
Thursday, August 27, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on August 26, 2015

1. Dato’ Sri Najib and his supporters should stop trying to convince Malaysians that the 2.6 billion Ringgit in his private account is a donation.

2. No one believes or can believe such a huge sum of money can be donated by anyone to Dato’ Sri Najib or to anyone for whatever reason.

3. Explaining that it was given because of Malaysia’s stand against the Islamic State is absurd as the Islamic State showed their brand of terrorism only in 2014 whereas the money came in in 2013 or before.

4. Saying that it is because of Malaysia’s moderation in Islam is equally absurd as Malaysia had never been extreme in its practice of Islam.

5. Why 700 million dollars? Surely it is too big for the needs of Malaysian elections, except if it is to bribe the Malaysian electorate. Why should anyone want to bribe the Malaysian electorate so Najib would win. Malaysians have supported the BN without the need to be paid huge bribes by anyone, least of all by foreigners.

6. The new DPM says he has seen the Arab who gave the money. Then let him give proof that this Arab has huge sums of money to give away to Malaysia and many other countries. Which countries. What is the source of this money. What business does he do? What is the name of the bank he uses. Show his account in the bank, the cheques he issued, particularly the 700 million USD. The recipient bank should be holding these cheques.

7. All these information could have been verified by the task force of four. But Najib dismantled the task force by sacking the A.G., sending the head of MACC on leave, and accusing Bank Negara of leaking Government secrets.

8. Now the MACC is said to be still investigating the 2.6 billion. It is an emasculated MACC. If Najib is serious about investigating his 2.6 billion Ringgit in Ambank, he should reconstitute the original tasks force. A new task force filled with his people has no credibility.

9. Banks have to maintain banking secrecy. But banks are also required to report suspected money laundering. Malaysian banks, Singapore banks, Swiss banks and American banks must not keep secret their business with money suspected of being stolen. What have they done?

10. When stolen money is put through banks, the objective is to make it legal, to launder it. Yet the money has disappeared from Ambank because because the account was closed.

11. When the account is closed, it cannot mean that the huge amount of money is taken out in cash. It must have been transferred to another bank. Yet we don’t hear of any bank anywhere reporting this money is with them. Two accounts are reported to be frozen in Singapore. Is that all. Surely the holder of the account should be investigated. But so far nothing is heard. Do the banks get to keep the money! If it is not reported to the authorities for action to be taken, then effectively the money has been laundered.

12. If this is so then why have banks to scrutinise large amounts of money deposited with it. They might as well not scrutinise if the suspiciously huge amount of money, the subject of much controversy is just retained by them.

13. The public has a right to know because the public does not believe that the 2.6 billion Ringgit was a gift personally to the PM of Malaysia for him to win elections. Malaysians would not like to believe their candidate for the highest office in the country is a nominee of some person from another country. What will be his obligation to his supporters. Will he serve Malaysians or some foreign country.

14. Stop thinking that Malaysians are stupid.

Versi BM

1. Dato’ Sri Najib dan penyokong-penyokongnya perlu berhenti untuk cuba meyakinkan rakyat Malaysia bahawa 2.6 bilion Ringgit dalam akaun peribadinya adalah derma.

2. Tiada siapa percaya atau boleh percaya bahawa wang sejumlah besar itu boleh diderma oleh sesiapa kepada Dato’ Sri Najib atau kepada sesiapa sahaja atas apa jua sebab.

3. Menjelaskan bahawa ia telah diberi kerana pendirian Malaysia terhadap Islamic State (IS) adalah tidak munasabah kerana Islamic State mulai menunjukkan jenama keganasan mereka itu hanya pada tahun 2014 manakala wang itu masuk pada tahun 2013 atau sebelum.

4. Berkata ia adalah kerana sikap kesederhanaan Malaysia dalam Islam adalah juga tidak masuk akal kerana Malaysia tidak pernah berpendirian melampau dalam amalan Islam.

5. Mengapa 700 juta dolar? Sesungguhnya ini adalah terlalu besar untuk keperluan pilihan raya di Malaysia, kecuali ia adalah untuk merasuah pengundi Malaysia. Mengapa ada orang yang mahu merasuahkan pengundi Malaysia supaya Najib boleh menang. Rakyat Malaysia telah menyokong BN tanpa perlu dibayar rasuah besar oleh sesiapa sahaja, lebih-lebih lagi oleh orang-orang asing.

6. TPM baru mengatakan dia telah berjumpa Arab yang memberikan wang itu. Jikalau begitu hendaklah ia buktikan bahawa Arab ini mempunyai sejumlah wang yang banyak untuk diberikan kepada Malaysia dan negara-negara lain. Apakah sumber wang ini? Apa perniagaan yang dia buat? Apakah nama bank yang dia gunakan? Tunjukkan akaunnya di bank, cek-cek yang beliau keluarkan, terutamanya USD700 juta itu. Bank penerima mesti masih memegang cek-cek itu.

7. Semua maklumat ini mungkin telah pun disahkan oleh pasukan petugas yang empat itu. Tetapi Najib telah membongkarkan pasukan petugas dengan memecat Peguam Negara, menghantar ketua SPRM bercuti, dan menuduh Bank Negara membocorkan rahsia Kerajaan.

