
Friday, February 13, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on February 13, 2015

1. At a forum in UKM recently, Dr Chandra Muzaffar raised the matter of sanctions in international affairs and suggested that sanction is war by other means. Therefore it should be made a crime and that the campaign to make war a crime should include sanctions.

2. I fully agree with Dr Muzaffar that sanction is a crime.

3.In the past, during the numerous wars of the European nations, one of the most effective weapons was the siege. This consisted of cutting off communication of a city with the outside through positioning soldiers all round the city so that the citizens would be starved to death or surrender.

4. The concept has been “upgraded” so that whole country could be cut off from communication and trade with other countries. The effect is to starve and deprive the people of food and medicine until the country surrenders. It is another way of killing people as in war.

5. We talk a lot about the rule of law. We know that for justice to be done everyone must be equal before the law. No one should be above the law.

6. But sanctions can only be effectively applied by the powerful against the weak. There is no way for a weak country to apply sanctions against a strong power, indeed against another weak country even.

7. Against a strong country even the whole world or the United Nations cannot apply sanctions. The strong country can just ignore sanctions. There is no equality before the law. And therefore there is no justice. The rule of law cannot be applied.

8. What is worse about sanctions is that it is not the only country under sanctions which will be deprived of their rights, other countries which have trade and even friendly relations with the sanctioned country will also suffer the loss of trade and relations. This is so because if a country continues to trade with the sanctioned country, the powerful country can punish the recalcitrant by cutting off trade, denying banking facilities etc. In effect the other countries have to suffer sanctions as well.

9. We talk about free trade. We talk about borderless world. We talk about human rights. But the big power or power can deprive weak countries of all their freedoms with impunity.

10. Truly sanction is war by other means. It is an expression of might being right. It is cruel and inhumane. It denies the claim of the big powers that they want to see nations uphold freedoms including. It negates their assertion that trade should be free.

11. Since sanction is war, it should be made as criminal as other forms of wars, conventional or otherwise.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on February 10, 2015

1. Marcellus in Shakespeare’s Hamlet remarked that “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Perhaps from the complaints being made by Malaysians about Malaysia one might say there is something rotten in the state of Malaysia.

2. Many of these complaints reach me. I hope I am permitted to detail them here in my blog. People can decide whether things are rotten or not.

3. Some people complain that the Government seem unwilling to pay them for work done for the Government. There would always be a dispute whether the Government owes them anything at all. If the court decides that the Government has to pay there would be a dispute with regard to the amount.

4. Then there would be delays, sometimes for years. For business, delays can kill.

5. Then there are those whose contracts have been withdrawn for unknown reasons. Often it is given to someone else even after the contract documents have been signed.

6. Then there are those whose project submissions have been passed on to others. The others make bids at a higher price but the documents are identical. Frequently the first proposer or bidder has to go through tender process. This is only right of course. But the proposer as first bidder would find others have submitted what looked like his submission. Frequently he fails or has to raise his bid because the others have quoted higher prices or lower prices as the case may be.

7. Delays in getting approval costs. The reasons for the delays are frivolous and cannot stand scrutiny. Sometimes to speed up approvals gratification is offered. The party that offers pays and will not complain or report. It is unhealthy. You will need their services again and you may be blacklisted. Or you may find all kinds of obstacles.

8. Long before the permits or whatever is due to be terminated, notices for immediate termination were given. The authorities want to take over the business. The person concern may appeal. He is going to lose money. Sometimes the appeal is not answered, the authorities cannot be met and if meeting is possible, the applicant may be told that his loss is his problem, not the concern of the authorities.

9. Sometimes development permission cannot be given because some authority or powerful person wants the land. There is no one to appeal to i.e. no one with real authority. Even if you know who wants the land, you cannot do anything. He is too powerful.

10. Government-owned entities employing more than a thousand workers are suddenly given no job because some foreigner has been chosen to get the contract. The workers were sacked. And the Government facilities may just close down or get some minor subcontract from the foreign contractor.

11. Local companies with adequate competence are not considered for contracts because foreign companies can do the job, may be better, may be no better. Frequently the local companies are said to be too small to do the job. Lots of money flows out of the country.

12. We go all out to welcome FDI. But Malaysian entities with lots of money will not invest at home. They prefer to go buy properties in foreign land. The prices paid are sometimes indefensible. Again lots of money flow out of the country. And when profits are made, taxes are paid to the foreign country. Even when the money is brought back, no tax is paid to the Malaysian Government.

13. There is a need for investments at home, but that is not for local companies. Malaysians institutions with oodles of money would do better by buying foreign technology companies and bringing them home to improve our technological capacities. But there is no encouragement for doing this.

