
Sunday, November 29, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 28, 2015

1. It is reported that 1MDB would reduce between RM16 bil to RM18 bil of its debts after selling “Edra”.

2. I am trying to work out how the savings are achieved.

3. 1MDB bought the power plants together with debts of RM6 bil for RM 18 billion Ringgit. CGN pays RM 9.83 billion for 100% of the energy assets.

4. It should be noted that at the time 1MDB purchased the power plants, the Ringgit was at 3.2 per US Dollar. It is now at 4.2 Ringgit per US Dollar. In US dollar terms the 9.83 billion Ringgit paid by the Chinese Company is worth much less than the 9.83 billion Ringgit paid by 1MDB.

5. If the money borrowed by 1MDB is in Ringgit the loss would be minimal. But if 1MDB had borrowed in USD, it stands to lose 1 Ringgit for every dollar borrowed. In other word what 1MDB gets from the sale would not be able to pay fully the debts in USD raised by 1MDB.

6. CGN is reported to have bought 100% of the energy assets of 1MDB. Does the debt of the power plants totalling 6 billion Ringgit which 1MDB had assumed also regarded as the assets which have been sold to CGN.

7. Then there are other questions which needs clarification. e.g will Petronas be selling gas to the power plants? If so at what price.

8. Having sold Edra for RM9.83 billion, how does this reduce 1MDB debts by RM16-RM18 billion. Again considering the depreciation of the Ringgit, how will the debts in USD be reduced?

9. Is the purchase of the power plants by foreign buyers a form of foreign direct investments? The money brought in would go out to pay foreign debts. And the amount going out would be far more than the inflow. Does not sound like FDI to me.

10. Will the Government allow the full repatriation of the profits of these plants in Malaysia. It should be noted that China has a rule in which repatriation is to be in the form of export of Chinese products and not cash.

11. How much control will the Government have over a foreign-owned utility? Price fixing which may cause a loss to the company may result in subsidy by the Government.

Versi BM

1. Telah dilaporkan bahawa 1MDB akan mengurangkan antara RM16 bilion hingga RM18 bilion hutangnya selepas menjual “Edra”.

2. Saya cuba menghitung bagaimana penjimatan ini boleh dicapai.

3. 1MDB membeli loji-loji janakuasa bersama dengan hutangnya sejumlah RM6 bilion dengan harga RM18 bilion. CGN membayar RM9.83 bilion untuk 100% aset tenaga itu.

4. Perlu diambil perhatian bahawa pada masa 1MDB membeli loji-loji janakuasa tersebut, Ringgit berada pada paras 3.2 bagi satu dolar Amerika. Kini ia berada pada paras 4.2 Ringgit bagi satu dolar Amerika. Dihitung dari segi dolar Amerika, 9.83 bilion Ringgit yang dibayar oleh Syarikat Cina adalah bernilai lebih rendah daripada 9.83 bilion Ringgit yang dibayar oleh 1MDB.

5. Jika wang yang dipinjam oleh 1MDB adalah dalam Ringgit kerugian itu adalah minimum. Tetapi jika 1MDB telah meminjam dalam USD, ia menghadapi kehilangan 1 Ringgit bagi setiap dolar yang dipinjam. Dengan kata lain apa yang 1MDB memperolehi daripada jualan itu tidak akan dapat membayar sepenuhnya hutang dalam bentuk USD yang dipinjam oleh 1MDB.

6. CGN dilaporkan telah membeli 100% daripada aset tenaga 1MDB. Adakah hutang loji janakuasa berjumlah 6 bilion Ringgit yang 1MDB telah mengambilalih itu juga dianggap sebagai aset yang telah dijual kepada CGN?

7. Seterusnya ada soalan-soalan lain yang memerlukan penjelasan, contohnya adakah Petronas akan menjual gas kepada loji kuasa tersebut? Jika demikian pada paras harga yang apa?

8. Setelah Edra dijual dengan harga RM9.83 bilion, bagaimana ini dapat mengurangkan hutang 1MDB sebanyak RM16-RM18 bilion. Sekali lagi dengan mengambil kira kejatuhan nilai Ringgit, bagaimana hutang dalam USD boleh dikurangkan?

9. Adakah pembelian loji janakuasa oleh pembeli asing satu bentuk pelaburan langsung asing (FDI). Wang yang dibawa masuk akan keluar untuk membayar hutang asing. Dan jumlah wang yang keluar adalah jauh lebih besar daripada aliran masuk. Bagi saya ini bukan macam FDI.