8. Sekarang SPRM dikatakan masih menyiasat 2.6 bilion itu. Ia adalah suatu SPRM yang telah dilumpuhkan. Jika Najib serius untuk menyiasat RM2.6 bilion kepunyaannya dalam Ambank, beliau perlu melantik semula pasukan tugas yang asal. Satu pasukan petugas baru yang penuh dengan orang-orangnya tidak mempunyai kredibiliti.

9. Bank perlu mengekalkan kerahsiaan perbankan. Tetapi bank-bank juga dikehendaki melaporkan pengubahan wang haram yang disyaki. Bank-bank Malaysia, bank-bank Singapura, bank-bank Switzerland dan bank-bank Amerika tidak patut merahsiakan perniagaan mereka yang melibatkan wang yang disyaki dicuri. Apa yang telah dilakukan mereka?

10. Apabila wang yang dicuri dimasukkan melalui bank-bank, objektifnya adalah untuk menjadikan ia halal, untuk menyucinya (launder). Namun wang itu telah lesap dari Ambank kerana akaun itu ditutup.

11. Apabila akaun ditutup, ini tidak bermakna bahawa jumlah wang yang besar itu dibawa keluar secara tunai. Ia semestinya telah dipindahkan kepada bank lain. Namun kita tidak mendengar mana-mana bank yang melaporkan wang ini ada pada mereka. Dua akaun dilaporkan dibekukan di Singapura. Itu sahajakah? Sesungguhnya pemegang akaun perlu disiasat. Tetapi setakat ini tiada apa yang kedengaran. Adakah bank-bank boleh ambil wang ini! Jika ini tidak dilaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk tindakan yang perlu diambil, sudah jelas wang ini telah dicuci (laundered).

12. Jika ini adalah demikiannya, maka mengapa bank perlu meneliti sejumlah wang yang banyak yang didepositkan dengannya. Lebih baik mereka langsung tidak meneliti jika jumlah besar yang mencurigakan itu, yang menjadikan subjek penuh kontroversi ini, disimpan sahaja oleh mereka.

13. Orang ramai mempunyai hak untuk tahu kerana orang ramai tidak percaya bahawa RM2.6 bilion adalah hadiah peribadi kepada PM Malaysia untuk beliau memenangi pilihan raya. Rakyat Malaysia tidak mahu mempercayai bahawa calon mereka untuk pejabat tertinggi di negara ini merupakan penama seseorang dari negara lain. Apakah yang akan menjadi kewajipan beliau kepada penyokong-penyokong? Adakah beliau akan berkhidmat untuk rakyat Malaysia atau untuk negara asing?

14. Berhentilah berfikir bahawa rakyat Malaysia bodoh.

Friday, August 21, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on August 20, 2015

1. There is a blatant attempt by Najib and his supporters to make the illegitimate legitimate and vice-versa.

2. Thus Najib’s stoppage of the investigations on 1MDB and his own possession of RM2.6 billion is made to appear legal and right while the investigators who were acting completely in accordance with the laws of the country are accused of acting outside their terms of reference and therefore not legitimate. To support their comment they invented terms of reference of the task force.

3. On the other hand he and his supporters are trying to make out that a vote of non-confidence against him by Parliament is not proper and constitute an abuse of the democratic system and an illegal attempt to overthrow the elected Government. But everyone knows that a vote of non- confidence is absolutely legal.

4. Najib seems to have forgotten that the BN overthrew the elected Government of Perak by claiming it had majority support in the state assembly. It should have done so through a vote of non-confidence. But BN was not sure that it would have majority support if the State Assembly sat. So it made out its case before the ruler despite there being no provision in the constitution or laws of the country for a ruler to dismiss an elected Government.

5. A vote of non-confidence is necessary now because Najib has made BN members of Parliament beholden to him by giving them lucrative posts in the Government. Even those who had come to me complaining about Najib’s administration before, upon being given posts in his government, have now changed their stand. One of them who claimed to have documentary evidence of Najib’s misconduct, now gladly support him upon being made minister.

6. Other BN members of Parliament have also been turned around after a short closed door talk and appeals to greed. Sharir now claims it is proper to receive money from the President. It is really improper. All donations in the past were made to the party’s fund operated by the trustees. Support for the President is only in so far as he implements party policies. It is not personal to him. He has openly said that since they received money from him they should support him. This is bribery. Is the President bribing UMNO leaders in order to gain their support? Apparently this is what he is doing. He has corrupted UMNO and those who accepted money from him support corruption in the party. Really Najib has made UMNO, the party that won independence for Malaysia, into a rotten and corrupt party. People are disgusted with UMNO now.

7. Now the possible BN supporters of a non-confidence vote are being named publicly to “gempaq” (intimidate) them. They are being accused of working with the opposition. This is a warning to other BN members not to support the non-confidence vote. It may be necessary once again to give BN MPs a holiday in Taiwan.

8. The opposition should really want Najib to continue leading the BN as this would ensure them victory in the coming election. But the prospect of having a PM who uses money to win support and who overturns the law upside down cannot be appealing to the opposition for much longer. So rumours of their non-confidence motion may be true.

9. But from reports and comments in the alternative media the opposition and most Malaysians are truly worried and angry over Najib’s abuses of power. He would not be beyond rigging elections to ensure winning the next elections.

