
Wednesday, July 29, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on July 13, 2015

Negara-ku Malaysia, Tanahair-ku, Tanah di mana sembilan puluh tahun dahulu

Darah tumpah dan aku dilahir
Di lahir sebagai anak bangsa yang dijajah
Aku membesar mempertuankan orang asing
Terhina dan dihina
Bangsa yang serba kekurangan
Tinggal dipondok berbumbung atap nipah
Berdinding, berlantai kayu
Namun aku lebih bahagia dari ramai bangsaku
Mereka tinggal di pondok robek, tiris apabila hujan
Tanpa pili air tanpa lampu letrik
Anak mereka berkaki ayam, berkudis
Demam panas dan kadang-kadang meninggal
Aku survive, aku ke sekolah, aku ke universiti
Nasib aku lebih baik
Allah Subhanahu Wataala kesian kepada aku
Setelah dijajah oleh satu bangsa, dijajah pula oleh dua bangsa lagi

Aku bertanya akan bangsaku selalunya dijajah orangkah?
Alhamdullilah, berkat kesedaran, berkat perjuangan, berkat perpaduan

Bangsaku dibebas, merdeka
Apakah merdeka hanya bermakna tidak dijajah orang
Apakah merdeka bermakna terus merana
Tidak, tidak, tidak
Merdeka bermakna kemajuan
Kemajuan sehingga berdiri sama tinggi
Duduk sama rendah dengan bekas penjajah dan bangsa lain
Bahkan mungkin lebih tinggi
Politik yang menyelamat dahulu
Terus membela bangsa
Negara dibangun, bangsa dibangun, agama di muliakan
Malang dan sedih,
Bangsa yang berjiwa kental, bersemangat besi
Diserang oleh nafsu dan perasaan tamak
Aku dapat apa dari kemerdekaan tanya mereka?
Mana bahagian aku?
Dan semangat pun menjadi luntur, tidak terdaya mengawal nafsu

Apa makna senang jika untuk mendapat sesuatu begitu susah
Dan nafsu dan perasaan tamak pun di peralat dan disogok oleh orang-orang politik dan orang kaya

Bangsa yang merdeka
Bangsa yang mulia
Sekarang sanggup menjual hak yang sedikit
Hak memilih, hak mengundi
Untuk mendapat kesenangan tanpa usaha, kesenangan yang sedikit

Maruah dijual
Bangsa dijual
Tanahair dijual
Segalanya dijual
Untuk nikmat yang tidak kekal, nikmat yang sementara yang sedikit sahaja

Politik yang menyelamat
Menjadi politik yang menghancur
Pemimpin semakin tamak
Untuk tempat dan kedudukan tinggi
Perbuatan yang haram dihalalkan
Nama Allah diperalatkan, dijual untuk nikmat yang sementara di dunia

Akan kembalikah bangsaku
Menjadi bangsa yang dijajah, dihina dan diperhambakan
Wahai bangsaku
Begitu mudahkah kamu lupa
Aku akan pergi tidak lama lagi
Dapatkah aku pejam mata dan hembus nafas terakhir
Kerana bangsaku
Masih mulia
Masih bermaruah
Masih dipandang tinggi
Atau mataku terbeliak
Nafasku tersesak, terhenti, kerana segala yang diperjuangkan luput ditelan nafsu

Ya Allah lindungilah bangsaku
Sedarkanlah mereka
Sedarkan mereka bahawa Engkau tidak akan mengubah nasib bangsa

Melainkan bangsa itu sendiri cuba mengubahnya
Mengubah sendiri, membendung nafsu
Kerana Allah
Kerana agama
Kerana bangsa
Kerana negara
Biarlah aku pergi
Mata terpejam rapat
Nafas perlahan berhenti…

Julai 10, 2015

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on July 20, 2015

1. There has been much talk by certain people of a conspiracy to overthrow Dato Sri Najib as Prime Minister.

2. Is there a conspiracy? Is there someone or some group conspiring i.e moving in secret in the underground to overthrow Najib. There could have been before but apart from people complaining privately about their dissatisfaction with Najib’s administration, no one was planning his overthrow. That is not to say that they did welcome the idea of his resigning or vacating his post. But active underground planning and action there was none.

3. What we do know now is that I had openly called for his stepping down. No conspiracy. Just open declaration to the whole nation that I would like to see Najib cease to be Prime Minister.

