
Friday, September 30, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 30, 2016

1. Najib mendakwa bahawa pemerintahannya adalah demokratik dan sebarang percubaan untuk menyingkirnya bermakna menolak demokrasi. Dakwaan ini tidak berasas sama sekali. Sebenarnya ia menjadi bahan ketawa.

2. Satu dari amalan yang diterima demokrasi ialah penyingkiran pemimpin yang tidak berjaya atau melakukan sesuatu yang tidak baik atau salah terhadap negara. Di mana-mana sahaja dalam negara demokratik pemimpin disingkir sebelum pun tamat edahnya.

3. Demikian Perdana Menteri Australia, Tony Abbot, letak jawatan kerana partinya memilih Presiden baru. Di Britain Perdana Menteri letak jawatan kerana kalah dalam pungutan suara berkenaan Brexit.

4. Di Brazil Presiden digantung oleh Dewan Senat untuk menghindar kemungkinan Presiden menganggu siasatan terhadapnya.

5. Presiden Nixon Amerika disingkir kerana skandal Watergate.

6. Penyingkiran pemimpin tertinggi yang bermasalah bukan sahaja tidak bermakna menolak demokrasi tetapi sebenarnya menjadi bukti demokrasi sedang berjalan dengan baik.

7. Di Malaysia Najib sendiri berperanan dalam penyingkiran Abdullah Badawi sebelum tamat edahnya.

8. Sebaliknya apa yang berlaku sekarang ialah Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri sudah pun menolak demokrasi. Buktinya jelas dan bertimbun-timbun.
9. Yang pertama perpisahan kuasa antara pihak legislative (pembuat undang-undang) , executive (pentadbir, polis dan tentera) dan judiciary (penghakiman) setelah menguasai jabatan Pendakwa Raya sudah tidak ada lagi. Najib menguasai ketiga-tiga badan ini, sesuatu yang bercanggah dengan amalam demokrasi.

10. Ahli Parlimen BN pula tidak bebas dan dipaksa melalui berbagai cara supaya sokong dan lulus apa sahaja yang dikemuka atau dilakukan oleh Najib. Jika tidak mereka akan digantung, di turun pangkat dan disingkir.

11. Undi tak percaya tidak boleh diadakan terhadap Najib kerana sebab yang sama.

12. Pegawai-pegawai eksekutif seperti pentadbir, polis dan tentera tidak bebas menjalankan tugas mereka kerana Najib mengikat tangan mereka dengan rasuah, ugutan menyingkir, menurunkan pangkat, menukar jawatan, mengancam pencen mereka dan lain-lain. Yang sudah bersara tidak berani mendedah kesalahan yang mereka dipaksa lakukan kerana takut dan diugut dengan berbagai cara.

13. Peniaga, kontraktor, akhbar dan pemberita kecil dan besar juga demikian. Berbagai tuduhan dibuat terhadap mereka, gangguan melalui siasatan tanpa sebab oleh Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri, pembatalan kontrak Kerajaan, disenarai hitam, sekatan berhutang dengan bank dan bermacam lagi.

14. Undang-undang keselamatan baru membelakangkan sama sekali hak rakyat dibicara dalam mahkamah jika ditangkap dan dimasuk dalam tahanan. Jika rakyat atau anggota keselamatan terbunuh, “inquest” iaitu pemeriksaan akan sebab kematian oleh Majistret tidak boleh diadakan. Persoalan di mahkamah berkenaan kes juga tidak dibenar.

15. Baru-baru ini apabila komen dibuat oleh seseorang berkenaan kematian seorang tokoh politik, polis menangkap orang itu tanpa waran, menyoalnya selama 12 jam, sebelum dilepas. Ketua Polis Negara dakwa bahawa waran tangkap tidak diperlukan. Siapa sahaja boleh ditangkap oleh polis tanpa waran.

16. Semua ini adalah bukti jelas dan terang bahawa Najib sudah hapuskan demokrasi di Negara ini. Yang patut ditangkap dan dihadap ke mahkamah kerana mensabotaj demokrasi di Malaysia ialah Najib.

17. Selagi Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia selama itulah Malaysia tidak demokratik. Lebih dari itu Malaysia akan diperintah oleh pemerintahan kuku besi yang tidak pegang kepada undang-undang.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 28, 2016


1. Di bawah pemerintahan Nazi di Jerman, Menteri yang terkenal sekali ialah Joseph Goebbels, Menteri Propaganda. Tugasnya ialah mentransformasi segala yang buruk yang dilakukan oleh rejim Nazi supaya ternampak bukan sahaja baik tetapi mulia.