10. But the Opposition just do not have the numbers. If the demands for Najib to step down by UMNO rank and file is assessed, there would be quite a number of the party’s MPs who would also like to see Najib removed. They do not believe the nonsensical explanations about the disappearance of 1MDB money or the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s private account. These MPs could vote with the opposition in a non-confidence

11. It is of course not something the BN MPs like to do. They would not like to becoming instrumental in bringing down a BN Government. If the opposition is really keen to be rid of Najib, they can only do so if only Najib goes but the BN Government stays, led by another leader.

12. The Opposition would have to find a formula which would see a BN without Najib still forming the Government if it wants BN MPs’ support. Under previous BN Governments, the opposition had always won seats in Parliament and had beaten the BN in many States. Najib’s lack of respect for the law and constitution and his willingness to buy politicians and civil servants may mean the end of Parliamentary Democracy in Malaysia. It can mean no opposition just as in UMNO opposition to him has been snuffed out.

BM Version

1. Terdapat satu percubaan yang terang-terangan oleh Najib dan para penyokongnya untuk menghalalkan yang haram dan sebaliknya.

2. Jadi, tindakan Najib memberhentikan siasatan ke atas 1MDB dan pemilikannya wang sejumlah RM2.6 bilion dibuat kelihatan halal dan betul manakala para penyiasat yang bertindak sepenuhnya mengikut undang-undang negara dituduh bertindak di luar terma rujukan mereka dan oleh itu tidak sah. Bagi menyokong komen mereka, mereka mencipta terma rujukan pasukan petugas.

3. Sebaliknya beliau dan penyokongnya cuba untuk menjadikan undi tidak percaya terhadap beliau oleh Parlimen sebagai tidak wajar dan merupakan satu penyalahgunaan sistem demokrasi dan usaha haram untuk menggulingkan kerajaan yang dipilih rakyat. Tetapi semua orang tahu bahawa undi tidak percaya adalah benar-benar sah.

4. Najib seolah-olah sudah terlupa bahawa BN menggulingkan Kerajaan Perak yang dipilih dengan mendakwa ia mempunyai sokongan majoriti di Dewan Undangan Negeri. Ia sepatutnya berbuat demikian melalui undi tidak percaya. Tetapi BN tidak pasti bahawa ini akan mendapat sokongan majoriti jika Dewan Undangan Negeri bersidang. Oleh itu, ia membawa kes ke bawah duli Raja walaupun tiada peruntukan dalam perlembagaan atau undang-undang negara yang membolehkan Raja menolak kerajaan yang dipilih.

5. Undi tidak percaya adalah perlu sekarang kerana Najib telah membuat ahli-ahli Parlimen BN terhutang budi kepada beliau dengan memberikan mereka jawatan yang lumayan dalam Kerajaan. Malah mereka yang telah datang kepada saya untuk mengadu tentang pentadbiran Najib sebelum ini, apabila diberi jawatan dalam kerajaan beliau, kini telah berubah pendirian mereka. Salah seorang daripada mereka yang mendakwa mempunyai bukti dokumentari salah laku Najib, kini dengan senang hati menyokong beliau setelah dijadikan Menteri.

6. Anggota Parlimen BN yang lain juga telah berpusing selepas satu ceramah tertutup yang pendek dan rayuan untuk ketamakan. Sharir kini mendakwa adalah wajar untuk menerima wang dari Presiden. Ia adalah benar-benar tidak wajar. Semua sumbangan pada masa lalu telah disalurkan kepada dana parti yang dikendalikan oleh pemegang amanah. Sokongan untuk Presiden hanya sekadar yang dia melaksanakan dasar-dasar parti. Ini bukan peribadi baginya. Beliau telah secara terbuka berkata, oleh sebab mereka menerima wang daripadanya mereka perlu menyokong beliau. Ini adalah rasuah. Apakah Presiden memberi rasuah kepada pemimpin UMNO untuk mendapatkan sokongan mereka? Rupa-rupanya ini adalah apa yang dia lakukan. Beliau telah korupkan UMNO dan orang-orang yang menerima wang daripadanya menyokong rasuah dalam parti. Sebenar-benarnya Najib telah jadikan UMNO, parti yang memenangi kemerdekaan untuk Malaysia, sebuah parti teruk dan korup. Orang ramai meluat dengan UMNO sekarang.

7. Sekarang bakal penyokong undi tidak percaya BN telah dinamakan secara umum untuk “gempaq” (intimidate) mereka. Mereka dituduh bekerjasama dengan pembangkang. Ini adalah amaran kepada ahli-ahli BN yang lain supaya jangan menyokong usul undi tidak percaya. Mungkin perlu sekali lagi untuk memberi Ahli Parlimen BN percutian di Taiwan.

8. Pembangkang benar-benar mahu Najib terus memimpin BN kerana ini akan memastikan kemenangan bagi mereka dalam pilihan raya akan datang. Tetapi prospek adanya PM yang menggunakan wang untuk memenangi sokongan dan yang tunggang terbalikkan undang-undang tidak menarik kepada pembangkang untuk lebih lama lagi. Jadi khabar angin undi tidak percaya mereka mungkin benar.

9. Tetapi dari laporan dan komen dalam media alternatif pemangkang dan kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia benar-benar bimbang dan marah dengan penyalahgunaan kuasa Najib. Penipuan dalam pilihan raya akan bukan lagi suatu perkara asing baginya untuk memastikan kemenangan pilihan raya akan datang.