4. So if any investigation is to be made, there is no need for detectives or special agents. That there is a move or push for Dato Sri Najib to step down is known to everyone.

5. So again where is the conspiracy!! It is all in the open. There is no need to conspire. There is open campaigning for his ceasing to be Prime Minister.

6. Lately we are seeing many funny statements. The Utusan loudly proclaimed that the Prime Minister had taken action against the Wall Street Journal.

7. Actually it was not legal action or suing for defamation. Just politely asking the Wall Street Journal why do they publish the article.

8. Is there a need to ask that silly question? Isn’t it obvious that as a newspaper the information obtained by Wall Street Journal was sensational. Any newspaper, convinced of the authenticity of the information would have printed it. Of course the local mainstream papers will not for obvious reasons.

9. To ingratiate themselves with the Prime Minister they would rather mislead people. The sub-editors are good at writing misleading headlines. For example when a statement is made to let the task force of four do their work this is headlined as support for the Prime Minister.

10. Then there was a minister who, after saying that the interim report shows nothing wrong with 1MDB, then went on to advise people not to say anything about 1MDB until the report is out. But he himself had made a premature statement.

11. To all comments made against 1MDB, the standard answer is to deny, to say “No it is not true.” It is like somebody upon being asked whether he had stolen the money as alleged, simply denies that he had stolen, expecting the judge to acquit him simply because he denied.

12. There is no denial that money was deposited in the private account. The explanation to UMNO is that it was for the elections. UMNO seems satisfied. Don’t they know that Government money cannot be used to help a political party to win elections? But the money was from donation. Who donated 2 billion Ringgit? No answer.

13. But what about BR1M? Isn’t it Government money, all 7 billion Ringgit and more. That was clever. It is not for elections but given before any election, with the promise of more if the party wins, isn’t it about using Government money to win elections?

14. Truly cash is king!!

15. Then there is this insistence that since Najib was elected, no one has any right to demand he should step down.

16. How short is their memory. Don’t they remember Abdullah who was also elected being asked by Najib to step down. And he did.

17. And I myself, also an elected PM, did step down in 2003.

18. All over the world elected Presidents and Prime Ministers have been asked or forced to step down and they all did. In fact in some countries, if something untoward happens, Ministers, Prime Ministers step down.

19. So don’t be silly and demand that since Najib was elected, no one has a right to ask him to step down. Abdullah won more seats in 2008 than Najib in 2013. If Abdullah was prepared to step down, Najib after his poor performance in the general election should not even offer to be the PM. He should resign from being President of UMNO and head of BN and let somebody else lead and become PM.

20. There is this suggestion that the amendment to the election rules in UMNO was meant to make it more democratic. Very many more members would vote in the UMNO elections than the 2,000 or so delegates to the UMNO General Assembly.

21. Actually the intention is to limit the number of entities involved in the election. The winners would be those getting the biggest number of divisions voting for. Effectively this means the real electors have been reduced from 2,000 to about 190 UMNO divisions. The number of members voting for a candidate is nullified. Far from making UMNO elections more democratic, Najib has actually restricted the right to vote from ordinary members to just the divisions. And Najib has a strangle-hold over most of the division heads.

22. So much for more democracy in UMNO.

Versi BM

1. Terdapat banyak perbicaraan oleh orang-orang tertentu tentang konspirasi untuk menggulingkan Dato Sri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri.

2. Adakah terdapat konspirasi? Adakah terdapat seseorang atau beberapa kumpulan bersubahat, iaitu bergerak secara rahsia di bawah tanah untuk menggulingkan Najib? Mungkin terdapat sebelum ini, tetapi selain daripada orang-orang yang mengadu secara peribadi tentang rasa tidak puas hati mereka dengan pentadbiran Najib, tidak ada orang yang merancang menjatuhkan beliau. Itu bukan menyatakan bahawa mereka sebenarnya mengalu-alukan idea beliau meletakkan jawatan atau mengosongkan jawatannya. Tetapi perancangan bawah tanah yang aktif dan tindakan tidak ada.

3. Apa yang kita tahu sekarang adalah bahawa saya telah secara terbuka menggesa beliau meletak jawatan. Tiada konspirasi. Hanya pengakuan terbuka kepada seluruh negara bahawa saya ingin melihat Najib terhenti menjadi Perdana Menteri.