10. Adakah Kerajaan akan membenarkan penghantaran balik penuh keuntungan yang diperolehi dari loji-loji di Malaysia. Perlu diingatkan bahawa Cina mempunyai peraturan di mana penghantaran balik keuntungan adalah dalam bentuk eksport produk Cina dan bukan wang tunai.

11. Berapa banyak kawalan Kerajaan akan kenakan atas utiliti yang dimiliki asing? Penetapan harga yang boleh menyebabkan kerugian kepada syarikat itu boleh menyebabkan Kerajaan memberi sibsidi.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Menghadapi Cabaran

As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 23, 2015

1.​ Dalam kehidupan manusia, menghadapi cabaran adalah perkara biasa. Sudah tentu jika sesiapa mencebur diri dalam bidang politik, lebih banyak cabaran akan dihadapi. Jika ingin terus dalam bidang politik semua cabaran ini mesti diterima. Mereka yang tidak sanggup menghadapi dan mengatasi cabaran adalah lebih baik tinggal sahaja bidang politik.

2. ​Semasa saya jadi presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri cabaran tidak pernah berhenti. Sudah tentu ada percubaan menjatuhkan saya sebagai presiden UMNO.

3. ​Diantara cabaran yang terbesar ialah apabila Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dicalonkan untuk bertanding jawatan presiden UMNO.

4. ​Kita sudah terima sistem demokrasi dalam pemilihan pemimpin. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Tengku Razaleigh adalah sah dalam sistem demokrasi. Tiada apa yang boleh dilakukan oleh saya untuk mengelak dari dicabar olehnya.

5. ​Maka Tengku Razaleigh dan ramai penyokong-penyokongnya berkempenlah di seluruh bahagian dan cawangan UMNO di seluruh Malaysia. Mereka bebas bertemu dengan ahli, cawangan dan bahagian-bahagian UMNO.

6. ​Kedudukan Tengku Razaleigh sebagai Menteri Perdagangan dalam kerajaan tidak terjejas. Demikian juga ramai menteri-menteri dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang memihak kepadanya.

7. ​Pengundian semasa mesyuarat agong UMNO berjalan dengan baik. Kerana terjatuh pada hari Jumaat, pengundian dihentikan dan kempen dapat diteruskan dikalangan perwakilan oleh penyokong Tengku Razaleigh.

8. ​Perkiraan undi dibuat berkali-kali kerana ada yang tidak puas hati dengan keputusan. Hanya pada jam lapan malam barulah keputusan dapat diisytihar.

9. ​Saya menang dengan kelebihan hanya 43 undi. Saya terima. Peristiwa yang berlaku selepas itu diketahui umum dan tidak perlu saya ulangi disini.

10. ​Pada bulan Disember 2015 ini, Mesyuarat Agong UMNO akan diadakan.

11. ​Tidak akan ada apa-apa pertandingan. Tetapi entah kenapa usaha sedang dibuat oleh UMNO supaya perbahasan berkenaan perkara tertentu, khususnya 1MDB dan wang sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaun peribadi Dato Sri Najib tidak boleh dibangkit.

12. ​Persidangan pula akan tertutup kepada orang ramai. Tidak semua dari ucapan perwakilan akan disiar. Hanya ucapan presiden sahaja akan disiar.

13. ​Sepatutnya Muhyiddin Yassin, sebagai Timbalan Presiden akan membuka persidangan sayap – Pemuda, Wanita dan Puteri. Amaran sudah diberi supaya ahli UMNO tidak akan bercakap berkenaan perkara ini.

14. ​Apakah jenis Mesyuarat Agong UMNO ini?

15. ​Saya tidak akan bertanding untuk apa-apa jawatan. Tetapi usaha gigih sedang dijalan untuk menutup mulut saya, untuk menyekat saya dari berjumpa dengan ahli UMNO, bahkan orang ramai. Dewan dimana mesyuarat boleh diadakan yang dihadiri oleh saya tidak boleh didapati kerana semua pemilik takut didera oleh Kerajaan.

16. Ada iklim ketakutan yang menghalang segala kegiatan yang bersangkutan dengan mengkritik Kerajaan. Ia seolah-olah menjadi jenayah yang tidak tertulis. Tetapi dakwaan dibuat kononnya ini Negara demokrasi. Sesiapa yang cuba sabotaj demokrasi Malaysia boleh dikena penjara hingga 15 tahun. Tetapi sebenarnya yang mensabotaj demokrasi Malaysia ialah Kerajaan sendiri.