10. Tetapi pembangkang tidak mempunyai bilangan anggota yang cukup. Jika desakan untuk Najib berundur oleh akar umbi UMNO dinilai, akan terdapat agak ramai juga Ahli Parlimen parti itu yang ingin melihat Najib dibuang. Mereka tidak percaya penjelasan yang karut tentang kehilangan wang 1MDB atau RM2.6 bilion dalam akaun peribadi Najib. Ahli-ahli Parlimen ini boleh mengundi dengan pembangkang dalam undi tidak percaya.

11. Ini sudah tentu bukan satu perkara yang Ahli Parlimen BN suka lakukan. Mereka tidak mahu memainkan peranan dalam menjatuhkan Kerajaan BN. Jika pembangkang benar-benar berminat untuk memecat Najib, mereka akan hanya berbuat demikian jika Najib sahaja yang pergi tetapi Kerajaan BN kekal, yang diketuai oleh pemimpin lain.

12. Pembangkang perlu mencari formula yang akan menyaksikan BN masih membentuk Kerajaan tanpa Najib jika mahu sokongan Ahli Parlimen BN. Di bawah Kerajaan BN sebelum ini, pembangkang sentiasa memenangi kerusi di Parlimen dan mengalahkan BN dalam banyak Negeri. Kekurangan Najib menghormati undang-undang dan perlembagaan dan kesediaannya untuk membeli ahli-ahli politik dan penjawat awam boleh membawa makna akhirnya Demokrasi Berparlimen di Malaysia. Ini mungkin bermakna tiada pembangkang seperti dalam UMNO, pembangkang bagi beliau telah dilenyapkan.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on August 17, 2015

1. What is happening in Malaysia today is unprecedented. The rule of law has been turned upside down and the people seem powerless to do anything to put it upright again.

2. This is because the very leader entrusted with upholding the law has become the subject of the due process of the law. It is alleged that he has broken the law. As no one is above the law, it follows that he must be investigated to determine if indeed he had broken the law.

3. Although this is unprecedented in Malaysia, this had happened in many other countries, including in the developed West.

4. Recall the case of President Nixon of the United States of America. He had used Government officials to spy on his political rival. This was considered as abuse of power in the U.S.

5. Eventually he was impeached and was forced to resign as President of the U.S. The Vice President took over and in due course elections were held. The Vice-President won. End of problem.

6. In other countries more violent methods are used to remove an unpopular president, whether elected or imposed by the military or other politically powerful groups.

7. Now Malaysia would not want to see violence used. So the instruments or the institutions of Governments were expected to investigate and determine whether the allegations against the P.M. are true or not.

8. The institution that is normally expected to do this is mainly the police. Other institutions with the capacity to investigate are also expected to do this. In cases involving money, the Central Bank are expected to investigate and report.

9. Then there are special bodies created to oversee how Government money is managed. These are the Auditor-General and the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament. Additionally there is the Anti-Corruption Commission.

10. They are however limited to investigations and preparation of reports. They themselves have no power to prosecute. For this, the Attorney-General must decide and initiate legal proceedings. If the A.G. decides there is no case to answer, even the most blatant crime will not be tried in the court.

11. The only other process for the removal of a PM is a vote of no-confidence in Parliament. It needs a simple majority. With the fall of the PM, the whole Government would fall. But by majority decision in Parliament, a new Government may be set up. It may be the same party or a different party. Alternatively an election can be held.

12. These are the avenues of legal redress provided in the Malaysian Constitution and laws.

13. Due to the serious nature of the allegations against the highest leader of the Government, a task force of four, consisting of the Attorney General, the Inspector General of Police, the Governor of the Central Bank and the head of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission was formed to collect all relevant evidence for the Attorney General to decide on the action to be taken.

14. All these agencies and institutions were in the midst of their investigations when the PM struck. He first sacked the A.G. and appointed his man to the post. Then he literally disbanded the Public Accounts Committee by appointing the Chairman and three other members as Deputy Ministers and to other posts. Members of the MACC who were continuing to investigate the case were harassed by the police who accused them of leaking secrets. Two were transferred to the PMO.

15. Rumors were rife that the Governor of the Central Bank was being investigated for corruption. Although she remains as Governor, the staff of the Central Bank were harassed and accused of leaking information to the press.

16. The Edge, the paper that had exposed the 1MDB scandal was closed. The owner of The Malaysian Reserve paper was told to sell it back to the previous owner.

17. Najib also sacked the Deputy Prime Minister and one of the ministers who had been vocal in questioning the financial records of 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion found in Najib’s personal bank account.

18. With these actions, Najib has effectively stopped investigations on the disappearance of billions of Ringgit invested by 1MDB and the appearance of 2.6 billion in Najib’s account. Now no legal action can be taken against Najib as the allegations cannot be proven. But his very actions prove that there is substance in the allegations made against him.

19. Public opinion therefore remains strong in wanting Najib to resign as PM. Consequently there is talk about moving a vote of no-confidence against him in Parliament.

20. This is very difficult as almost all the UMNO members seem beholden to him. And the opposition does not have enough members to pass the motion.

21. So there is a stalemate. But the economy is reacting in its own way. The Ringgit has depreciated to below its old fixed rate of RM3.80 to the USD. It is now at 4 Ringgit plus and is likely to drop further. The effect is to make the country poor. Paying debts by 1MDB in USD would cost more. Already 1MDB is unable even to service its debts.

22. The stock market has all but collapsed. Investors, especially foreign investors are taking out their money to safer places abroad.