4. Oleh itu, jika ada apa-apa penyiasatan mahu dibuat, tidak ada keperluan untuk detektif atau ejen khas. Ujudnya langkah atau desakan untuk Dato Sri Najib berundur diri diketahui semua orang.

5. Jadi sekali lagi, di mana konspirasinya!! Ini adalah semua terbuka. Tidak ada keperluan untuk bersubahat. Terdapat kempen terbuka untuk beliau berhenti daripada menjadi Perdana Menteri.

6. Akhir-akhir ini kita melihat banyak kenyataan yang melucukan. Utusan dengan lantang menyatakan bahawa Perdana Menteri telah mengambil tindakan terhadap Wall Street Journal.

7. Sebenarnya ini bukan tindakan undang-undang atau saman malu. Ianya hanya tertanya dengan sopan kepada Wall Street Journal mengapa mereka menerbitkan artikel itu.

8. Adakah keperluan untuk menanyakan soalan yang bodoh itu? Bukankah ianya jelas bahawa sebagai akhbar maklumat yang diperoleh oleh Wall Street Journal adalah sensasi. Mana-mana akhbar yang yakin dengan kesahihan maklumat itu pasti mencetaknya. Sudah tentu akbar-akbar utama tempatan tidak akan berbuat demikian atas alasan-alasan yang jelas.

9. Untuk mendamping diri dengan Perdana Menteri mereka lebih sanggup menyesatkan orang. Sub-editor pandai menulis tajuk utama yang mengelirukan. Sebagai contoh, apabila kenyataan dibuat untuk membiarkan pasukan petugas empat orang melakukan kerja mereka, ini ditajuk utamakan sebagai sokongan kepada Perdana Menteri.

10. Kemudian ada pula seorang menteri yang selepas mengatakan bahawa laporan interim menunjukkan tidak sebarang yang salah dengan 1MDB, kemudiannya menasihatkan orang ramai supaya jangan berkata sebarangan mengenai 1MDB sehingga laporan itu disiarkan. Tetapi dia sendiri telah membuat kenyataan terlebih awal.

11. Bagi semua komen yang dibuat terhadap 1MDB, jawapan standard ialah menafikannya, mengatakan “Bukan, ia tidak benar.” Ia ibarat seseorang apabila ditanya sama ada dia telah mencuri wang seperti yang didakwa, hanya menafikan bahawa dia telah mencuri, mengharapkan hakim akan membebaskannya kerana ia menafikan.

12. Tidak ada penafian bahawa wang telah didepositkan ke dalam akaun peribadi. Penjelasan kepada UMNO adalah bahawa ia adalah untuk pilihan raya. UMNO nampaknya berpuas hati. Tidakkah mereka tahu bahawa wang Kerajaan tidak boleh digunakan untuk membantu parti politik memenangi pilihan raya? Tetapi wang ini adalah dari sumbangan, Siapa yang menyumbangkan 2 bilion Ringgit? Tiada jawapan.

13. Bagaimana pula dengan BR1M? Bukankah is wang Kerajaan, semua 7 bilion Ringgit itu dan banyak lagi. Itu bijak. Ianya bukan untuk pilihan raya tetapi diberikan sebelum mana-mana pilihan raya, dengan janji lebih jika parti menang, bukankah ini hal menggunakan wang kerajaan untuk memenangi pilihan raya?

14. Sesungguhnya tunai adalah raja!!

15. Kemudian terdapat desakan bahawa oleh sebab Najib dipilih, tiada siapa pun mempunyai sebarang hak untuk menuntut beliau berundur.

16. Betapa pendek ingatan mereka. Tidakkah mereka ingat Abdullah yang juga telah dipilih diminta oleh Najib untuk berundur. Dan dia lakukannya.

17. Dan saya sendiri, juga seorang PM yang dipilih, berundur pada tahun 2003.

18. Di seluruh dunia Presiden yang dipilih dan Perdana Menteri telah diminta atau terpaksa berundur dan mereka semua melakukannya. Malah di sesetengah negara, jika sesuatu yang tidak diingini berlaku, Menteri-menteri, Perdana-Perdana Menteri akan meletak jawatan.

19. Janganlah jadi bodoh dan menuntut bahawa oleh sebab Najib dipilih, tiada siapa yang mempunyai hak untuk meminta beliau untuk berundur. Abdullah memenangi lebih banyak kerusi pada tahun 2008 daripada Najib pada tahun 2013. Jika Abdullah bersedia untuk meletak jawatan, Najib selepas prestasi buruk dalam pilihan raya umum sepatutnya tidak menawarkan diri untuk menjadi PM. Dia harus meletakkan jawatan daripada menjadi Presiden UMNO dan ketua BN dan biarkan orang lain memimpin dan menjadi PM.