17. Bermacam jenis tekanan digunakan yang tidak demokratik.

18. Ada yang berhadapan dengan pemeriksaan pendapatan kononnya kerana tidak bayar cukai. Ada yang disoal siasat oleh polis. Ada yang dimasuk dalam tahanan tanpa berasas kepada undang-undang. Ada yang diugut akan kehilangan kontrak dll.

19. ​Kata pepatah berani kerana benar; takut kerana salah. Apakah kerana salah yang takut sangat 1MDB dan 2.6 billion ringgit dibincang.

Eng Version
Facing Challenges

1. In human life, challenges are common. Of course if anyone engages in politics, there are more challenges to be faced. If you want to continue in politics these challenges must be accepted. Those who were not able to face and overcome these challenges it is better to leave the political field.

2. When I became president of UMNO and the Prime Minister challenges never stopped. Of course there were attempts to unseat me as UMNO president.

3. Among the biggest challenges was when Tengku Razaleigh was nominated to run for the presidency of UMNO.

4. We have accepted the democratic system in the selection of leaders. What Tengku Razaleigh did was legitimate in a democratic system. There was nothing I could do to avoid being challenged by him.

5. So Tengku Razaleigh and many of his supporters campaigned at party divisions and branches throughout Malaysia. They were free to meet with members, branches and divisions of UMNO.

6. Tengku Razaleigh’s position as Industry Minister in the government were not affected. Likewise, many ministers and UMNO leaders who sided with him.

7. Voting during UMNO general meeting went well. As it fell on Friday, voting was stopped and supporters of Tengku Razaleigh was able to continue campaigning among the delegates.

8. Counting of votes was made many times because there were some that were not happy with the results. It was only at eight o’clock at night that a decision can be declared.

9. I won by only 43 votes. I accepted. Events that occurred after that are well known and do not need me to repeat here.

10. This December 2015, the UMNO General Meeting will be held.

11. There would not be any election whatsoever. But somehow for whatever reason, efforts are being made by UMNO that debate on certain subject matters, especially 1MDB and the sum of 2.6 billion ringgit in the personal account of Dato Sri Najib, must not be raised.

12. The conference will be closed to the public. Not all speeches by delegates will be broadcasted. Only the president’s speech will be broadcasted.

13. By right Muhyiddin Yassin, as Deputy President will open the conference of the wings – youth, women and women’s youth. Warnings have been given so that UMNO members will not speak on this matter.

14. What kind of UMNO General Meeting is this?

15. I will not be running for any office. But big efforts are being made to silence me, to stop me from meeting with members of UMNO, even with the public. Conference rooms where meetings could be held which can be attended by me are not available as all owners fear reprimand by the Government.

16. There is a climate of fear which prevents all activities concerned with criticizing the Government. It seems to have become a non-written crime. But these allegations are made in this supposedly democratic country. Anyone who tries to sabotage democratic Malaysia is liable to be imprisoned up to 15 years. But in actual fact the government itself is sabotaging democratic Malaysia.

17. Various undemocratic pressures are being deployed.

18. There are people faced with inspection of their income, supposedly for not paying income taxes. There are people being questioned by police. Some are detained not based on any law. Some are threatened with loss of contracts etc.

19. As the saying goes, courage because of truth, fear because of wrongdoings. Is it because of wrongdoings that there is so much fear for 1MDB and 2.6 billion ringgit being discussed.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 13, 2015

1. There were a large number of reporters waiting to interview me about the questioning by the police that the IGP and the Minister of Home Affairs had promised.

2. I was not sure how to handle the reporters. I know the police is a professional institution. It works for the elected Government. Still I was not quite sure why the police i.e. the Government wanted to question me. Had I committed a crime or is it that they wanted some information from me for the prosecution of others.

3. I had been interviewed by the police and the AG’s chambers before. They wanted to make me a Government witness. I listened to them and concluded that there was no case for the accused person to answer. So I refused to be a prosecution witness.

4. This time it is not about making me a witness. They wanted answers to questions. My lawyers advised me not to answer most of those questions. So I did not.

5. Thinking it over afterwards I concluded that they were trying to make what I did or said in public before were some kind of wrong-doings, to even be some kind of criminal act. Although they did not say I would be charged, but there was just a hint that I might be charged.