2. Malangnya selain dari orang Nazi, tiada siapapun yang mempercayai gambaran yang cuba dipamerkan oleh Goebbels dan kementeriannya. Sudah tentu dunia luar menolak bulat-bulat propaganda berkenaan Hitler dan rejim Nazi-nya. Akhirnya Goebbels bukan sahaja membunuh diri tetapi juga isteri dan anak-anaknya. Ia tidak dapat menafi kekalahan rejim Nazi.

3. Sejak Najib dituduh melesapkan berbilion Ringgit wang 1MDB (duit rakyat), ramailah Goebbels kecil yang ditugaskan memperbaiki imej Najib dengan berbagai jenis penjelasan dan dakwaan.

4. Yang baru dan bukan terakhir ialah dakwaan oleh Gani Patail, bekas Peguam Negara bahawa dianya tidak dianiaya tetapi sebaliknya pemberhentiannya mengikut aturan-peraturan Kerajaan dan memangpun Perdana Menteri berhak untuk menamatkan khidmatnya.

5. Kenyataan ini amat berbeza dengan kenyataan yang dibuat sendiri olehnya sejurus selepas hilang jawatan. Oleh itu orang ramai yang tahu akan kepercayaan Najib bahawa “Cash is King” menolak kenyataan baru ini.

6. Mereka menjangka banyak dedak yang diguna, selain dari ugutan-ugutan. Mereka yang bersama Najib pun tidak percaya akan kenyataan baru Gani Patail, walaupun mereka tidak berani menyatakan apa yang terbuku dalam hati mereka.

7. Percubaan membersih Najib ini adalah satu pembaziran kerana tidak dapat mengubah barang sedikit pun kepercayaan mereka dalam Negara bahawa Najib memang bersalah seperti dituduh.

8. Sejak skandal 1MDB, banyaklah percubaan oleh Najib untuk membersihkan diri dengan cara ini. Demikian kenyataan oleh Sirul yang lari ke Australia bahawa Najib tidak terlibat dengan pembunuhan Altantuya.

9. Demikian juga dengan peralihan kesetiaan blogger Big Dog dan Rockybru. Mereka boleh nafi mereka telah dibeli, tetapi masyarakat semua faham sebab peralihan haluan oleh mereka. Apapun yang ditulis oleh mereka dimasukkan dalam bakul sampah.

10. New Straits Times, Utusan dan TV3 sudah tidak dibaca atau dilihat oleh penonton. Mereka benci dengan pembohongan laporan yang disiar. Mereka yang menghadiri ceramah berkenaan salah-laku Najib, 1MDB dan lebih-lebih lagi duit sebanyak 2,600 lori yang diberi oleh orang Arab untuk Najib masuk dalam akaun peribadinya, untuk dibelanja sesuka hatinya, gelak ketawa apabila media suruhan Najib melapor kononnya hanya 200-300 orang sahaja hadir, sedangkan mereka berada di ceramah berkenaan dan melihat beribu-ribu yang hadir.

11. Sesungguhnya propaganda Najib tidak berkesan. Duit yang banyak yang di hadiah kepada Goebbels kecil ini tidak menghasil apa-apa perubahan pandangan oleh masyarakat amnya dan penentang Najib khasnya. Sebenarnya dengan pembohongan dan propaganda Najib, mereka lebih yakin tuduhan-tuduhan terhadap Najib mempunyai asas yang kuat dan benar.

12. Najib banyak duit. Oleh itu teruskanlah propaganda melalui orang yang tidak mempunyai kredibiliti sama sekali. Saya ucap tahniah kepada Salleh Said Keruak, Tengku Adnan, Tengku Sarifuddin dan Rahman Dahlan kerana berjaya menipu Najib bahawa kenyataan-kenyataan mereka berkesan.

Saturday, September 24, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 23, 2016

1. Kenyataan Najib adalah kenyataan Najib. Sebenarnya Perlembagaan Malaysia memperuntukkan berbagai cara untuk menangani masalah yang dihadapi oleh Negara, dan ini termasuk penyelewengan oleh Perdana Menteri. Bacalah Perlembagaan sebelum membuat kenyataan yang rakyat tidak bertindak berasaskan undang-undang tubuh Negara.

2. Yang benar-benar tidak mengikut undang-undang Malaysia ialah Najib. Tidak ada “Rule of Law”, pemerintahan mengikut undang-undang, yang di amal oleh Najib.