20. Terdapat pandangan ini bahawa pindaan kepada peraturan pilihan raya dalam UMNO adalah bertujuan untuk menjadikannya lebih demokratik. Lebih ramai ahli akan mengundi dalam pilihan raya UMNO daripada 2,000 atau lebih perwakilan ke Perhimpunan Agung UMNO.

21. Sebenarnya niatnya adalah untuk menghadkan bilangan entiti yang terlibat dalam pilihan raya. Pemenang adalah mereka yang mendapat bilangan terbesar undi bahagian. Keberkesanannya bererti pemilih sebenar telah dikurangkan dari 2000 kepada kira-kira 190 bahagian UMNO. Bilangan ahli yang mengundi untuk calon dibatalkan. Jauh daripada membuat pilihan raya UMNO lebih demokratik, Najib sebenarnya telah menghadkan hak mengundi ahli-ahli biasa kepada bahagian sahaja. Dan Najib mempunyai pegangan ke atas sebahagian besar ketua-ketua bahagian.

22. Begitulah untuk demokrasi yang lebih dalam UMNO.


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on July 16, 2015

On being a proxy

1. It is true when Najib says he did not do what I advised him to do. But that is not the reason why I want him to step down.

2. Everyone knows that I campaigned for him in the 13th General Election even though he refused to build the bridge, or the double-tracking and electrification of the railways. He also did not accept my views that BR1M and carrying placards “I Love PM”, “1M4U” etc should be stopped. Nor did he accept many other things I told him not to do or to do if he wanted to be popular. He says “Cash is King”. Still I supported him during the 13th General Elections and after.

3. I did not ask him to step down until the 1MDB scandal. He did not answer to the accusation made against him.

4. Najib has his own advisers, including three Brits. He paid foreign consultants to advise him on Government matters. He also asked Singapore whether he should build the bridge or the high-speed train. When Singapore said no, he shelved those projects. Jho Low is his friend and seems to have considerable hold on him.

5. The fact is that he is their proxy not mine. If he had behaved as my proxy there would have been no 1MDB etc.

RM600 Million Lost

1. I welcome the proposal that the authorities should stop investigating the banking affairs of Dato Sri Najib but instead investigate the allegation by Tunku Aziz that I lost RM600 million in the 80’s.

2. The need is to determine whether the money went into my account at the bank or the money was lost due to the London Market Exchange ruling that the tin bought by us from sellers need not be honoured.

3. If there is evidence that the money went into my account, please charge and arrest me. It is not too late.

4. This offer by me is not intended to deflect attention from the current investigation of Najib’s account. I just want to make people happy.

Versi BM

Menjadi Proksi

1. Memang benar apabila Najib berkata beliau tidak melakukan apa yang saya menasihati beliau lakukan. Tetapi itu bukanlah sebabnya mengapa saya mahu beliau meletak jawatan.

2. Semua orang tahu bahawa saya berkempen untuk beliau pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 walaupun dia enggan untuk membina jambatan itu, atau landasan berkembar dan elektrifikasi keretapi. Beliau juga tidak menerima pandangan saya bahawa BR1M dan membawa sepanduk “I Love PM”, “1M4U” dan lain-lain harus dihentikan. Tidak juga dia terima banyak perkara lain yang saya memberitahunya supaya tidak melakukan atau yang perlu dilakukan jika beliau mahu menjadi popular. Beliau berkata “Tunai Adalah Raja”. Masih saya menyokong beliau semasa Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 dan selepasnya.

3. Saya tidak meminta beliau untuk berundur sehingga skandal 1MDB itu. Beliau tidak menjawab tuduhan yang dibuat terhadapnya.

4. Najib mempunyai penasihatnya sendiri, termasuk tiga Brits. Dia membayar perunding asing untuk menasihatinya tentang hal-hal Kerajaan. Beliau juga bertanya Singapura sama ada dia perlu membina jambatan atau kereta api berkelajuan tinggi. Apabila Singapura berkata jangan dia ditangguhkan projek-projek itu. Jho Low adalah kawannya dan kelihatan mempunyai pengaruh yang besar ke atasnya.