6. I re-examined the questions posed by the police and I cannot see how what I did or said can be against any law.

7. I did attend a rally that had not been permitted by police. There were more than 50,000 people at that rally. If I did something wrong then 50,000 people at that rally also did something wrong.

8. To be just, the law must apply to everyone equally. To single me out for the offense of attending the illegal rally would be unjust. It would be a kind of victimisation. Unless the Government wishes to be unjust, it cannot take action against me alone.

9. Another question was about asking Najib to step down. I have urged people to overthrow Najib. I had asked the Tunku and Abdullah Badawi to step down.

10. I did not advocate violence. In a democracy the overthrow of a Prime Minister or a Government is a common thing. Recently the PM of Australia was overthrown by his own party. The PM of Romania resigned because a night-club caught fire and some people died. Najib himself overthrew Abdullah who was an elected PM.

11. Overthrowing a democratically elected Prime Minister through street demonstration is also normal.

12. So what is wrong with my attending a demonstration to demand that Najib be overthrown as PM. Even supporting a vote of no confidence in his leadership is not wrong except in a dictatorship.

13. What would be considered wrong would be resorting to violence, to a civil war or revolution. But Najib is trying to make out that asking him to resign is undemocratic and against the law. The questions by the police seem to imply this.

14. I often refer to the loss of money by 1MDB and the 2.6 billion Ringgit in Najib’s private account. I openly declared I don’t believe Najib’s 2.6 billion Ringgit is a donation from an Arab. I believe it is from 1MDB. Najib has not proven it is not 1MDB money. When you take something that does not belong to you, it is a kind of stealing.

15. When I was PM I was accused of corruption, of cronyism, of being autocratic etc. I took no action to make any accusation against me a crime. I believe it is normal for such allegations to be made. If the people really believe these things about me they could throw me out. But despite attempts to end my premiership, the people gave me strong support during five elections. They did not seem to want to be rid of me. Even when challenged by Tengku Razaleigh, I had more support than him. I revived UMNO and it won support and the next election.

16. If I were defeated I would have accepted it. That is the democratic way.

17. By saying that Najib had stolen Government money, it can only be defamation if he could prove he did not. So far he has not been able to convincingly prove that the 2.6 billion in his private account did not come from 1MDB and therefore not from the Government. He has stopped investigations on the 2.6 billion in his account. That practically proves that he feared the investigations might prove the allegations against him have substance. Appointing other people to replace the original officers is interference in the work of the investigators. The replacements do not create credibility.

18. Defamation is only defamation if you say something that is false about a person. Prove that what I said is false then sue me for defamation. That is the way to go.

19. It seems to me and I may be wrong of course, that the kind of questions posed was to stop me from going on to do or say all those things I did. If I stop then Najib would be free from exposure of the wrong things that he has done or will do. People might then forget.

20. The courts may decide that I had committed a crime for what I did or said. But until I am found guilty by the courts, I will continue to believe and say that I had done nothing wrong, nothing undemocratic.

21. So I will continue to ask Najib to resign, to disbelieve his explanation about how he got the 2.6 billion Ringgit, to criticise the loans taken by 1MDB and the losses incurred by it.

22. This is my right as a citizen. To deny me of these rights would really be undemocratic.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 06, 2015

1. Wednesday’s (November 4, 2015) paper reports that we are not facing a financial crisis and we are not going to go into financial crisis.

2. Eight prominent people including the PM tell us everything is fine.

3. Now if everything is fine why is there a need to arrest people for sabotaging the banking and financial system of the country? If they sabotage surely the banking and finance of Malaysia would not be fine. They would be dysfunctional.

4. But is it true that everything is hunky-dory; everything is fine. It can’t be! The banks and the financial system may be fine, but there are other indicators to show that the economy is not fine.

5. The Ringgit is down by 1 Ringgit to 4.3 to 1 USD. That’s a big drop in value and is bound to affect import business or loans in USD.

6. The stock market is down with big loss in market capitalisation. Again this would not be good for the economy.

7. The economic growth is lagging behind those of Indonesia and the Philippines. This is not normal. We use to leave them far behind us.

8. Everyone complains of increase in cost of living – toll rates up, rice prices up, GST, cost of production and services, transport, wages for servants, unemployment of graduates etc. etc are all high, reducing purchasing power of everyone.