3. Jika ada “Rule of Law” rakyat boleh buat laporan kepada polis berkenaan kehilangan berbilion duit rakyat. Tetapi apabila laporan polis dibuat, yang membuat laporan di soal, ditahan dan dituduh sabotaj ekonomi dah dihadapkan ke mahkamah. Peguamnya juga disoal oleh polis, ditahan dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah.

4. Laporan Bank Negara, MACC, Juruaudit Negara ditolak bulat-bulat oleh Peguam Negara (AG). Kononnya kerana tidak ada kes terhadap Najib. Tetapi laporan-laporan ini dirahsiakan.

5. Undi tidak percaya dalam Parlimen tidak boleh diadakan kerana ahli parti BN disuap dedak, diugut dan ada yang dipecat. Mereka tidak bebas. Sekali lagi Najib menidakkan proses undang-undang untuk kesejahteraan rakyat.

6. Jika Najib berani dan tidak terlibat dengan apa-apa jenayah, kembalilah kepada undang-undang Negara.

7. Janganlah tegur orang kerana kononnya tidak mengikut undang-undang sedangkan kita sendiri bukan sahaja tidak mengikuti undang-undang tetapi menghalang perjalanan undang-undang.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 22, 2016

1. Saya percaya semua rakyat Malaysia tahu dan sedar bahawa keadaan dalam Negara amat tidak baik.

2. Khususnya mereka tentu tahu bahawa Perdana Menteri telah dituduh melesapkan beribu juta Ringgit duit Kerajaan (rakyat). Berita ini tidak boleh dilapor dalam media Malaysia tetapi melalui media sosial hampir semua rakyat dapat ikuti perkembangan.

3. Sekarang bukan sahaja media asing melapor berkenaan lebih 3.5 bilion Dolar Amerika sudah dilesapkan oleh Najib, Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat juga mengeluarkan laporan rasmi bahawa “Malaysian Official 1” (yang diakui oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Abdul Rahman Dahlan ialah Dato Sri Najib) terlibat dalam melesapkan wang 1MDB sebanyak lebih dari 3.5 bilion Dolar Amerika.

4. Jika semua laporan media dan Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat tidak benar, kenapakah tidak ada sama sekali sebarang usaha oleh Najib membuat saman malu terhadap mereka.

5. Rakyat Malaysia tahu. Sudah tentu para intelek Malaysia tahu. Sudah tentu wakil rakyat dan pemimpin-pemimpin bahagian parti Kerajaan tahu akan kebenaran tuduhan terhadap Najib.

6. Tetapi apabila diadakan kritik atau tindakan untuk memulih Negara bertuah ini kebanyakan dari mereka yang tahu kerosakan yang dilakukan oleh Dato Sri Najib, membisu, tidak sanggup membuat apa-apa, tidak sanggup pun untuk menyokong usaha yang sedang dibuat bagi memulih keadaan.

7. Sebaliknya ada yang cuba mempertahankan Najib kerana kononnya semasa saya jadi Perdana Menteri, saya juga buat perkara yang sama. Oleh itu saya tidak berhak mengkritik, jauh sekali dari menjatuhkan Najib.

8. Saya ingin tanya bilakah semasa saya jadi Perdana Menteri saya dituduh di dalam dan di luar negeri yang saya curi duit Kerajaan (duit rakyat) berbilion Ringgit.

9. Saya biasa dituduh juga sebagai perasuah, korup, mempunyai kroni dan lain-lain. Semasa saya Perdana Menteri saya anggap sebagai orang politik tuduhan ini adalah perkara biasa.

10. Tetapi hakikatnya tuduhan seperti yang dilempar kepada Najib tidak pernah dilempar kepada saya semasa saya jadi Perdana Menteri. Bahkan selepas saya letak jawatan usaha selidik terhadap salahlaku oleh saya yang dibuat oleh kepimpinan yang menyusuli tidak berjaya mengenal pasti salahlaku saya berkenaan pengurusan kewangan Negara. Jika ada saya yakin sudah lama saya diheret ke mahkamah.

11. Sebenarnya saya menolak hadiah tanah di Putrajaya di waktu saya letak jawatan. Hadiah-hadiah lain juga saya serah kepada Kerajaan termasuk 24 biji kereta. Saya tidak perlu kekayaan kewangan.