5. Hakikatnya ialah beliau adalah proksi mereka bukan proksi saya. Jika dia telah berkelakuan sebagai proksi saya, maka tidak akan ada 1MDB dan lain-lain

RM600 Juta Hilang

1. Saya mengalu-alukan cadangan bahawa pihak berkuasa perlu hentikan menyiasat hal ehwal perbankan Dato Sri Najib tetapi sebaliknya menyiasat dakwaan Tunku Aziz yang saya kehilangan RM600 juta dalam 80-an.

2. Keperluannya adalah untuk menentukan sama ada wang itu masuk ke dalam akaun saya di bank atau wang telah hilang disebabkan oleh syarat pihak berkuasa Pasaran Pertukaran London bahawa bijih timah yang dibeli oleh kita dari penjual tidak perlu dihormati.

3. Jika terdapat bukti bahawa wang itu masuk ke dalam akaun saya, sila dakwa dan tangkap saya. Ini tidak terlalu lewat.

4. Tawaran saya ini tidak bertujuan untuk memesongkan perhatian daripada penyiasatan semasa ke atas akaun Najib. Saya hanya mahu membuat orang gembira.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on July 14, 2015

1. Malaysia wants to be a true believer in the rights of man, in democracy and the rule of law.

2. We abolished the ISA, the Internal Security Act and the law which provides for restricted residence of habitual criminals.

3. We almost repealed the Anti-Sedition Act which would have won us more praise from the powers that be.

4. We brayed over our subscription to the protection of whistle-blowers. They are good because they deter people from wrong-doing. They expose these miscreants and subject them to due process of law.

5. The Government says the whistle-blowers must be protected. Apparently they are good for our society.

6. Then they whistle-blowed over the wrong-doings of the Head of Government. Suddenly what was considered right became wrong. The whistle-blowers must be investigated and punished. Don’t they know they cannot whistle-blow on the Prime Minister? Others yes. But not the Prime Minister.

7. Point them in other direction. Like the sons of so-and-so. Surely whistle-blowers must know something of their misdeeds. No! You don’t. Can’t you invent something? They are not in the same category as the Prime Minister. It is alright. You will not be charged for whistle-blowing. So blow, blow hard so attention will be deflected from unpleasant issues.

8. But what about those who refuse to blow. What about those who hide the misdeeds which they know. What about the cover-uppers!

9. The law says those who cover-up, hide evidence of crime would be considered as accessory to the crime. They would be aiding and abetting the criminal. They too should be charged, tried and sentenced.

10. Keeping evidence that you have gathered so as to hand over only when the case is proven will not free you from that charge of abetting.

11. There is risk in whistle-blowing. But there is also risk in covering-up, in aiding and abetting. You are really between the devil and the deep sea.

12. You must make the decision now or forever regret.

Versi BM

1. Malaysia mahu menjadi pihak yang mempunyai penuh kepercayaan kepada hak-hak manusia, demokrasi dan kedaulatan undang-undang.

2. Kita menghapuskan ISA, Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan undang-undang yang memperuntukkan penetapan terhad bagi penjenayah-penjenayah berulang.

3. Kita hampir memansuhkan Akta Pencegahan Hasutan yang mungkin memperolehi bagi kita pujian yang lebih daripada mereka yang berkuasa.

4. Kita gah dengan sumbangan kita bagi melindung pendedah maklumat. Itu baik kerana ianya mencegah manusia dari melakukan kesalahan. Mereka mendedahkan orang-orang jahat ini dan taklukkan mereka kepada proses undang-undang.

5. Kerajaan berkata pendedah maklumat perlu dilindungi. Rupa-rupanya mereka adalah baik untuk masyarakat kita.

6. Kemudian mereka mendedah salah laku Ketua Kerajaan. Tiba-tiba apa yang dianggap benar menjadi salah. Para pendedah maklumat perlu disiasat dan dihukum. Tidakkah mereka tahu bahawa mereka tidak boleh membuat pendedahan terhadap Perdana Menteri? Orang lain boleh. Tetapi bukan Perdana Menteri.

7. Tunjukkan mereka ke arah yang lain. Seperti anak-anak si anu si anu. Sesungguhnya pendedah maklumat pasti tahu sedikit sebanyak salah laku mereka. Tidak! Tidak tahu. Tidak bolehkah anda mengada-adakan sesuatu? Mereka tidak berada dalam kategori yang sama seperti Perdana Menteri. Ini tidak mengapa. Anda tidak akan didakwa kerana mendedah maklumat. Jadi tiuplah, tiuplah dengan kuat supaya perhatian akan dipesongkan dari isu-isu yang tidak menyenangkan.