23. The Government is short of funds. It has to cut budget allocations to all ministries. The introduction of the GST has only resulted in increasing the cost of living making the depreciation of the Ringgit more acute.

24. Najib may be able to buy his way through in the next election but he will not be able to acquire funds to sustain his purchase of popularity. The Government he leads will not be able to borrow. The country’s economy will collapse. And the people will suffer. This is the grim picture that lies in store for Malaysians because Najib has basically stolen the Government.

Versi BM

1. Apa yang berlaku di Malaysia hari ini belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Kedaulatan undang-undang telah ditunggang terbalikkan dan rakyat kelihatan tidak terdaya untuk berbuat sesuatu untuk menegakkan ia semula.

2. Ini adalah kerana pemimpin yang betul-betul diamanahkan untuk mendukung undang-undang telah menjadi subjek suatu proses undang-undang. Didakwa bahawa beliau telah melanggar undang-undang. Oleh kerana tidak ada sesiapa pun yang terkecuali daripada tindakan undang-undang, apa yang harus menyusuli ialah penyesiatan untuk menentukan sama ada beliau telah sebenarnya melanggar undang-undang.

3. Walaupun ini belum pernah berlaku di Malaysia, ini telah banyak berlaku di negara lain, termasuk di Barat yang maju.

4. Boleh diimbas kembali kes Presiden Nixon dari Amerika Syarikat. Beliau telah menggunakan pegawai kerajaan untuk mengintip pesaing politiknya. Ini dianggap sebagai salah guna kuasa di Amerika Syarikat

5. Akhirnya beliau telah didakwa dan terpaksa meletakkan jawatan sebagai Presiden AS. Naib Presiden mengambil alih dan seterusnya pilihan raya tidak lama kemudian telah diadakan. Naib Presiden memenangi. Akhir masalah.

6. Di negara-negara lain kaedah yang lebih ganas digunakan untuk membuang seorang Presiden yang tidak popular, sama ada dipilih atau yang diletakkan oleh tentera atau kumpulan-kumpulan politik yang penuh kuasa.

7. Sekarang Malaysia tidak mahu melihat keganasan digunakan. Jadi instrumen atau institusi Kerajaan diharap menyiasat dan menentukan sama ada tuduhan terhadap PM adalah benar atau tidak.

8. Institusi yang biasanya diharapkan untuk melakukan ini adalah polis terutamanya. Institusi-Institusi lain yang mempunyai keupayaan untuk menyiasat juga diharap untuk melakukannya. Dalam kes-kes yang melibatkan wang, Bank Negara diharap akan menyiasat dan memberi laporan.

9. Dan ada badan-badan khas diwujudkan untuk mengawasi bagaimana wang Kerajaan diuruskan. Ini adalah Ketua Audit Negara dan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam Parlimen. Selain itu ada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah.

10. Mereka bagaimana pun terhad kepada penyiasatan dan penyediaan laporan. Mereka sendiri tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk mendakwa. Untuk ini, Peguam Negara perlu membuat keputusan dan memulakan tindakan undang-undang. Jika Peguam Negara memutuskan tiada kes untuk dijawab, jenayah yang paling terang-terangan pun tidak akan dibicarakan di mahkamah.

11. Satu-satunya proses lain yang ada bagi pemecatan seseorang PM adalah undi tidak percaya di Parlimen. Ia memerlukan majoriti mudah. Dengan kejatuhan PM, seluruh Kerajaan akan jatuh. Tetapi dengan keputusan majoriti dalam Parlimen, Kerajaan baru boleh ditubuhkan. Ia boleh jadi parti yang sama atau parti yang berbeza. Sebaliknya pilihan raya boleh diadakan.

12. Ini adalah ruang untuk mendapat remedi undang-undang yang diperuntukkan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia dan undang-undang.

13. Oleh kerana seriusnya tuduhan terhadap pemimpin tertinggi Kerajaan, satu pasukan petugas empat anggota, yang terdiri daripada Peguam Negara, Ketua Polis Negara, Gabenor Bank Negara dan Ketua Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia telah ditubuhkan untuk mengumpul semua bukti-bukti yang relevan untuk Peguam Negara membuat keputusan mengenai tindakan yang akan diambil.

14. Semua agensi-agensi dan institusi-institusi ini berada di tengah-tengah siasatan mereka apabila PM menyerang. Pertamanya beliau memecat Peguam Negara dan dilantik seorang orangnya bagi jawatan itu. Kemudian dia dengan cara literal telah membubarkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam dengan melantik Pengerusi dan tiga orang anggota lain sebagai Timbalan Menteri dan jawatan lain. Ahli-ahli SPRM yang berterusan menyiasat kes itu telah diganggu oleh pihak polis yang menuduh mereka bocor rahsia. Dua dipindahkan ke Pejabat Perdana Menteri.

15. Khabar angin bertiup kencang bahawa Gabenor Bank Negara sedang disiasat kerana rasuah. Walaupun ia tetap kekal sebagai Gabenor, kakitangan Bank Negara telah diganggu dan dituduh membocorkan maklumat kepada akhbar.

16. The Edge, akhbar yang telah mendedahkan skandal 1MDB itu ditutup. Pemilik akhbar The Malaysian Reserve disuruh menjualnya kembali kepada pemilik sebelumnya.