12. Saya berpendapat gaji saya sebagai Menteri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Perdana Menteri lebih dari mencukupi. Saya tidak perlu belanja gaji saya untuk sara hidup kerana segala-galanya, rumah, api dan air, kenderaan, pesawat terbang, perjalanan ke merata dunia dibiayai oleh Kerajaan. Gaji saya selama 29 tahun dalam Kerajaan saya simpan. Itulah wang yang saya guna untuk modal kedai roti, ternakan kuda, lembu dan kerbau. Saya tidak pinjam barang satu sen pun dari bank. Saya tidak membeli saham dalam pasaran saham. Tetapi satu rumah saya dibangun dengan pinjaman duit Kerajaan. Saya sudah lama bayar hutang ini.

13. Saya akui ada kala Kerajaan mengalami kerugian kerana tindakan yang diambil oleh saya.

14. Untuk pertahan harga bijih timah, saya arah supaya membeli bijih timah yang dijual oleh pedagang. Saya tahu mereka tidak ada stok bijih yang mereka jual. Mereka berharap apabila harga jatuh, mereka akan beli dengan harga murah untuk dibekalkan kepada pembeli yang telah membeli diwaktu harga tinggi.

15. Apabila sampai masa untuk mereka bekal kepada pembeli mereka akan terpaksa membeli dari kita. Kita akan kena harga yang tinggi supaya mereka akan rugi.

16. Tetapi London Metal Exchange mendakwa kononnya kerana kita membeli berturut-turut di waktu harga rendah, kita telah cuba “corner the market”. Oleh itu penjual tidak perlu bekal bijih timah yang mereka telah jual. Kita rugi.

17. Kilang besi juga rugi kerana kurang pengetahuan berkenaan pengurusan kilang oleh pengurus kita.

18. Kerajaan rugi kerana arahan yang dibuat oleh saya. Tetapi kerugian itu bukan disebabkan saya lesapkan duit Kerajaan. Kerugian itu adalah kerugian perniagaan.

19. Apakah kerugian ini sama seperti wang yang dihilangkan oleh 1MDB? Apakah ada bukti yang kerugian Kerajaan disebabkan saya masukkan duit Kerajaan dalam akaun peribadi saya?

20. Najib nafi melesap wang 1MDB. Kononnya raja Arab bagi 2.6 bilion Ringgit untuk dimasukkan dalam akaun peribadinya untuk dibelanja sesuka hatinya. Dalam sejarah dunia ini tidak pernah berlaku.

21. Oleh kerana dakwaan bahawa saya lakukan apa yang dilakukan oleh Najib tidak berasas sama sekali, maka saya berhak bukan sahaja mengkritik Najib tetapi mengecam salahlakunya dengan berusaha untuk menyingkirnya.

22. Jika Najib benar tidak bersalah, apa sebabnya yang dia merahsiakan laporan Bank Negara, laporan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia dan laporan Ketua Audit Negara.

23. Apakah sebabnya yang laporan polis terhadapnya tidak disiasat oleh polis, tetapi pembuat laporan dan peguamnya disoal, ditahan dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah dengan tuduhan yang tidak masuk akal.

24. Apakah sebabnya yang Gani Patail, Peguam Negara, diberhentikan dan diganti dengan pelawak Apandi.

25. Kenapakah undang-undang Negara tidak dipatuhi? Sekarang tidak ada Rule of Law. Kenapakah rakyat diugut dengan Akta Keselamatan baru yang memberi kuasa untuk tangkapan tanpa dibicara.

26. Jika Najib benar tidak bersalah, jangan tukar sempadan pilihanraya, jangan halang pendaftaran pengundi, jangan sogok wang kepada penyokong dan pegawai. Jangan guna Jabatan Kerajaan untuk ugut, untuk mencipta kesalahan cukai, untuk mendera sesiapa yang menyoal salahlaku Najib seperti dilapor oleh akhbar asing dan Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat. Kenapa halang laporan berkenaan 1MDB dan wang dalam akaun Najib dari dilapor, dibincang, dipertikai atau diakui dalam media tempatan.

27. Jika ingin pertahan Najib, adakan saman malu terhadap semua mereka termasuk saya yang menuduh Najib lesapkan wang rakyat.

28. Jangan beri alasan kononnya saya pun buat apa yang Najib buat. Sebaliknya benarkanlah proses perundangan dilaksana dan Najib dihadap perbicaraan mahkamah keadilan.

Friday, September 9, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 08, 2016

1. Islam forbids carvings of statues of men and animals. At one time painted portraits of such were also forbidden. The Turkish Caliphs used to have their portraits painted but they were hidden from the public.

2. But now with the advances in photography it is impossible for Muslims to ban photographic pictures of men and animals. Certain Ulamas declared that still pictures may be exempted but not moving pictures. But now the pictures move and speak. Muslims now just ignore the breaches in the rule against painted or photographed portraits, moving or speaking. Even the religious scholars now have their pictures taken.