8. Tetapi bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang enggan mendedah maklumat. Bagaimana pula dengan orang-orang yang menyembunyikan salah laku yang mereka tahu. Bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang menyelindungi.

9. Undang-undang menyatakan mereka yang menyelindungi, menyembunyikan bukti jenayah akan dianggap sebagai aksesori untuk jenayah. Mereka akan dianggap membantu dan bersubahat dengan penjenayah. Mereka juga harus didakwa, dibicarakan dan dihukum.

10. Menyimpan bukti yang anda telah kumpul untuk diserahkan hanya apabila kes itu terbukti tidak akan membebaskan anda daripada tuduhan bersubahat.

11. Terdapat risiko dalam pendedahan maklumat. Tetapi ada juga risiko dalam penyelindungannya, dalam membantu dan bersubahat. Anda sebenarnya terperangkap di antara syaitan dan laut dalam.

12. Anda perlu membuat keputusan sekarang atau menyesal selama-lamanya.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on July 07, 2015

1. Saya dicela oleh Anifah Aman, Menteri Luar kerana memalukan negara dengan ditemubual oleh akhbar Amerika “The New York Times”.

2. Mungkin Anifah tidak pernah baca suratkhabar Amerika sebelum usaha untuk memburukkan nama saya dijadikan asas mempertahankan Perdana Menteri Najib. Tetapi seluruh dunia tahu berkenaan Dato Seri Najib, Jho Low dan 1MDB. Ini disebabkan akhbar terkenal Wasington, New York dan London telah menyiarkan rencana panjang sehingga empat muka berkenaan skandal 1MDB, Najib dengan cara hidup mewahnya, Jho Low sahabat karibnya dan Riza Aziz, anak tirinya yang membiayai filem lucah “The Wolf of Wall Street”.

3. Sebuah kajian oleh pakar Barat mendakwa bahawa Malaysia adalah satu dari sepuluh buah negara yang mempunyai tahap rasuah yang tertinggi didunia.

4. Tetapi Anifah tidak berasa malu dengan semua laporan ini. Tidak ada sepatah pun disuarakan olehnya.

5. Semua laporan yang memburukkan Malaysia dibuat sebelum saya mengkritik Dato Seri Najib.

6. Jika Anifah tahu malu, diwaktu akhbar-akhbar ini buat laporan dia sepatutnya sudah berasa malu. Dia sepatutnya menyoal Dato Seri Najib akan skandal berkenaan dan laporan akhbar asing. Dia sepatutnya menasihat Dato Seri Najib supaya tidak bersahabat dengan Jho Low dan melarang anak tirinya dari berlagak sebagai hartawan kaya.

7. Di negara lain skandal seperti ini yang melibatkan seseorang pemimpin dia tetap akan letak jawatan dan pohon maaf. Tetapi di Malaysia ada orang yang mempertahankan pemimpin tanpa sebab, hanya kerana keselamatan jawatan.

8. Sesungguhnya yang memalukan negara ialah Dato Seri Najib dengan 1MDBnya. Sebelum ini negara tidak pernah dicemoh dengan tuduhan-tuduhan yang tidak terjawab seperti sekarang.

English Version

1. I had been rebuked by Anifah Aman, the Foreign Minister for having embarassed the country by being interviewed by an American newspaper “The New York Times”.

2. Maybe Anifah had never read American newspapers before attempting to discredit me as a basis to defend Prime Minister Najib. But the whole world knows about Dato Seri Najib, Jho Low and 1MDB. This is because famous newspapers in Washington, New York and London has published long articles up to four pages about the scandal of 1MDB, Najib with his luxurious lifestyle, Jho Low his close friend and Riza Aziz his stepson who financed porn film “The Wolf of Wall Street”.

3. A study by Western experts claimed that Malaysia is one of ten countries with the highest level of corruption in the world.

4. But Anifah is not embarrassed by all of these reports. There is not a single word uttered by him.

5. All statements that tarnished Malaysia were made way before me criticizing Dato Seri Najib.

6. If Anifah feel shameful, he should have been embarrassed at a time when the newspapers reports were made. He should have asked Dato Seri Najib about the scandal and foreign press reports. He should have advised Dato Seri Najib not to be so friendly with Jho Low and prohibit his stepson from posing as a wealthy tycoon.