17. Najib juga memecat Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan salah satu daripada menteri-menteri yang lantang dalam mempersoalkan rekod kewangan 1MDB dan RM2.6 bilion yang terdapat dalam akaun bank peribadi Najib.

18. Dengan tindakan-tindakan ini, Najib telah berkesan sekali berhentikan siasatan berhubung kehilangan berbilion Ringgit yang dilaburkan oleh 1MDB dan kemunculan 2.6 bilion dalam akaun Najib. Kini tiada tindakan undang-undang boleh diambil terhadap Najib kerana dakwaan-dakwaan tidak dapat dibuktikan. Tetapi tindakan-tindakannya ini membuktikan bahawa terdapat isi dalam dakwaan yang dibuat terhadap beliau.

19. Pendapat awam masih kukuh mahu Najib meletak jawatan sebagai PM. Akibatnya timbul cakap-cakap tentang perbentangan usul undi tidak percaya terhadap beliau di Parlimen.

20. Ini adalah sangat sukar kerana hampir semua ahli UMNO seolah-olah terhutang budi kepadanya. Dan pembangkang tidak mempunyai ahli yang mencukupi untuk meluluskan usul itu.

21. Jadi timbul jalan buntu. Tetapi ekonomi bertindak balas dengan cara tersendiri. Ringgit menyusut nilai kepada tahap bawah kadar tetap lama RM3.80 ke USD. Ia kini di paras 4 Ringgit lebih dan mungkin jatuh lagi. Kesannya adalah menjadikan negara miskin. Membayar hutang oleh 1MDB dalam matawang USD akan jadi lebih mahal. Sekarang pun 1MDB gagal membayar hutangnya.

22. Pasaran saham boleh dikatakan runtuh. Para pelabur, terutamanya pelabur asing mengambil keluar wang mereka ke tempat-tempat yang lebih selamat di luar negara.

23. Kerajaan kekurangan dana. Ia terpaksa memotong peruntukan bajet untuk semua kementerian. Pengenalan GST hanya menyebabkan peningkatan kos sara hidup dan membuat kejatuhan nilai Ringgit lebih akut.

24. Najib mungkin boleh membeli kejayaannya dalam pilihan raya akan datang ini tetapi dia tidak akan mampu memperolehi dana bagi mengekalkan pembelian populariti. Kerajaan dipimpinnya tidak akan mampu untuk meminjam. Ekonomi negara akan runtuh. Dan rakyat akan menderita. Ini adalah gambar yang suram yang ada untuk rakyat Malaysia kerana Najib telah pada dasarnya mencuri Kerajaan.

Monday, August 10, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on August 10, 2015

1. I used to enjoy being asked about Malaysia when I am abroad. But not now.

2. The foreigners and Malaysians living abroad ask, “What is happening
to Malaysia?”

3. “It seems to be like one of those African or Arab countries.”

4. “It is totally corrupt. The currency has depreciated”.
Etc. Etc.

5. I cannot answer truthfully. I cannot lie either. It is embarrassing. And all this is because of the 1MDB and Najib.

6. I began to feel there was something wrong with the 1MDB when The Edge published that it had bought power plants above market price and borrowed money paying commissions of 10% and interest rate of 5.9%.

7. I waited for the Government to deny that what was published by The Edge was correct. The Government did not. Then I know there was something very wrong.

8. Subsequently came the stories about a JV with Petrosaudi. It was too quick. Obviously no due diligence was done. Yet 1MDB paid 1 billion U.S. (3.8billion Ringgit) for its 40% share.

9. Then 1MDB paid another US 700 million to settle debts incurred by Petro-Saudi to Petro Saudi International. Why should 1MDB pay. The JV should pay.

10. But within 6 months of setting up the JV, it was dissolved. Had a good due diligence been done, this JV would not have been set up. Clearly it was not a viable proposition!

11. The 1.7 billion US should now be returned to 1MDB. But No! It was converted into a loan (Murabahah) to Petrosaudi. This is extremely unusual. If you could not work with Petrosaudi as a JV partner how could you give it such a huge loan.

12. Then the money seems to have disappeared. It was previously reported to be deposited in banks in Hong Kong and Seychelles, invested in something or other and was supposed to end up in the Cayman Islands.

13. Concerned Malaysians demanded that the money be returned to Malaysia. An announcement was made that a portion had been returned to Malaysia but was used to pay debts and other expenses. Malaysia wanted more information especially as a 2 billion Ringgit interest on loans could not be paid. 1MDB just had no money. So where is the money from the Caymans. Why should Ananda Krishnan offer 2 billion Ringgit to help pay the interest. Government had to provide a stand-by loan of RM900 million.

14. Things did not look right. Then 1MDB announced that the rest of the money from Cayman Islands had been received in cash. Arul, the CEO, claimed he saw the money. The PM said the money was deposited in a Singapore Bank. It was not brought back to Malaysia because Bank Negara would ask too many questions.

15. That seems to be an admission that something was not right with the money.

16. But Singapore is a financial centre. As such it must be even more careful that money brought in and deposited in its banks should be investigated, especially if the sum is large, running into billions.

17. And sure enough the Monetary Authority of Singapore stated publicly that no 1MDB Malaysian money came into the country. The Swiss Bank which was named as the bank where the money was deposited denied 1MDB had deposited money with it.

18. So where were the billions of Ringgits or Dollars that 1MDB claimed it had brought back from the Caymans. Arul Kandasamy had openly claimed he saw the money.