9. There is a loss of confidence in the Government precipitated by the 1MDB scandal, the inability to service debts, disappearance of money, cash in the private a/c of PM, its subsequent disappearance, inability to explain 700 million USD, 2016 budget of monetary gifts, shrinking national resources, questionable use of EPF and KWAP funds, poor FDI etc.

10. So all cannot be well. Who is responsible? Cannot be some nonentity!! Must be the people who manage the economy, manage the country, the people with power and influence whose words and deeds can affect the economy.

11. In many countries, leaders resign when they fail; when their policies fail, when their cures fail. They also resign when some catastrophe assails their country e.g Australia and Romania. Of course they resign when they do badly in elections.

12. But not in Malaysia. Find other reasons. Find scapegoats. Blame the climate or whatever.

13. Poor Malaysia. No honour. No accountability. No pride. Just self-preservation.

Versi BM

1. Akhbar Hari Rabu (4 November, 2015) melaporkan bahawa kita tidak menghadapi krisis kewangan dan kita tidak akan mengalami krisis kewangan.

2. Lapan orang terkenal termasuk PM memberitahu kita semua adalah baik.

3. Sekarang, jika sekiranya semuanya baik mengapa timbul keperluan untuk menangkap orang kerana mensabotaj sistem perbankan dan kewangan negara? Jika mereka mensabotaj sudah pasti perbankan dan kewangan Malaysia tidak akan baik. Ia akan menjadi disfungsi.

4. Tetapi adakah benar bahawa segala-galanya adalah hunky-dory; semuanya baik. Ini tidak mungkin! Bank-bank dan sistem kewangan mungkin baik, tetapi terdapat juga petunjuk-petunjuk lain yang menunjukkan bahawa ekonomi tidak baik.

5. Ringgit turun sebanyak 1 Ringgit kepada 4.3 pada 1 USD. Itu adalah satu penurunan nilai yang besar yang lambat laun akan menjejaskan perniagaan import atau pinjaman dalam USD.

6. Pasaran saham turun dengan kehilangan besar dalam pemodalan pasaran. Sekali lagi ini tidak baik untuk ekonomi.

7. Pertumbuhan ekonomi ketinggalan di belakang Indonesia dan Filipina. Ini tidak normal. Kita biasanya meninggalkan mereka jauh di belakang.

8. Semua orang mengadu kenaikan kos sara hidup – kadar tol naik, harga beras naik, GST, kos pengeluaran dan perkhidmatan, pengangkutan, gaji untuk pembantu rumah, pengangguran graduan dan lain-lain semuanya tinggi, mengurangkan kuasa beli semua orang.

9. Terdapat kehilangan keyakinan terhadap Kerajaan yang dicetuskan oleh skandal 1MDB, ketidakupayaan untuk membayar hutang, kehilangan wang, wang tunai dalam akaun peribadi PM, kemudian kelesapannya, kegagalan menjelaskan USD700 juta, bajet 2016 yang berunsur hadiah kewangan, pengecutan sumber-sumber negara, penggunaan dana KWSP dan KWAP yang boleh dipersoalkan, FDI yang sikit dan lain-lain.

10. Jadi semua tidak boleh dikatakan baik. Siapakah yang bertanggungjawab? Tidak mungkin satu entiti yang tidak wujud!! Mesti ada orang-orang yang menguruskan ekonomi, menguruskan negara, orang yang mempunyai kuasa dan pengaruh yang mana kata-kata dan perbuatan mereka boleh menjejas ekonomi.

11. Di kebanyakan negara, pemimpin meletakkan jawatan apabila mereka gagal; apabila dasar-dasar mereka gagal, apabila usaha pemulihan gagal. Mereka juga meletakkan jawatan apabila beberapa malapetaka melandai negara seperti Australia dan Romania. Sudah tentu mereka meletakkan jawatan apabila berprestasi teruk dalam pilihan raya.

12. Tetapi tidak di Malaysia. Mencari sebab-sebab lain. Mencari kambing hitam. Menyalahkan iklim atau apa sahaja.

13. Kesiannya Malaysia. Tiada kehormatan. Tiada akauntabiliti. Tiada kebanggaan. Hanya pemeliharaan diri sendiri.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on November 02, 2015

1.​ I am confused by the AG’s statement that Dato Seri Khairuddin and Matthias Chang are being charged with sabotage of the nation’s banking and financial system.

2.​ I assume that their reports to the police authorities in the UK, Switzerland and Hong Kong, where the transactions took place, are the basis of these sabotage charges which if convicted may land them in jail for up to 15 years.