3. But many draw a line with regard to carvings and sculpture of men and animals. The early Muslims used to disfigure the faces of some of the statues they found in the lands they expanded into. But for a very long time the statues were not defaced. It is only lately that many of these carvings were destroyed.

4. In Egypt not only are most of the statues of the pharaohs preserved, but new copies of the statues decorate the streets of Cairo. In Malaysia we have the National Monument and the statue of the first Prime Minister of the country.

5. Apparently Muslim thinking about statues are ambivalent.

6. In pre-Islamic times the Jahiliah, the ignorant Arabs, used to worship Uzza and Lat, oddly-shaped rocks as their gods.

7. When Islam came these gods were destroyed and Muslims were forbidden from carving and keeping statues. This is because the early Muslims may worship them as gods.

8. It is the worship of these carvings as gods which is forbidden. The Quran is emphatic that no other god may be worshipped accept Allah. And Allah cannot be carved in the form of statues.

9. Today’s Muslims are more intelligent. That is why they don’t worship portraits or statues. They know these are not gods.

10. When I was small, dolls that look like human beings were frowned upon by some conservative Malays. But as the toy industry grew, dolls could not be banned.

11. But statues of human beings in stones are less easily produced. So the ban is confined to statues of men and animals.

12. The Islamic injunction is against regarding the carved images as gods to be worshipped. Islamic art is confined to geometric designer.

13. The modern Muslims know that these are not gods and they don’t worship them. We no longer hold the ceremony at the Cenotaph (Tugu Peringatan) as that may be construed as a kind of prayer. But we don’t have such ceremonies in front of the statue of the first Prime Minister or the eagle in Langkawi. We are not breaching Islamic injunction.

14. The day some Muslims place joss-sticks and genuflect before the Eagle in Langkawi, that day the offending Muslim should be told that they are not following the injunctions of Islam. They should be told that the eagle is not god to be worshipped.

15. So far no Muslims have ever prayed before or worshipped the Eagle of Langkawi. Destroying it would not make the Malays more Muslim.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 08, 2016

1. It is interesting to note the admission by UMNO Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan that “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” in the report by the Department of Justice, the United States of America is obviously Dato Sri Najib the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

2. Now what does the DoJ say about MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 i.e. about Najib the Malaysian Prime Minister.

I. On page 13 para 39 the report says, “Upon its formation, MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 i.e. Dato Sri Najib assumed a position of authority with 1MDB. MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib) had the authority to approve all appointments to, and removals from, 1MDB’s Board of Directors and 1MDB’s Senior Management Team. In addition, any financial commitments by 1MDB, including investments, that were likely to affect a guarantee given by the Government of Malaysia for the benefit of 1MDB or any policy of the Malaysian government required. the approval of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 i.e. Najib.”

II. Page 17 para 50. “A special meeting of 1MDB Board was held on September 26, 2009. Low (not a board member) also attended this meeting.”

III. Page 11 para 29. “Aziz is a relative of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib) and a friend of Low.”

IV. Page 55 para 178. “Once funds were transferred from Aabar-BVI to Blackstone,they were used to make payments to QUBAISI and HUSSEINY, who served as officers of both Aabar and Aabar-BVI to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib) and to 1MDB Officer 3.”

V. Page 59 para 192. “The MB Consulting Account received another wire transfer of $1,500,000 from the Blackstone Account on or about January 22, 2013.

3. Blackstone Transferred at least $30 million to an Account Belonging to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib).”

VI. Page 59 para 193. “Blackstone also transferred at least $30,000,000 to an account belonging to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib) shortly after receiving funds from Aabar-BVI.”

VII. Page 59 para 194. “On or about Oct 30, 2012 – roughly seven days after Blackstone received $75,000,000 directly from Aabar-BVI and roughly six days after it received $360,000,000 indirectly from Aabar-BVI via Enterprise and Cistenique – Blackstone transferred $5,000,000 into the account at Ambank in Malaysia held in the name of “AMPRIVATE BANKING MR.”

VIII. Page 59 para 195 . “The bank account “Amprivate Banking MR” belongs to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib) and is the same account that received $20,000,000 from the PETROSAUDI CO- FOUNDER in 2011, within days of the receipt by the PETROSAUDI CO-FOUNDER of funds from Good Star, as set forth in Section II.G.”