19. Now the PM declared that it was not money. It was units. The bank where it was deposited was not named.

20. What units were these. Not units in Unit Trust Funds certainly. No explanation is forth coming. The billions of dollars have again disappeared.

21. Then the Wall Street Journal reported that Dato Sri Najib has USD700 million in his account in the Arab Malaysian Bank in Kuala Lumpur. That is about 2.6 billion Ringgit. How did this huge sum of money get into Najib’s Private Account. Where did the money come from!! How can the PM of Malaysia whose pay is only RM20,000 per month have so much money in his private account?

22. Unable to deny the Wall Street Journal report which included the account number and other details, Najib claimed that it was a donation.

23. Who in the world would donate USD700 million to the Malaysian Prime Minister? Even Obama could not raise this amount for his Presidential bid. It was suggested it was an Arab.

24. Arabs are generous, but not that generous. I could not raise even a single dollar from them for the Malaysian International Islamic University or for the Oxford Islamic Centre. This claim that Arabs donated billions is what people describe as hogwash or bullshit. Certainly I don’t believe it and neither can the majority of Malaysians if we go by the comments on the social media. The world had a good laugh.

25. When asked, the PM said wait for the report on 1MDB by the Auditor–General and the Public Accounts Committee.

26. To the UMNO divisional leaders and assorted bedfellows the PM in close-door meetings, claimed the billions were for the elections.

27. The 2 billion Ringgit plus for elections is absurd. I needed less than 10 million for each of the five elections I presided over and I won them all with more than 2/3 majority. Why do you need 2.6 billion plus or 2600 million Ringgit. Is it to bribe politicians and civil servants, or to rig the elections. That would not be right , much less legal.

28. Whatever, to me 2 billion plus for elections in Malaysia by any party is wrong even if no limit is put on election expenses.

29. Then there is this lavish life-style which no Malaysian Prime Minister would be able to afford on the RM20,000 per month he receives. Engagement and weddings lavishness far surpassed those of the Rulers even. Several ceremonies were held in Malaysia and also in Kazakhstan. Guests were loaded with gifts from the host. Clearly millions, tens of millions were spent, far beyond what a Malaysian PM can afford.

30. Then there is the son’s investment of hundreds of millions in producing the film The Wolf of Wall Street. It is so pornographic that it cannot be shown in Malaysia. Where did the money come from!

31. The shopping in London, Paris and elsewhere is known to be enormous.

32. Clearly the PM and his wife have more money than the salaries and allowances paid to the PM.

33. After the Wall Street Journal reported on Najib’s 2.6 billion Ringgit in his private account, it was closed. You cannot take all that money to keep with you. It had to be transferred. Apparently it was transferred to a Singapore bank. Then the Singapore authorities froze it.

34. Public clamour about the origin of the money in Najib’s account was so loud that a task force comprising the head of four government institutions was set up. The Attorney General headed this task force and the members were the IGP, the Head of Bank Negara and the Head of MACC, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

35. Najib was clearly uncomfortable with the investigations carried out by the task force. The members seemed to be too independent. Najib could not control them. The task force was apparently determined to seek the truth about the 1MDB and the 2.6 billion Ringgit in Najib’s account. Najib’s claim that it was a donation was not convincing.

36. Then Najib decided to take action to stop all the investigations on 1MDB and his private account.

37. First he announced that people should stop talking about 1MDB. It was not just a hint but an open statement that such talk would be regarded as undermining democracy and an attempt to overthrow an elected leader. This would attract police attention and investigation.

38. Immediately following that the A.G. was sacked. In Malaysia’s legal system the A.G. determines whether a case would be heard in a court or not. The A.G. who seemed to be heading the task force would be in a position to take to the courts if there was evidence of criminality in Najib’s possession of the billions in his account.

39. The A.G’s removal means that he could no longer make any decision over the unprecedented wealth of Najib. A judge was made A.G. and clearly he is not interested in the task force and its investigations. He seemed determined to clear Najib.

40. Then the DPM was dismissed and replaced by the Minister of Home Affairs who unlike Muhyiddin, had never questioned Najib about 1MDB.

41. In the cabinet reshuffle four members of the Public Accounts Committee including its chairman were made deputy ministers. Effectively, the PAC was paralysed and the work of investigating 1MDB stopped.

42. Then the chief and deputy chief of MACC, a member of the task force of four were asked to go on leave. When some members of the staff of MACC continued their investigations and wanted to query Najib on the source of the money in his account, they were harassed by the police who accused them of leaking information. Then they were transferred to the PM’s department. That shut them up.

43. The Governor of the Central Bank, a member of the four-strong Task Force is now rumoured to be investigated for corruption.

44. With the PAC, and the Task Force paralysed and the A.G. sacked, investigation work on the 1MDB and the 2.6 billion in Najib’s private account grounds to a complete halt.

45. Najib is now safe from being charged with illegally amassing funds. His claim that it is to be used for the coming elections is half-true. He had always said that cash is king. With the huge funds at his disposal he would be in a position to bribe his way to victory. He may also use the money to rig the election.

46. What Najib is doing is unprecedented in Malaysia. The people are at a loss as to what to do. The prospect of Najib continuing to rule this country is utterly depressing. The Malaysia where elections can even see opposition parties winning whole states will be no more.