3.​ But the publication by the foreign press of the shenanigans in the investments by 1MDB came out long before Khairuddin reported. These news reports were not casual reports but were very detailed descriptions of what and who were involved. They were reporting on what is well known to the whole world.

4.​ Why were these newspaper reports not satisfactorily rebutted by 1MDB or the MOF since the impression created about Malaysia’s alleged abuses of the financial and banking systems could result ultimately in the loss of confidence in Malaysia’s political and economic health and its financials?

5.​ But had there been no 1MDB and no 42 billion Ringgit being borrowed, the press would not report nor would there be any police reports. Wouldn’t these press reports then be considered as sabotage?

6.​ 1MDB may sell the 60 Ringgit p.s.f. land that it bought from the Government at 5000% above the purchase price and repay the loans. But the fact remains that had 1MDB not been created, the huge sum of borrowed money would not have disappeared. For this 1MDB and those responsible must still be charged for abuses of the banking and financial system, repayment of the loans notwithstanding. The creators of 1MDB and the managers are the people who sabotaged this country, which before this had a good record for financial management and a sound banking system. They are the people who should be charged in court for sabotage of the Malaysian banking and financial systems. Since it was Najib who created 1MDB, borrow 42 billion Ringgit and invested the money and losing it, Najib should also be charged with sabotage.

7.​ Alternatively everyone, from the initial set-up of 1MDB to the borrowing, to the newspaper reporters and the reports to the police should all be charged with sabotage of Malaysia’s financial and banking systems.

Versi BM

1. Saya keliru dengan kenyataan Peguam Negara bahawa Dato Seri Khairuddin dan Matthias Chang sedang didakwa kerana sabotaj sistem perbankan dan kewangan negara.

2. Saya menganggap bahawa laporan mereka kepada pihak berkuasa polis di UK, Switzerland dan Hong Kong, di mana urus niaga itu berlaku, adalah asas kepada caj-caj sabotaj yang jika disabitkan kesalahan boleh dikenakan hukuman penjara sehingga 15 tahun.

3. Tetapi penerbitan oleh akhbar asing mengenai tipu helah dalam pelaburan oleh 1MDB keluar lebih lama sebelum Khairuddin melaporkannya. Laporan-laporan berita ini bukan laporan sambil lewa tetapi penerangan yang sangat terperinci mengenai apa dan siapa yang terlibat. Mereka melaporkan apa yang sudah diketahui umum di seluruh dunia.

4. Kenapa laporan-laporan akhbar ini tidak disangkal dengan memuaskan oleh 1MDB atau MOF sedangkan tanggapan yang telah terujud mengenai pendakwaan penyalahgunaan sistem kewangan dan perbankan Malaysia boleh akhirnya mengakibatkan kehilangan keyakinan terhadap kesihatan politik dan ekonomi Malaysia dan kewangannya?

5. Jika sekiranya tidak wujud 1MDB dan tiada RM42 bilion yang dipinjam, akhbar tidak akan melaporkan dan tidak akan ada laporan-laporan polis. Tidakkah laporan-laporan akhbar itu dianggap sebagai sabotaj?

6. 1MDB boleh menjual tanah yang dibeli dengan harga RM60 kaki persegi daripada Kerajaan pada kadar 5000% atas harga pembelian dan membayar balik pinjaman. Tetapi pada hakikat seandainya 1MDB tidak dicipta, jumlah besar wang yang dipinjam itu tidak akan lesap. Untuk ini 1MDB dan mereka yang bertanggungjawab masih perlu didakwa kerana penyalahgunaan sistem perbankan dan kewangan, tidak terkecuali juga pembayaran balik pinjaman. Pencipta 1MDB dan pengurus-pengurusnya adalah mereka yang mensabotaj negara ini, yang sebelum ini mempunyai rekod yang baik bagi pengurusan kewangan dan sistem perbankan yang kukuh. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang patut didakwa di mahkamah kerana sabotaj sistem kewangan dan perbankan Malaysia. Oleh sebab Najiblah yang mencipta 1MDB, meminjam RM42 bilion, melabur wang itu dan menghilangkannya, Najib juga sepatutnya didakwa kerana sabotaj.

7. Atau sebagai alternatif semua orang, dari awal penubuhan 1MDB hingga pinjamannya, pemberita-pemberita akhbar dan laporan kepada polis, semuanya harus didakwa kerana sabotaj sistem kewangan dan perbankan Malaysia.