IX. Page 59 para 196. “On or about November 19, 2012 – less than two weeks after Blackstone received $95,000,000 from Aabar-BVI via Enterprise – Blackstone transferred $25,000,000 to the same AMPRIVATE BANKING-MR Account belonging to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib).

X. Page 60 para 200 . “Blackstone was used as an intermediary to obscure the fact that 1MDB bond proceeds were being sent from Aabar-BVI – of which QUBAISI and HUSSEINY were directors – to accounts that were beneficially owned by QUBAISI, HUSSEINY, MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib) and 1MDB OFFICER 3.”

XI. Page 60 para 201 . “The funds sent to accounts belonging to QUBAISI, HUSSEINY, MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib) and 1MDB OFFICER 3, as described above, were unlawfully misappropriates from 1MDB and/or IPIC.”

XII. Page 60 para 202 . “Between June 18, 2012 and November 4, 2012 $238,000,000 was transferred directly from Aabar-BVI Swiss Account to an account controlled by Aziz, a relative of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib).”

XIII. Page 67 para 229. “Funds transferred to the Tanore Account were distributed for the benefit of at least one public official associated with 1MDB. More particularly, very shortly after the bond offering closed, between approximately March 21, 2013 and March 25, 2013, $681,000,000 was transferred from the Tanore Account to an account belonging to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib). Of this amount, approximately $620 million was returned to the Tanore Account on or about August 26, 2013.”

XIV. Page 71 para 242. “The offering circular also omitted material facts necessary to make its representations regarding the use of the bond proceeds not misleading, in that it failed to disclose that certain individuals related to 1MDB, including MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib), would receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the proceeds of the bond sale within days of its closing. This fact would have been material to the bond transaction, as it would have alerted investors to the possibility of conflicts of interest and related-party transactions. The representation that ADMIC had not determined how all of the bond proceeds would be used did not encompass using those funds, beginning almost immediately after the bond issue, for the personal benefit of individuals related to 1MDB and their associates.”

XV. Page 74 para 257. “Instead, funds from the Tanore Account were sent to an account belonging to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib), and were used by TAN and LOW to purchase art. Funds from the Tanore Account were also used by LOW to acquire a substantial interest in a luxury hotel in New York City. These uses were inconsistent with the intended purpose of the bond proceeds as set forth in the offering circular and the April 23, 2013, 1MDB press release.”


XVII. Page 75 para 259. “Shortly after proceeds of the 2013 bond sale were diverted to the Tanore Account, $681,000,000 was sent from the Tanore Account to a bank account belonging to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib).”

XVIII. Page 75 para 261. “This account belonged to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib) and is the same account that in 2011 received $20 million from the PETROSAUDI CO-FOUNDER that was traceable to the Good Star Account, as set forth in Section II.G. It is also the same account in 2012 received at least $30 million from the Blackstone Account that was traceable to the Aabar-BVI Swiss Account and the 2012 bond proceeds, as set forth in Section III.E.3.”

XIX. Page 75 para 262. “On or about August 26, 2013, $620,010,715 was wired from a different account at Ambank to the Tanore Account. This AmBank account also belonged to MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib), and the transfer represented funds from the $681 million payments that were being returned to Tanore.

XX. Page 75 para 263. ” The Attorney General of Malaysia publicly stated that he conducted an inquiry into the $681 million in payments. In a press release issued on January 26, 2016, the Malaysian Attorney General confirmed that, “the sum of USD681 million (RM2.08 billion) [was] transferred into the personal account of [MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib)] between 22.03.2013 and 10.04.2013,” and that, “in August 2013, a sum of USD620 million (RM2.03 billion) was returned by [MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib)] ….” The Malaysian Attorney General ultimately characterized the payment of $681 million as a “personal donation to [MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib)] from the Saudi royal family which was given to him without any consideration.”

XXI. Page 76 para 264. ” Bank records associated with the Tanore Account show that TAN was the beneficial owner of the Tanore Account, from which the $681,000,000 payments to the account of MALAYSIAN OFFICAL 1 (Najib) were made, and that 1MDB OFFICER 3 was added as an authorized signor on the Tanore Account roughly one day before the first wire of $620,000,000 was sent from the Tanore Account to the account of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1 (Najib).”

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 06, 2016

1. Laws are made essentially for the safety, good life and well- being of the people. For the laws to do all these Government must govern according to the laws of the nation. An elected Government must do nothing less.

2. But what we are seeing in Malaysia today is a Government which ignores and abuses the laws so that they no longer protect the people or even provide good government.

