan silu. Jabatan Kerajaan diperalatkan secara salah. Pembangkang ditekan, disoal, ditahan, di penjara oleh polis, didakwa di mahkamah.

3. Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri tuntut cukai tanpa asas, senarai hitam peniaga dan perniagaan, tahan pasport, beku wang dalam bank.

4. MACC tuduh kononnya penyokong pembangkang terlibat dengan pembersihan wang haram, diugut untuk ditangkap dan dihadap ke mahkamah. Wang didalam bank dibekukan. Tak dapat berniaga, tak dapat teruskan projek. Rugi. Perbuatan MACC jelas berunsur politik kerana tindakan yang sama tidak diambil terhadap jenayah oleh anggota parti BN dan UMNO.

5. Pemimpin parti lawan dituduh seleweng duit Kerajaan, disoal berjam-jam, dimasuk lokap, dipakai baju lokap, didedah kepada orang ramai, diambil gambar untuk disiar dalam akhbar dan T.V.

6. Tetapi parti lawan tidak akan terganggu meneruskan kempen mereka. Najib dikenali sebagai perompak, penyamun, kleptokrat. Perbuatan kami diasaskan kepada perkara-perkara yang diketahui umum memang berlaku.

7. Takut kepada parti-parti lawan yang telah bergabung Najib cuba halang gabungan dari dilakukan.

8. Dengan itu kelulusan untuk daftaran gabungan tidak diberi setelah berbulan permohonan dibuat.

9. Caranya mudah. Tidak lulus secara rasmi. Tidak tolak secara rasmi. Tetapi tidak beri jawapan samada lulus atau tidak. Hanya tidak jawab. Dalam pertimbangan. Belum lulus tidak berbeza dari tidak lulus.

10. ROS tidak jawab surat. Tunggu Menteri. Menteri hilang. Ada tetapi tidak ada. Jadi tidak dapat jawab.

11. Sebulan, dua bulan, suku tahun, setengah tahun. Tak jawab. Bukan tolak. Hanya tak jawab.

12. Mungkin dilulus 5 minit sebelum bubar Parlimen.

13. Maka bermasalahlah Gabungan Parti Lawan. Logo dan simbol tidak dikenali oleh orang ramai, oleh pengundi. Maka terkelirulah mereka bila mengundi.

14. Kempen parti lawan bermasalah. Tak dapat adakan sepanduk, tak dapat adakan bendera, tak dapat pamer slogan, perkenal calon dan bermacam lagi.

15. Harapan Najib pengundi tak dapat undi gabungan parti lawan.

16. Harapan Najib BN tak kalah.

17. Tetapi BN tetap kalah.

18. Rakyat bukan bodoh. Mereka tahu akan segala-galanya. Mereka tahu Najib seleweng duit 1MDB berbillion. Mereka tahu 2.6 billion masuk akaun Najib dalam AmBank.

19. Mereka tahu duit Felda, duit KWSP, duit KWAP, duit Tabung Haji telah hilang.

20. Mereka tahu tanah Kerajaan disamun beli, dijual, mereka tahu peranan Rosmah, Jho Low, Riza Aziz menghilangkan duit berbillion.

21. Mereka sedar nama Malaysia sudah jadi kotor kerana Najib. Apakah mereka ingin kotorkan lagi negara tercinta ini.

22. Mereka tahu semua. Awak boleh sogok tetapi sogokan tidak lagi berkesan.

23. Mereka mahu Kerajaan baru. Dan ini mereka akan dapat dengan mengalahkan BN, UMNO dan Najib.

24. Buatlah apa pun. Majoriti rakyat sudah pun putuskan. Najib akan disingkir.

25. Derita mereka hanya dapat ditamatkan dengan memilih Pakatan Harapan.

26. Najib! Kamu patut takut. Dosa kamu akan membawa kekalahan di dunia.

27. Itulah nasib yang menunggu kamu.

28. Ya. Kamu patut takut. Bagi yang membuat dosa ada balasan lagi di akhirat.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 10, 2017

JABATAN Perdana Menteri pada 9hb November telah mengeluarkan kenyataan berkenaan kemudahan yang diberi kepada Dr Mahathir sebagai mantan Perdana Menteri.

Fakta sebenar berkenaan layanan terhadap Dr Mahathir adalah seperti berikut.

1. Dahulu disewa ruang pejabat di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana untuk beliau. Sewa ditamat dan disuruh guna pejabat Kerajaan yang tidak sesuai.

2. Akta Parlimen menyebut akan kelayakan mengguna pesawat terbang Kerajaan. Sekarang tidak dibenar. Sebaliknya sesiapa yang cuba memberi pinjam pesawat persendirian dilapor kepada Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

3. Secara tidak langsung tidak dibenar menggunakan rumah penginapan Kerajaan Persekutuan di London.

4. Dua pengiring motorsikal, 4 pengiring UTK yang dibekal selepas semburan pemedih mata, telah ditarik balik walaupun mantan Perdana Menteri lain masih dibekal.