7. In other countries with such a scandal involving a leader he will resign and beg for forgiveness. But in Malaysia, there are people who defend the leader for no reason, just because for security of position.

8. Indeed, the person who shamed the country is Dato Seri Najib with his 1MDB. This country has never before been ridiculed with allegations that are not answered as it is now.

Friday, July 3, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on July 03, 2015

1. One of the greatest achievements of Malaysia is in the collection of taxes. Malaysians willingly pay taxes. They fear legal action being taken against them. They fear more the raids on their businesses and residences by the income tax authorities. I know this because I was raided when I was expelled from the party and was working as a medical practitioner.

2. They got hold of my cheque stubs and nothing I said would convince them that the money in my account was not all mine. In the end I had to pay more than twice what they claimed I had not declared.

3. The income tax people are always on the lookout for people who live beyond their means. They would raid these people and would force them to pay additional tax should they feel that the culprit had not paid up fully on their wealth.

4. But of late we see some selectivity in the focus of the income tax people.

5. For example the step son of the Prime Minister is reported to have spent hundreds of millions of USD or Ringgit buying luxury residences in London, New York and Hollywood. He also expended many millions to finance the production of the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”.

6. When the Prime Minister’s Office claimed it was inherited money the brothers of Najib protested. Their father was not rich and did not leave hundreds of millions of Ringgit to the family. Even Najib had to admit that Tun Razak did not have such money to leave to his family. So where did this money come from?

7. It was claimed that the money was from business. If he made so much money from business he would have paid income tax. Has the income tax people investigated him regarding his business profits. How much tax had he paid. It is a secret of course. But I hope it is not a cover-up.

8. Then there is Jho Low. He bought a bank for 260 million US dollars. Where did he get the money. Is it borrowed? Did he sell the bank and paid taxes on the profit.

9. He also bought luxury flats in New York and Hollywood. Where did the hundreds of millions he paid for all these come from? Has he paid tax on them?

10. I believe executives of 1MDB and its subsidiaries are paid high salaries. Have they paid taxes on their earnings?

11. I understand that the Prime Minister as adviser to 1MDB is not paid anything. He is paid the Prime Minister’s salary, which I know is far smaller than what business executives get. But the Government pays allowances, the electricity and water bills, transportation, home, etc. So the salary can all be saved and spent.

12. But still the lavish lifestyle must cost a packet. It must be more than what I saved after 29 years in the Government.

13. It is a secret of course. But I just want to ask, has the income tax people investigated the source of the money and the tax paid.

14. We talk about equality before the law. In this country even the rulers are subject to certain laws. It is the essence of justice. We must be equal before the laws and we must be seen to be equal. Everyone who should be investigated by Government agencies must be investigated. There should be no discrimination.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on July 02, 2015

1. Competition is good, says the CEO of the Malaysin Automotive Institute (The Edge Malaysia, June 22, 2015). It will benefit consumers and allow local industry players to explore export market.

2. It is therefore good that the Malaysian automotive industry should compete with cars imported from Japan, Korea, China and Germany. Incidentally these countries impose conditions and standards which prevent Malaysian cars from being imported into their countries to compete. So the consumers in Japan, Germany, Korea and China cannot enjoy the benefits of competition like their Malaysian counterparts

3. Some of us may have noticed that in sports for example competition is between people of the same category by age or in football by division. In golf handicaps are given so that the competition would be fair.

4. It is always the same in all competitions. We compare apple to apple and not apple to oranges.

5. Apparently in Malaysia some people may not have noticed it. They have not noticed that the Malaysian industrial capacity is not at the same level as Japan, Korea, China or Germany. We may win in a Quran competition but not, I think, in the automotive field. We do well in badminton and squash but not in football.

6. However if competing is what we have to do to benefit the consumers, we will do it. After all there are more consumers than people in the automotive industry.

7. If we lose we may have to close down. A hundred thousand or so workers, engineers and managers will lose their jobs. Their families will suffer. But that is alright because the consumers will get better cars at lower prices from foreign countries.

8. Of course a lot of Malaysia’s money would flow out to the rich countries and their workers will get higher incomes. But it is Government policy to support imports and we have to accept it.

9. So let us compete and let our consumers enjoy the benefit. The people who lose their job would not be able to consume. But that is a small price to pay.