3. I list below the abuses of the laws by Najib as Prime Minister and his Government.

4. While the law permits citizens to criticise and condemn the Government, Najib’s Government acts to stop members of his party, civil servants and the media from criticising his Government.

5. Action is taken to expel them from their post, transfer them, demote them, harass them and their friends and force them to retire early etc.

Police Reports.

6. By law when a report on criminal acts are made to the police, the police must conduct investigations before submitting to the Attorney General their findings.

7. Instead the police subjected the person reporting to questioning, detention and charging him for breach of the SOSMA law leading to a trial.

8. The police also questioned the complainant’s lawyer, detained and charged him also under SOSMA and had him tried in a court of law. This is unprecedented and contrary to accepted practice.

9. When 2.6 billion Ringgit was found in Najib’s private account, an open full investigation of the source of the money was not carried out by the police.

The Attorney General

10. The A.G. denied there was anything incriminating Najib in the reports of Bank Negara, MACC and the Auditor General. Instead the reports were made official secrets under the OSA. This is against the provision of the constitution which stipulates that all reports by the Auditor General should be submitted to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong who would then cause it to be laid before the Parliament.

11. In submitting the report to the PAC which in turn submitted it to the Attorney General who then made it an official secret, the Prime Minister who had actually ordered the Auditor General to audit 1MDB has breached the law.

12. The assumption by the Attorney General that Najib had committed no wrong doings simply because he, Najib, said so, the A.G. disregarded due process. A suspect who merely denies that he did anything wrong will not be discharged by the courts.

13. To be discharged he needs to show proof in the form of alibi, witnesses, documents, finger prints etc. to convince the presiding judge and later the appeal courts and Federal Court that he is innocent.

14. Yet we hear the A.G. claiming that Najib in innocent because he says he is innocent. If this is adequate, than all who are charged for criminal acts need only to say they are innocent and the judge will acquit them.

15. By saying this the A.G. and Najib are actually breaching the processes of the law. The A.G. is guilty of dereliction of duty.

16. The police, by not fully investigating the allegations made in the reports are also guilty of not doing what is required of them when reports are made.

17. The official secrets act does not apply to crimes committed while in office. In fact it is the duty of officers to report on any criminal act committed by anyone while employed by the Government. Official secrets refer to Government papers, cabinet papers, proposals, agreements yet to be approved etc.

18. Najib’s directive to the A.G. to put reports on the 1MDB by Bank Negara, the MACC and the Auditor General under the OSA is in fact a breach of the law on official secrets, because what is being reported is not official secrets but on crimes committed while in office.

19. Then there is the early retirement of Gani Patail as Attorney General Najib simply told the Yang di-Pertuan Agong that Gani was sick and had to be retired on medical ground. This is completely improper.

20. For a senior servant like the A.G. who is appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, retirement must be by the approval of Duli Yang Maha Mulia. If the early retirement is due to ill-health, a medical board has to be set up. The report of the Medical Board must be presented to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong together with the request for early retirement on medical grounds.

21. There is no evidence that a medical board was set up. Gani himself claimed that he was well.

22. Yet Najib simply told the Yang di-Pertuan Agong that Gani had to be retired on medical grounds. This is a blatant misrepresentation by Najib.

23. Then he proposed Apandi as the new Attorney General. Yang di-Pertuan Agong was not given any choice. Again this is totally improper.

24. There are many other cases where Dato Sri Najib ignores the law, rules and regulations in the conduct of Government business. In many cases these irregularities breaches the laws of the country.

25. On 1MDB, as far as we know no special paper was presented to cabinet for approval. Because the takeover of the Terengganu Investment Authority failed, 1MDB replaced it and took over the 5 billion Ringgit loan.

26. The loan was not approved by 1MDB board in the usual manner.

27. There is a conflict of interest in this approval because Najib was the Minister of Finance and also the principal adviser to IMDB (effectively the CEO).

28. There is also a conflict of interest in the sale of Government land at RM60/- psf because Najib as Minister of Finance sold to Najib as 1MDB sole executive adviser.

29. The article of association of 1MDB gives sole authority to Najib as adviser to sign all agreements and transactions of 1MDB. But before that the board must approve. Frequently Najib signed before Board approval. Signing seals the approval.

30. The J.V of 1MDB with Petro Saudi was not approved by the board of 1MDB.

31. Subsequently the J.V was dissolved but the 1 billion USD was not returned to 1MDB. It was converted to a loan to Petro Saudi. Again no board approval was made.

32. And now, with the setting up of the security council, laws have been suspended. This include the abolition of the inquest over deaths.