5. Beberapa kakitangan pejabat dan tukang masak ditarik balik dan diganti dengan yang lain.

6. Dr Mahathir letak jawatan di Proton, Petronas (dilucut sebagai penasihat) dan juga sebagai Canselor Universiti Teknologi Petronas. Tetapi Universiti swasta dinasihat untuk tamatkan Dr Mahathir sebagai Canselor.

7. Perbuatan seperti ini tidak pernah dilakukan kepada bekas Perdana Menteri Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Tun Hussein Onn walaupun mereka tidak sokong Kerajaan-kerajaan pada masa itu.

8. Kegunaan dewan-dewan untuk Kerajaan Pusat, Negeri diperintah Barisan Nasional dan bandaraya tidak dibenar. Dewan swasta diberi amaran akan menerima padah jika disewa kepada sesiapa yang menjemput Dr Mahathir.

9. Prinsip negara demokratik ialah parti pemerintah tidak boleh guna kemudahan Kerajaan untuk kepentingan parti.



As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 06, 2017

1. ​Dibawah dasar ekonomi Najib, ramailah orang Melayu yang sudah menjadi kaya. Separuh menjadi kaya dengan mudah. Apa yang diperlukan hanyalah memberi sokongan tidak berbelah bahagi kepada Raja Wang Tunai.

2. ​Jangan tanya dari mana wang itu datang. Jangan soal. Terima sahaja. Halalkannya dengan ibadah tertentu.

3. ​Jika dihadiah jawatan, guna jawatan untuk sauk duit yang ditangani. Jangan takut. Jika SPRM terjumpa, tindakan tidak akan diambil atau mengambil masa yang amat panjang.

4. ​Jika memegang jawatan yang tinggi dalam pemerintahan, peluang banyak akan terdapat untuk seleweng. Jika tidak ada tempat untuk simpan ratusan juta, bawah katil, bawah T.V. pun boleh. Untuk lebih selamat kongsi bersama pihak yang berjawatan tinggi dan berkuasa.

5. ​Jika berpeluang bawa wang tunai itu ke Hong Kong atau Australia. Jika dikesan dan kena tangkap tak mengapa. Kata tak faham bahasa Inggeris.

6. ​Jangan takut SPRM tak akan siasat. Kalau ada berbillion dalam akaun, okay. Ada A.G. Boleh sembunyi fakta, laporan, bukti.

7. ​Sekarang datang satu cara baru. Orang asing nak beli tanah di Malaysia. Pinjamkan nama sebagai Presiden, CEO, pengurus untuk tubuh syarikat Bumi Sdn. Bhd. Beli tanah. Harga tak penting. Beli, beli, beli.

8. ​Yang mudah sekali tanah orang Melayu. Tak mahu jual, naik harga. Naik harga, naik harga sehingga jual. Tanah milik bukan Melayu pun boleh beli jika kena harga.

9. ​Pemilik syarikat akan hadiah bermillion Ringgit kepada tuan punya nama pinjaman untuk syarikat yang didaftar sebagai syarikat tempatan milik bumi. Orang asing yang pinjam nama orang bumi amat kaya. Mereka memiliki berbillion Ringgit. Banyaklah tanah akan dimiliki oleh mereka melalui proksi Melayu.

10. ​Melayu ini akan kaya. Mereka akan naikkan pendapatan sekepala Melayu. Fikirkan jika seorang dari 1000 orang Melayu menjadi jutawan, pendapat purata tiap seorang dari 999 yang tidak berpendapatan akan berjumlah RM1000.

11. ​Inilah cara Melayu boleh jadi kaya dan pendapatan per kapita mereka meningkat.

12. ​Kemudian apabila dihitung, Melayu tak ada tanah lagi. Warga Malaysia lain pun sudah tidak ada tanah lagi. Bersama dengan TRX, Sg Besi, Melaka, Kuantan, Johor, Langkawi, Kedah, tanah yang berharga sudah tidak lagi milik rakyat. Ia sudah jadi sebahagian dari negara lain.

13. ​Tetapi okay. Melayu dan lain-lain warganegara sudah kaya. Sekurang-kurangnya sebahagian dari hutang 1 billion sudah dibayar. Bandar-bandar moden, canggih dan mewah terdiri di seluruh negara. Dan orang Malaysia, terutama orang Melayu dapat melihat dengan bangganya betapa Malaysia sudah jadi negara maju, penuh dengan pencakar langit. Mereka sendiri tinggal dalam pondok papan berbumbung zink di kawasan setinggan.

14. ​Kekayaan hasil dari pinjaman nama rupa-rupanya tidak kekal. Dan kembalilah orang Melayu ke pinggir hutan, jauh dari pencakar langit yang memenuhi tanah Melayu dahulu.

15. ​Ingat, kita jual Singapura. Masih kita punyakah? Tanah di Malaysia yang kita jual kepada orang asing, masih kita punyakah?

16. ​Bukan sahaja sudah bukan kita punya, undang-undang negara kita, duit negara kita juga tidak diguna. Masih kita punya kah?

17. ​Apabila kita sudah jual semua tanah kita, apakah Malaysia masih kita punya?

18. ​Sokonglah Najib, penyangak, perompak dan lanun Melayu.