47. Democracy is dead. It is dead because an elected leader chooses to subvert the institutions of Government and make them his instruments for sustaining himself. There is no more democracy for anyone to undermine. Certainly talking about 1MDB will not undermine something that no longer exist. If anyone should be questioned by the police, it is Najib.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Akaun Peribadi

As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on August 03, 2015

1. Dalam usaha menghalalkan tuduhan terhadap Najib kerana memasukkan dalam akaun peribadinya wang sebanyak RM2.6 billion yang kononnya adalah untuk pilihanraya ke-14, saya dituduh berbuat perkara yang sama. Tuduhan ini tidak berasas, semata-mata fitnah.

2. Di waktu saya jadi Presiden UMNO, Ibu Pejabat mempunyai tiga trustees, iaitu pemegang amanah. Saya adalah antara pemegang amanah ini. Pemegang amanah memiliki akaun dalam bank. Semua derma, terutama semasa pilihanraya dimasukkan dalam akaun ini. Dua dari mana-mana tiga pemegang amanah diberi kuasa untuk mengurus akaun Ibu Pejabat dan menandatangani cek apabila mengeluarkan wang.

3. Pemegang amanah ini juga dinamakan sebagai pemilik saham-saham dan hartanah milik UMNO.

4. Di waktu saya letak jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO, saya telah arah wang tunai dalam bank dan saham-saham serta surat milik hartanah diserah kepada Dato Abdullah Badawi. Pegawai yang menyerah ialah Nor Mohamad Yacob dan Noordin Bachik.

5. Jumlah wang tunai yang diserah melebihi 200 juta Ringgit. Jumlah nilai saham dan hartanah melebihi 1.2 billion Ringgit.

6. Tidak ada satu sen pun dari wang derma untuk pilihanraya yang dimasuk dalam akaun saya. Saya sedia semua akaun peribadi saya selama 22 tahun diperiksa oleh orang yang tidak ada kepentingan bagi mengesahkan pengakuan saya ini atau sebaliknya.

7. Pada pilihanraya 1964 dan 1969, wang tunai berjumlah 20,000 Ringgit dari Ibu Pejabat diserah kepada saya untuk diagih kepada kawasan parlimen 40% dan kawasan DUN 30% tiap satu. Kerana saya tidak sanggup simpan wang tunai sebanyak RM20,000 ini, saya masukkannya dalam akaun saya, dan saya keluarkan cek kepada jawatankuasa pilihanraya Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Undangan Negeri mengikut agihan yang ditentukan oleh Ibu Pejabat. Wang ini bukan dari penderma tetapi ini adalah wang UMNO yang memang pun diberi kepada bahagian untuk kegunaan calon.

8. Di waktu saya disingkir dari parti pada 1970, Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri telah geledah rumah dan klinik saya. Mereka jumpa cek stub yang telah dikeluarkan oleh saya dan mereka mendakwa bahawa saya tidak lapur pendapatan saya sepenuhnya.

9. Mereka mendenda saya sebanyak RM300,000 dengan amaran jika saya bantah dan pergi ke mahkamah saya akan dikenakan denda tiga kali ganda.

10. Saya tidak pergi ke mahkamah. Sebaliknya saya merayu bahawa duit yang dimasukkan dalam akaun saya ialah dari parti. Tetapi Ibu Pejabat UMNO tidak mengaku wang itu dari UMNO.

11. Akhirnya saya dikenakan denda sebanyak RM130,000. Diwaktu denda ini dikenakan saya sudah dilantik Menteri dalam Kerajaan. Saya membayar secara beransur-ansur dan selesai bayaran semasa saya menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

12. Ada sedikit perbezaan antara wang tunai sebanyak RM20,000 yang saya terima dan cek sebanyak USD 700 juta bersamaan RM2.6 billion yang dikatakan dimasuk ke dalam akaun peribadi Datuk Sri Najib.

13. Jikalau disemak perbelanjaan pilihanraya lima kali yang diadakan semasa saya Presiden UMNO, tidak ada banyak wang yang diguna, terutama peruntukan dari Ibu Pejabat. Namun BN tidak pernah menang kurang dari 2/3 kerusi di parlimen.

14. Jika sekarang UMNO perlu 2½ billion Ringgit untuk pilihanraya, ia tetap melanggar aturan peraturan dan undang-undang pilihanraya. Akaun perbelanjaan pilihanraya tiap seorang calon pilihanraya perlu dilapor kepada pihak berkuasa. Adalah salah jika ia melebihi jumlah tertentu. Saya pohon maaf jika peraturan ini sudah digugur. Ia diadakan untuk mengelak dari rasuah berlaku.

15. Saya tidak hendak soal dari mana datang USD 700 juta ini. Saya akan tunggu sehingga Auditor-General dan PAC buat lapuran terakhir, walaupun saya tidak lagi dapat terima bulat-bulat segala kenyataan yang akan diperbuat.

16. Saya tidak ingin sentuh 1MDB walaupun saya sebagai rakyat yang membayar cukai berhak untuk menyoal kewangan negara. Tetapi seperti yang saya jelaskan saya terpaksa bayar cukai pendapatan dan denda ke atas wang yang terdapat dalam akaun saya.

17. Soal yang saya ingin tanya ialah apakah Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri telah bertindak dengan kuasa yang diberi kepadanya ke atas wang sebanyak RM2.6 billion yang terdapat dalam akaun peribadi Datuk Sri Najib.