14. If a Malaysian company is in trouble, we seem to prefer bankrupting them and selling them to foreigners. Proposals to rescue by Malaysian white knights are not welcome. Due diligence cannot be done by the white knights for some unknown reasons.

15. After tin was exhausted it was assumed that there would be no more mining in Malaysia. Then we found that we still have lots of other minerals. But mining for these is not for Malaysians. They are for foreigners only.

16. No attempt is made to add value before export. Just dig the earth and export the things raw. And forests disappear along with the mining.

17. There was once some idea about being business friendly. Not anymore. The state competes with the private sector when the private sector seems to be doing well. With the power conferred on the state, there is no way the private sector can win. They lose. But the States also lose simply because business is not the business of the State. Still the trend and preference is for nationalisation.

18. Big is beautiful. So why have small business? Kill them. But big businesses were once small. If you kill small business, then they can never grow big. So how do we get big business if we kill them when they were in their infancy?

19. There is a lot of talk about the importance of Small and Medium Enterprise. But what is happening on the ground does not reflect this importance.

20. Today the actual administration seems less important than the extra administrative bodies which have been set up. This is very confusing to the public. It seems to be confusing to the administrators also. They do not seem to know what they are expected to do when policies and decisions are made by the special bodies.

21. Critics are being demonised by the mainstream media, by certain individuals and politicians who had lost. Critics risk their property being seized and auctioned, They may be bankrupted.

22. I am now being accused of forcing the Government to do things which should not be done.

23. And there are many more complaints about the state which would give it a rotten smell.

24. But not to worry. We will get use to the smell.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on February 04, 2015

1. I am surprised at the report in The Star that some bloggers are attacking the critics of 1MDB. I am surprised not at the bloggers doing this. I have known about their activities for some time now.

2. These bloggers were once the critics of the Government. But for some greatly unknown reason they have changed. I had noticed this change.

3. But I accept their right to criticise me. I am therefore not surprised at their change of direction.

4. What surprises me is the report on this by The Star. Usually the mainstream media, and The Star is also one of them, would not report anything that may reflect badly on the “authorities”. But it has done the unthinkable now, although obliquely.

5. I am a supporter of UMNO. I am still a member of UMNO. But I believe in criticising any wrong thing done by anyone, UMNO included. However, I have openly stated I do not support Dato Seri Najib.

6. And one of the many reasons why I don’t support is the creation of 1MDB. Borrowed money cannot be regarded as wealth. And there are many things done with 1MDB money that are just plain wrong. Government should not be indulging in buying and selling shares to make money for itself.

7. I disagree with the 1MDB and I will continue to criticise it and anything that I think is detrimental to the good governance of this country.

8. The demonising by the bloggers is political. The intention is to undermine my credibility. But I will continue to ask where is the money which has been brought back from Cayman (Island)? Why is there a need to borrow money to pay debts when you have RM8 billion? Until these and other questions are answered the questions will keep coming.

9. I suspect that because questions cannot be answered, resort is made to demonise the questioner. Doing this simply add to the suspicion that all is not well with 1MDB.

10. This is my opinion. I don’t speak for anybody else.

Monday, February 2, 2015


As posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Che Det on January 29, 2015

1. We were poor before. In those days we talked of millions of Ringgit. Now we are much richer and we talk of billions of Ringgit. It is difficult to comprehend what billions of Ringgit mean. Even when a few millions are lost we hardly notice it.

2. I read in the paper someone suggesting that Government should have an external auditor so that there would be more credibility in the eyes of the public.

3. I think it is a good idea. But it should be extended to other Government agencies, including those which are not governed by Government General orders or Salary Scheme.

4. This need is urgent now because with Malaysia’s greater wealth large sums of money are being expended and managed by both the Government and the agencies. We see entities such as Felda, EPF, Tabung Haji spending billions in acquiring foreign properties while others such as MAHB and Petronas have bought shares in airports and Canadian ventures also involving huge sums of money.

5. Of course their accounts have been made public but there are many things that the public would like to know.

6. An outside audit by a good auditing firm appointed by an independent body not connected with the companies to be audited would help allay the suspicions and worries of the public. The audit firms should be beholden only to the independent body as well as be paid by them. Government and its agencies should have no say at all.

7. The public should be allowed to testify or at least to give information on anything they may know about the accounts being audited. While there should be transparency, in some cases the identities of the informants should not be revealed.

8. With a proper audit by reputable auditors the cleanliness of the management of public funds should be established. The Government’s name would be cleared.