33. Malaysia no longer practices the rule of law. We have become a lawless state.

Monday, September 5, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 05, 2016

1. Jamal, Ketua UMNO Bahagian Sungai Besar mendakwa mengaku yang dianya menerima berpuluh ribu ringgit dari rakan-rakannya (baca di sini).

2. Mengikut undang-undang Malaysia, tiap wang yang diterima oleh seseorang ialah pendapatan (income).

3. Pendapatan seseorang dengan apa cara atau sebab, perlu dilapor kepada Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri supaya cukai dibayar keatasnya. Demikian juga jika wang diterima dibelanja dengan apa cara sekalipun, laporan kepada Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri perlu dibuat.

4. Derma yang tidak dikena cukai ialah derma kepada badan-badan kebajikan yang telah dilulus oleh Kementerian Kewangan bebas dari bayaran cukai. Namun borang cukai mesti diisi supaya Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri termaklum akan penderma yang Lembaga akan kecualikan dari cukai ke atas jumlah yang diderma. Jika tidak dapat dikecuali dari cukai pendapatan, penderma dan penerima perlu sebut dalam borang income tax akan jumlah supaya cukai dibayar ke atas jumlah derma.

5. Soalnya, apakah Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri diberi laporan oleh orang baik akan jumlah pemberian oleh rakan-rakan orang ini.

6. Apakah Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri telah secara rasmi, mengecualikan pemberian kepada orang baik dari bayaran cukai.

7. Apakah penerima RM1000.00 dari orang baik ini melapor kepada Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri akan penerimaannya. Apakah ia membayar cukai pendapatan atau tidak.

8. Sesungguhnya banyak soalan perlu dibuat terhadap orang baik ini. Taksiran kasar saya menunjuk berpuluh ribu ringgit perlu dibayar oleh mereka yang memberi kepada orang baik, berpuluh ribu ringgit lagi oleh orang baik, dan beribu lagi oleh penerima yang menerima dari orang baik.

9. Janganlah hendaknya OSA diguna untuk sembunyi jenayah kerana yang melakukannya ialah orang yang baik.

10. Jika benar baik isilah borang penerimaan dan pemberian dalam borang Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri dan bayarlah cukai yang ditaksir.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on September 03, 2016

1. I was forced to read through the Constitution of Malaysia and the National Security Council Act 2016, in order to understand the need or otherwise of the power of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Prime Minister in ensuring the security of the country.

2. I don’t think anyone would want to read through especially the National Security Council Act 2016. Still I feel a need to summarise the powers accorded the Prime Minister by comparison to the powers accorded the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

3. While the powers of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong give due consideration to the rights and freedom of a citizen when he is to be detained, the power of the Prime Minister under the National Security Act is almost unlimited.

4. The action may be taken by the Director of Operations but the ultimate power rests with the Prime Minister as Chairman of the National Security Council.

5. For easy reading I list below the power of the Prime Minister:
I. Set up National Security Council
II. Chair the Council
III. Council advise the Prime Minister i.e. to himself
IV. Power to –
(a) Exclude and evacuate persons
(b) Declare Curfew
(c) Control movement, road, waterway, aircraft.
(d) Arrest persons
(e) Search and seize
(f) Search premises for dangerous things.
V. Search person for dangerous things
VI. Seize vehicle, vessel, aircraft or conveyance
VII. Power to take temporary possession of land, building or movable property
IX. Demand for use of resources
X. Power to order destruction of certain unoccupied buildings.
XI. Power to use reasonable and necessary force.
XII. Power to dispense with inquests etc
XIII. Obligations of secrecy
XIV. Protection against suits and legal proceedings
XV. Status of a public servant

6. The need to let the Yang di-Pertuan Agong decide on the declaration of Emergency is because the laws which protect citizens and ensure justice will be suspended when Emergency is declared. The rule of law will be ignored.

7. But now the power of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has become superfluous. Najib as Chairman of the Council advising Najib as the Prime Minister will have the right to disregard the laws and exercise the powers listed above. Najib’s rights are far more numerous and superior by comparison with the rights and power of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. There is no more need for reference or approval of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Najib as Chairman of the Council simply advises himself as the Prime Minister.

8. He can use “reasonable force” and dispense with any inquest should an enforcement officer or the person apprehended dies. He is fully protected against suits and legal proceedings. All proceedings of the Council will be official secret. No member of the Council may reveal anything, including apparently criminal acts committed.

9. This Act relegates the Constitution to the back burner. It is wrong of course. The Constitution, we all proudly declare is the Supreme Law of this great nation. But no one is going to do anything when it is breached.